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13 answers

simply the DM can describe as the elevation of blood sugar (glucose)
and it in two type
first one called DMtype which characterized by lack the formation of insulin completely so we have cases of of intensive hyperglycemia ,it usually happened suddenly after a viral infection which include in it the virus effect the B cell of the pancreas (the cells which responsible of produce the insulin)
before i continued insulin is a hormone which responsible of in-able the body cell to take the glucose and ,therefore; used it
back to type one DM it usually effect the children and young people
and the only way to treat type one DM is by taking injections of insulin regularly for good
the second type called DM type two which characterized by persense of insulin but in insufficient amount
it usually see in elderly people who have bad dietary habit and usually over weight
the treatment of type two begin with diet regiment and after that followed by using the hypoglycemic drug then at the final stage also using the insulin injection

2007-02-27 09:52:21 · answer #1 · answered by hena 2 · 1 0


2016-04-07 05:18:45 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0


2016-09-17 16:05:47 · answer #3 · answered by Noemi 3 · 0 0

**Diabetes Mellitus is a condition where there is an increased blood sugar level.

**Our body metabolizes sugar in the blood which only happens with the use of insulin. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas.

**When the pancreas cannot produce insulin: result - insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus ; an insulin is needed as the treatment.

**When the pancreas is not producing sufficient insulin it needs to be stimulated; result: non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with oral hypoglycemics as the treatment such as Glucophage, Daonil,etc.

** Common Signs would be increased thirst, tiredness, frequent urination, delayed wound healing, weight loss, itchiness.

**Complications could set in if left unattended and a particular diet is an important part of the treatment.

**Above mentioned types are the 2 commonest; there are other types being associated with other conditions - gestational diabetes (pregnancy) for example.

2007-02-26 23:04:02 · answer #4 · answered by ♥ lani s 7 · 0 0

Diabetes refers to excessive urination. In general, when people say diabetes, they usually mean diabetes mellitus, which is a dysfunction of insulin secretion or reception, which causes high blood glucose, leading to excessive urination of glucose. Nightstalker explained diabetes mellitus quite thoroughly, so I won't go into that. However, they did not mention Diabetes Insipidus, which is another form of diabetes, but of much different etiology.

Diabetes insipidus causes a person to urinate excessively, but for a different reason -- it is because the normal mechanism that allows the kidneys to reabsorb water is impaired. There are 2 different types: (1) NEUROgenic diabetes insipidus is caused by deficient production/release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which is the hormone that normally stimulates the kidney to retain water, and (2) NEPHROgenic diabetes insipidus, which is caused by insensitivity of ADH-receptors in the kidney to the hormone, which causes the same effect. They are treated differently though, as neurogenic DI can be treated with desmopressin (an analog of ADH), while nephrogenic DI is treated with thiazide diuretics.

2007-02-20 03:27:41 · answer #5 · answered by citizen insane 5 · 0 0

Forget anything you have ever been told about Diabetes.

And get this - it has nothing to do with insulin, exercise, diet or anything else you've heard in the past. It's all based on latest breakthrough research that Big Pharma is going Stir Crazy to hide from you.

Visit here : https://tr.im/rUtHb to find out what all the fuss is about.

2016-05-02 07:47:53 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

diabetes type 1 is often called juvenile onset diabetes and generally have it from childhood.this type is insulin dependant ,which mean injections daily for life.type11 diabetes is mature onset usually,but not always. caused by lifestyle common causes are obesity,lack of exercise eating all the wrong foods,high fat foods.this type can usually be treated by tablets with your meals.insulin itself is made in the pancreas in an area called the eyelets of langerhans,anther medical terms to confuse us.the insulin for type 1 diabetes is extracted from the pancreas of pigs.it cannot be made in laboratories,where as the tablets can

2007-02-25 17:53:38 · answer #7 · answered by fatdadslim 6 · 0 0

Heal Diabetes In Three Weeks : http://DiabNoMore.com/Guide

2015-08-24 21:02:42 · answer #8 · answered by Kirk 1 · 0 0

Diabetes Melitus is a disease ofblood sugar metabolism. Diabetes derives from the Greek word "Diaveno" which means "passing through" and it was given to this disease because sugar is so high in the blood that passes to the urine. Melitus, derives from the Greek word "meli" that means honney again because urine becomes sweet. In fact, not too far in the past, the only way to diagnose it was for the doctor to deepen his finger in the patients urine (don't worry urine is normally sterile) and taste it; if it were sweet, well, something was wrong.

