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It doesn't seem to matter how beautiful, smart, artsy, or clever a black woman is, black men seem to always want to gravitate to the white chick. The white chick can be as dumb as a block of bricks, overweight, or even poor, but somehow they win the prize. I just don't get it. Somebody help a sister out.

2007-02-19 07:47:11 · 25 answers · asked by poeticlibation 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

25 answers

They all want a "Golden Trophy" (aka White & blonde) to show off to their "boys".

Especially if they are a Blond W/ a bubble butt....

2007-02-19 07:56:32 · answer #1 · answered by SALMON 5 · 3 0

I believe that there are black men out there that truly love black women.

I also think that black people were conditioned to think that everything good is white. Its embedded in our psyches. Back in the fifties or sixties, someone did an experiment where they gave black children (boys and girls) a white doll and a black doll and asked them to choose the best doll. Nearly every single time they chose the white doll. It was repeated recently, with the same results. So it remains something that black people need to overcome.

Some black men may feel like "I've arrived" or "I'm somebody now" if they have a white woman. They have issues they need to deal with.

But some men have progressed to a stage where they just see a woman, not her hair or how thin she is or the colour of her skin.

Black women need to seek out those men (black or white or other) that love women for who they are, regardless of colour, men who appreciate a woman for her intellect and inner beauty. Leave out the jokers who want only a "trophy" when they look for a woman.

Note: it helps to have your own house in order, so a woman has to cultivate her own inner beauty and a beautiful spirit, because this is what will attract a good man.

2007-02-19 08:07:56 · answer #2 · answered by lokai1701 2 · 0 0

I think it's because white women will be upfront and direct and tell a guy she'll do all kinds of oral stuff to him. How can he pass that up. Black women will do it to, but they'll deny it 'til the cows come home. The Black guy will only find out she will in the heat of the moment.

Hey, this is just like shopping. You want to know what the goods are upfront.

Of course this isn't the only reason, but it's a biggie. I think personality, chemistry and all that plays a big part too.

2007-02-19 07:55:15 · answer #3 · answered by Christy 3 · 1 0

Well, not all black men are into white women which there is nothing wrong with that...as long as he is with her for the right reasons. A lot of ignorant brothas will date white women because they think they have something better which no one race is better than the other. I too am African American and honestly seeing black men with white women has never bothered me. I date outside of my race as well so for me to be angry about a black man with a woman of another race would make me a hypocrite and that Im definitely not!

2007-02-19 08:01:34 · answer #4 · answered by KokoQueen 2 · 0 0

I'm a white girl.LOl Anyway, but I think I understand why black men may go for the white women. First off there are alot of gullable white women. Not all, but a lot. So some of these black men are looking for women that will believe their lies and crap. That way they can get away with more. I see a lot of strong black women, they aren't gonna let a man walk all over them or mistreat them. Make sense? Good luck!

2007-02-19 07:58:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

There really isnt anything wrong with a black dude going out with a white chick now is there? I think its a wonderful thing that a guy of any race can go out with a chick of the opposite race. Its something that he or she wants to do. As long as that chick of another race treats a black dude right the same goes for the women who goes out with another race is treated with the respect that they need, thats all that should really matter.

2007-02-19 07:55:07 · answer #6 · answered by tommi_ghurl_2006 1 · 1 0

White chicks(no affense at all) seem to put up with a lot more than a Sister. These sorry, lazy, tired black men seem to turn to white chicks cause us Black women are too familiar with there played out games.

2007-02-19 07:55:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Well, white women aren't better than black women, they're just different. Black men wake up to a black face every day, so to have a white woman isn't better than getting a sister, it's just out of the norm. That's why. Plus ya'll be too hard to get.

2007-02-19 07:53:36 · answer #8 · answered by Chris G 1 · 1 0

you may think that black men are fascinated with them.but really black men dont generally care what race you are. the simply fact is generally speaking white girls are more open then black girls and i dont mean sexually.lets be honest would you date a black guy that listens to heavy metal. on the surface black girls are not very approachable, and most white women if politly greeted in the street by a stranger would at least smile and keep walking.not look at you as if to say who do you think you are. think about it

2007-02-20 01:17:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hahahahahahaha well i've never date any white people before and i'm from a caribbean country i hear when it comes to satisfy someone the white one could do it better than the black one. and they 're more sensetive than a black one. i don't really care about that because you hardly find a white person that love a black man for what they are. most of the time they always after the moneys. i am a 200lb man and i spend most of my time working as a machinery my body is strong like iron. i like the black one because they are as strong as i am. and they 're could take any weights or power. white women hmmmmmm hmmm no way. they are not that strong

2007-02-19 08:06:22 · answer #10 · answered by marcel m 2 · 0 1

Your description of this situation is hurtful. I am a white woman who has a black ex and I am not in your stereotype of white women. I am intelligent, articulate, self-sufficient, athletic and kind. I don't think its very fair to lump every interracial situation into that category.

I have noticed the situation that you described, but it is in no way the way it always turns.

2007-02-19 07:57:14 · answer #11 · answered by AZrunner 4 · 0 0

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