TOTALLY - and unless you've experienced it you have no idea how amazing it is! I can't wait to see my boyfriend at the end of the day. I miss him...I think about going on vacation with to show him how much I love him...think of things to buy for him and surprize him with. He is the most amazing person I have ever met and everyday with him is like playing hookey with your best friend.
I never knew it could be like this. He is the love of my life and everyday it just keeps getting better! I can't imagine not having him to hug!
2007-02-19 08:00:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I still have butterflies for someone I haven't seen in more years than that
2007-02-19 08:00:36
answer #2
answered by superbird 4
Are you married? That is a good way to get rid of those butterflies.
2007-02-19 08:01:38
answer #3
answered by fashion chick 2
well not really when i talk to someone i really love i dont get butterflies but i REALLY LOVE HIM.
2007-02-19 08:03:04
answer #4
answered by rebel5689 4
i actually have not. i could never be that much in love. but unless i am with that person than that probaly would happen to me. or maybe not because i would be comfortable with that person because to love him that long would make me feel happy with him instead of nervous!
2007-02-19 08:05:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i get that feeling when i talk to my best friend. i met her my senior year in HS, she was a soph. i want us to be more but im scared i will lose my best friend if it goes sour. but i know we could be great for each other. shes the type of girl i would like to marry.
2007-02-19 08:03:47
answer #6
answered by Erik N 4
The longest relationship lasted four yrs. I'm now single & my soulmate is a dog named "Sunshine" I will love him till death do us part.
2007-02-19 08:06:39
answer #7
answered by jimbobob 4
I have been with my husband for 7yrs I am 26yrs old and yes I still get that feeling evertime..
2007-02-19 08:00:32
answer #8
answered by ompie 3
i like someone and i have but it seems like he doesnt even know i exsist!!
2007-02-19 08:00:53
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
*sigh*...this is y i hate everyone...u get to experience that and i never will get the opportunity...
2007-02-19 08:00:49
answer #10
answered by mr_fury666 3