You are reading messages from YOUNG women, probably just like your daughter...who prefer to beleive what their friends tell them rather than facts. Yes they ARE clueless...but part of that is due to lack of education in the HOME. Too many parents have left the raising of their children to the school system...and the school systems have failed miserably. Many PARENTS are clueless about what their children are up to even in their homes. As long as young people continue to believe what their peers say and not what the facts say they will continue to be clueless..
2007-02-19 06:55:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Young women can be extremely clueless. All you can do as a dad is give her the right tools for being out in the world. Make sure she knows she is loved (so she won't have low self esteem), let her know you can always talk (so she can communicate with men) and let her know that she is WOMAN, she is not to let a man step all over her, she has a mind of her own and she's supposed to be the boss! ;)
The first relationship a girl ever has with a man is her father. Teach her well!
2007-02-19 14:55:08
answer #2
answered by Caramella 4
Let's put it this way, do the number of responses from women (regarding the questions being asked by other women) out-number the actual questions being asked. I can see where you're coming from on this because I've shaken my head to a good many of the questions as well. However, if you look at the number of women responding and the actual responses, you will realize that not that many women out there are really as clueless as you think!
That's my 2 cents worth.
P.S. I've actually starred your question because I think it's worth the debate. As someone mentioned earlier as well - I get the impression that a lot of these questions are coming from a very young audience or first-timers at the relationship game.
2007-02-19 14:53:14
answer #3
answered by Slim Shady 5
It would sometimes seem that way. As a mother of a young girl, myself, I would have to say the reason is the parents don't talk to their children enough. Not only that but maybe they just don't have the proper "Father Figures" in their life. It's sad. I know my daughter will go out into the dating world when she gets older with a good head on her shoulders because her father is a very strong role model. Not too strong, just right. And as her mother I am very involved with her emotional thought processes as far as what is the wrong way to be treated and the right way by the male gender.
I am right there with ya...I expect many thumbs down for my answer.....See? I knew I would get a thumbs down..people are so predictable.
I would like to add that my husband treats my daughter with respect as well as receives it. He is NOT a "bad boy" as someone suggested that only those types spend time with their daughters. My husband has a full time job. Is a volunteer firefighter/MFR. He is also a Sheriff's Deputy on the County's Search and Rescue Team. But he makes time for his daughter and me.
2007-02-19 14:56:27
answer #4
answered by teashy 6
The thing about us women is that a lot of times we know the answers to questions we have...we just don't want to face them! We continue to ask until we hear what we want to hear!! Like the other lady said too...we are just a little more honest about not knowing then men are!! Guys are more impulsive and want things now, now, now...why ask? you guys seem to think you know everything already. Women are looking at or for every aspect before we make our decisions.
2007-02-19 15:05:21
answer #5
answered by kv 2
Because a lot of the girls asking questions about it are very young teens (some not even teens). And FYI, part of the reason they are asking these types of questions is because they are curious about things, they do have tough questions, and they feel too scared to ask their parents (because they feel that they will get yelled at or made to stay home and not allowed to date). They can anonomously ask questions on this site, and get answers from people that they aren't intimidated by. If you are concerned about your children, take this to mind and be open minded when they have questions for you.
2007-02-19 14:54:23
answer #6
answered by blue_girl 5
I wouldn't give you a thumb down because I agree. Young girls at my age or even younger & some older ones have absolutely no clue what they're getting themselves into when it comes to relationships, men & heartbreaking etc. Why go through all that when you have a bright future ahead instead of some dramatic supposedly "love" affair. It's a little out of line for women who don't think, sometimes I think they are just...? what's the word? brain-dead?
2007-02-19 14:53:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Chas, you pay attention to raising your child properly and don't worry about these others. Their cluelessness is no reflection on how your daughter is going to turn out. You and her mother should be honest and frank with her - but don't push her. As long as she knows she can trust the two of you, she'll ask the relevant questions at home when she's ready for the answers.
2007-02-19 14:55:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Maybe because we're scared. I'm 13, and even though I'm interested in boys, I have NO idea what boys think or talk about. So when it comes to dating, it's not that we're clueless, its more that we're not sure what's going on in their minds. You know how guys always say "I wish I could understand women." WELL........ a lot of us wish we could understand guys too. Good luck with your daughter.
2007-02-19 14:54:48
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yeah, and women ask themselves the same exact question regarding why guys ar so ignorant about girls and dating. That's just that both gender communicate differently so, sometimes, it's hard for them to understand the way the other behaves. I mean that's life... You don't seem to have problems understanding your wife (or you would probably have mentioned it) but did you ever ask yourself if she has problems understanding you ? Maybe it's not as easy as you think to communicate with you and she's making all the hard work.
2007-02-19 14:59:05
answer #10
answered by Loussaille 3