Getting even is not going to help anything. I say lay low and move on and show him that you can have a good time with or without him. Thats the best way to throw it in his face. but revenge would just be in the immature thing to do.
2007-02-19 06:51:40
answer #1
answered by P!NK 5
Wait awhile if you've just broken up and then get some sugar cubes and put them in his gas tank.. killing is not the answer and visibly damaging his car is dangerous also someone might see or hear you. Trust me sugar cubes in the gas tank (easier to put in than regular sugar but both work wonders) will definatly put a big hurt on his car.
2007-02-19 15:03:27
answer #2
answered by gregory_usa83 4
hey girl hows it going i have been through the same thing before and if you really want to get back at him then get another boyfriend and if that dont work call him and tell him that you have been cheating on him to with a guy and then show up one day were he is and he will see yall together well i hope i helped you and write me sometime to tell me how it went ok well see ya bye
2007-02-19 14:55:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The best revenge is to actually be ok with it. Kill him with kindness. Don't let him know you're hurt. Act like it's no big deal. There's nothing that hurts a player more than knowing he had no affect on you. Be strong, girl.
2007-02-19 14:53:09
answer #4
answered by Mel 6
screw that. U found out before u got pregnant and had a kid. Good News. Just move on. he was a prick. Find someone else. Letting the idea of revenge control u isn't going to get u anywhere. Just don't EVER get involved or talk to him again.
2007-02-19 14:52:18
answer #5
answered by Vince R 5
You need to just moveon. Sorry. You'll just open a whole new can of worms if you try anything. Think of the kid. None of it is his/her fault. You may ruin things for the kid. Not worth it. Sorry all the same. Wish I could help more.
2007-02-19 14:53:51
answer #6
answered by The Syko Ward 5
Gather any hard evidence you have that you and he were together and send it to anyone you can. His boss, his other gf, his family, etc. Write a sane cover letter just telling then that you think they should know what kind of person he is. Don't rant and sound crazy just be calm and make it sound like your doing them a favor and helping them out by warning them about him so they don't get burned too. Get a restraining order out on him too so he doesn't come after you and make sure that fact is in the cover letter. (that you feared for your life) I actually have some sex pics and videos of my x gf who played me. If I ever get too pissed I'll just send them to her family and they will do the killing for me. :-)
2007-02-19 15:03:33
answer #7
answered by Jim V 3
What would that do? It would take away the chance of that kid to have a father. Move on. Get over it. Retaliation won't make you feel better. It will make it worse.
2007-02-19 14:52:12
answer #8
answered by scarbados 3
the best thing you can do is ignore him and move one...acting like you never gave a damn about him..makes him wonder if you ever cared at all and then thats when they really want you back...but anyways you can also write something on his car...or flatten his tires or if she didnt know about you, you can tell her...
2007-02-19 14:53:51
answer #9
answered by sinful vampyra 4
Don't kill him because then you'll go to jail for along time (no fun). Just burn his house down (but be certain nobody is in it.)
2007-02-19 14:52:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous