guys can't be just friends. my hubby told me so.
2007-02-19 06:53:13
answer #1
answered by violamom74 5
If it's not a big deal, and they are just friends, why is she staying there and you're not invited around? No better way to squash the rumor machine than to invite you over when she is there, I'd say.
Good chance he is playing you.
In my youth, I tried that game. I once juggled 4 women for months on end. And anytime one brought another one up, I got very defensive. In the end, I had the best of all worlds, albeit short-lived.
At any rate, the dude is playing you. If he won't invite you around when she is there, then something is up, plain and simple.
2007-02-19 06:55:11
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I believe in the statement but do not mislead yourself. Just because a guy is not having sex with his "friends" does not mean that he does not want to. This is a normal sexual desire and does not have to be acted upon but if denies the attraction then you have a problem because he is probably lying. Also, even if nothing happened it is still inappropriate behavior for someone who is supposedly in a committed relationship. If this is evidence of his decision making ability then you have other issues as well that you will have to contend with.
2007-02-19 06:56:08
answer #3
answered by David 2
Either believe him and don't be jealous,since it is obvious a "turn off" for him when you are jealous..Or if your gutt feeling is telling you that there is something else going on :Excessive flirting,and when you are all together,he pays more attention to them, or even tries to avaoid you guy hangiong all out together, and it is akward if you do...then something is going on..then you need to dump him..Whatever you do don't talk w/ the chick about it..that would make you only look stupid, if they are "knocking some boots"
Are the girls "hot,cute?" if the are,he might be pulling your leg..and he really likes them more than just friends..
You don't know some of the history that they had one of them is his ex girlfriend, then I would definatley not believe him..
So either believe or leave... (because he is not going to give up his girls..since he is irritated about you being jealous..)
2007-02-19 07:00:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
hun, i have been through the same thing. Dont trust guys when there is another girl at their house. Guys cheat, all the time, and they are never true to the ones that they love. I have been cheated on so many times, and my heart was always being broken, expecially from this one guy that i have always loved. Now i am married to him, and he still breaks my heart all the time. He is always doing stuff behind my back, and i cant stand it. Guys just really dont know how bad they are hurting their loved ones. They just dont care....
2007-02-19 07:03:15
answer #5
answered by hotty 5
The question is whether or not this guy is in love with you. If he truely loved you- he would have no trouble in understanding why this bothers you. It sounds as though you need to put his love to the test before you find out the opposite is true later on down the road. Many guys seem genuine when they say "You are the only one for me..." or "I would never cheat..." or in your case "We're just friends...". Find out now before you have wasted years only to find out that he never truely loved you back. He should understand that jealousy and worry is human nature. If he lets you go for that- you'll have your answer. Good luck to you. Just remember- "That which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger!".
2007-02-19 06:57:16
answer #6
answered by Hanz 2
Do not over look it!! If she knows about you, staying over with him would be her last option. I am sure she has a girlfriend that she could have stayed the night at until her furnace is fixed.
2007-02-19 06:55:32
answer #7
answered by Lady Mandeville 6
no longer devoid of valid, verifiable scientific data to lower back it up. How do you recognize Fuzzy even existed in any respect? If he did, how do you recognize he wasn't a monkey, or a kangaroo? there is no longer something in the fossil checklist to point that Fuzzy Wuzzy became into certainly a bear, or that he became into even fuzzy (became into he?) in any respect! only because of the fact he has his own e book, does no longer advise that he became into actual. all people would have authored that e book, and it has in all probability gone by quite a few rewrites because of the fact it became into first revealed. i'm sorry, yet i think of all people who believes that Fuzzy Wuzzy became right into a bear is only delusional. additionally, that is no longer a query of "perception", in actuality, bears devoid of hair do no longer exist...
2016-11-23 19:00:17
answer #8
answered by ebonie 4
I have some best female friends. They are like sisters. Once I stayed at her house. Nothing happened.
I think it's possible, but everyone is different.
2007-02-19 06:56:41
answer #9
answered by gone 1
Why don't u suggest that the 3 of you do something together and then see if you get a good vibe or not.
2007-02-19 06:54:03
answer #10
answered by mingcrew 3
nope i dont believe in this sounds like he likes his liberty & you might be falling for this guy..if this is the case then you might want to just let it go before you get seriously hurt..sometimes when you force things like this they only end up in disaster..if you feel the need to xplain it to him, just let him know how you feel & im sure he'll agree with letting this relationship go..
2007-02-19 06:58:29
answer #11
answered by resolucion 3