There are two types of Diabetes Melitus (DM); type I or IDDM (Insuline Dependant Diabetes Melitus) and type II or NIDDM (non-Insuline Dependant Diabetes Melitus). The problem in both senarios lies in the coordination of sugar metabolism within the body. In order to understand the problem, always you need to understand the normal procedure... So:

We eat. Food turns into sugar. Sugar is absorbed into the blood. Pancreas detects high blood sugar and secrates a hormone called Insuline. Insuline travels in the blood informing our cells that sugar should be drawn from the blood and put to good use. Cells get the message and do so. Sugar level drops and so does Insullin production. Insuline drops, cells stop taking it up in high levels. If we do not eat, cells keep using sugar so sugar levels drop beyond acceptable. Cells produce a message that travels back to pancreas that secreates another hormone that makes us hungry. We eat...

This is roughly the circle of sugar regulation in our body. If cells don't need the extra sugar, Insulline informs liver we have some extra fuel, liver takes it up and turns it into fat. Fat is then stored... well on our buts and bellies. We slowly become... fat. (Please experts, I know I'm missing steps, I'm just being simple here...)

In IDDM there is a low production of insuline. You can easily now understand the problem. We eat. Blood sugar levels rise, but pancreas is sleeping, no insuline is produced so the cells won't take up this sugar. What do they do? A) They keep starving so they send messages of low fuel (though there is plenty in the blood, cells are like solderes... they need the insuline order to take it inside and burn it). thus patients with diabetes are always hungry. B) Sugar levels will not drop, infact they keep rising. Unused sugar starts to passively enter cells it shouldn't enter- red blood cells and others, causing exess damage. Some of it is passed on to urine, thus we get high sugar in the urine. The condition is prety strange- we have exess of fuel, though cells don't use it. For the body to get rid of it it passes sugar to urine. Kidneys need to also send away lots and lots of watter for that to happen. Thus the patient pees all the time (polyuria) and subsequently is thirsty all the time (polydipsia, meaning exctly that).

In NIDDM the patient may produce adequate insuline loads as a response to high blood sugar BUT the cells have forgoten what insuline message means. They are tollerant to insuline, thus once again, they do not use it. And s on so forth...

IDDM (type I) usually is seen in young patients and it is genetic. It requires dayly injections of insuline and a very well regulated diet.

NIDDM (type II) is usually seen in older patients. Fat patients, or patients with metabolic syndrome are in high risk. The reason for that is that what it has happened is that they have managed (of course with some help from their genes) to completely deregulate their metabolism of sugar and fats. They need oral medication that stimulate the pancreas to produce MORE insuline (remember, they CAN produce insuline) at least untill poor pancreas is exhausted and then they'll need insuline too. Diet of course too...

WHY do ppl with diabetes need to eat or they fall into coma??

People under treatment for diabetes take drugs (in any form) that result (one way or another) into lowering blood sugar. When blood sugar is too low the body starts to burn fat producing acid as a by-product. That acid influences brain and other functions thus droping them into coma.

The first thing you should do if you see someone that has diabetes falling down is try to give them some white sugar. The reason for that is that, if the come is caused by low sugar (he took the drug but missed a meal) you help them. If the coma is due to high blood sugar, well, a spoon of sugar won't worsen their status. Don't be afraid of giving sugar to a diabetic person who passed out. You cannot hurt him any more, but you might save his life.

That's about it. More info should be given by MD's in person.

2007-02-19 10:58:49 · answer #9 · answered by NightStalker 2 · 1 0

hi I have a couple of web sites for you that will answer your questions,one is(web md ) and (family doctor.org).that should hold you for a while. Good Luck

2007-02-19 10:56:14 · answer #10 · answered by rosco 6 · 0 0

fedest.com, questions and answers