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Ok, so, I like this guy...and we're in second year in the UK, but he's tiny compaired to me, and im 5'4...Im getting scared that he wont grow that much more?!
I dont wanna end up going out with a titch, cause i've got a little more to grow, im gnna b around 5'5 when im finished growing...will he grow?

2007-02-19 06:57:00 · 19 answers · asked by CompleteCreation90 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

We're 13 by the way!

2007-02-19 07:02:30 · update #1

19 answers

Depends on his age.

2007-02-19 07:00:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Kia you didn't mention how old you are. If you are dating him a while, I am sure you like his qualities so in my opinion height shouldn't be the major factor in your relationship. If you feel that you want to be with a guy that is somewhat taller, then you should cool this relalationship and look for someone to meet those needs. If he is older than 18, then he probably will not grow anymore, but guys grow up until 17, so if he is younger than that, you still have hope. That is all I can advise you on. You have to make the final decision. If you are in your teens, you shouldn't really be in a steady relationship yet anyway, so start dating again. That is the only way that you get the experience of knowing what kind of guy you will want to marry someday.

2007-02-19 07:05:04 · answer #2 · answered by cardgirl2 6 · 0 0

Hard to tell but it all depends on Age race and family genes
if he is 14 of course he will grow more
if he is 25 he might not grow up much more

anyways at the end of the road u know that changes will happen to him or you u might get fat and he might not wanna end up with a cow but thats a risk we take when dating or marrying people
we never know how the final product is gonna be cuz we are in a constant change, and to be honest its all about loving or being with the person that makes us happy not the ones the make us look hot next to cuz of their looks ...

THink !

2007-02-19 07:05:02 · answer #3 · answered by yety21 2 · 0 0

its very likely he will still be shorter but guys are common to not grow taller and fill out more till they are around 16 or 17yrs old.It will happen quite suddenly and he will look alot different in just a year or 2.
If you like him and want to be with him then do so,Don't be grudge someone for what they cant change,and in truth if you cant seem to get passed it then do him a favor and move on.Your being too superficial.

2007-02-19 07:02:45 · answer #4 · answered by vmaxer85 4 · 0 0

sweetie..... guys keep growing until they are twenty one my son Vinny was the smallest of all my four children...and they are all girls.... between 13 and now (he is nearly fifteen) he has grown from 5ft 2 to 5 ft 10 and still growing,so dont worry at all

2007-02-23 02:31:57 · answer #5 · answered by sylvie c 4 · 0 0

Women grow quicker than guys, so when you are done growing he will still be growing! Trust me, I had a boyfriend who was shorter than me and now I am a shrimp compared to him! Good luck with this guy and God bless you both!

2007-02-19 07:03:37 · answer #6 · answered by loving live:) 3 · 0 1

He might grow or he might not. I depends. but it shoudn't matter how tall he is. If you really like him, you wouldn't care. A lot of the guys I liked were shorter than me. I liked them because they were funny and nice, nothing about their height had anything to do with it.

2007-02-19 07:14:58 · answer #7 · answered by <3 Kristin 2 · 0 1

Girls usually grow quicker than boys so he'll probably catch you up. If not its not the end of the world I know lots of couples where the female is taller.

2007-02-19 07:04:49 · answer #8 · answered by kate g 1 · 0 1

well if he is still young like maybe 17 yes he has a chance of growing more by the time he get off high school so dont worry.

2007-02-19 07:02:17 · answer #9 · answered by loverboylalo 1 · 0 1

If his height bothers you, then maybe you just need to be his friend until you figure out what is attractive to you.

There is no way to tell if/how much he will grow. Sorry.

2007-02-19 07:01:32 · answer #10 · answered by f8_smyled 3 · 0 0

Males grow till there twenty one and women only grow till there eighteen so i should think he'll grow some more

2007-02-19 07:01:12 · answer #11 · answered by stace 3 · 0 0

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