I took some batteries out of a controller for my sons Blue Gold banquet, and put them in my camera thinking they would be enough. I went to take pictures and my camera went dead, so i have one picture of him on his first impotant Scout ceremony.
I would have looked harder to find the fresh batteries, and if I could not have found them I would have at least taken them from something not used as much a a gamecube controller...
2007-02-19 06:51:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I slept until 11:30. While it was nice, I kind of regret losing hours off my day in the morning. If I could go back I would have gotten up around 9:00.
2007-02-19 14:49:07
answer #2
answered by blue_girl 5
I almost all the time, i am doing 2 things at the same time.
I was writing a new story i am working on, and at the same time, i was here in yahoo answers. That is comon in me.
The thing is that i "connect", like 2 paralell worlds, in the same moment .. and i transfer the inspiration of my story to the answer here, and viceversa ... put emotion with an answer. I said things, i didn't mean to say, i regret what i said .. few things. i was tooo emotional maybe.
Then at night i re-read my answers and i said: Why the hell i said that ?. Yes, i regret that of yesterday. Actually i say things about me, that i should not say ... that is for my story, not for this web-site.
2007-02-19 15:01:47
answer #3
answered by NA 4
something that happened yesterday that i regret is taking my moms car out for a spin, then come home to find out, i got busted. (it wasn't pretty) i am in loads of trouble, if i could turn back time, i wouldn't of taken the car out, not because i got caught, but because i feel so bad about it. my mother is so dissapointed in me, (i hardley ever do anything wrong, so this really upsetted her) and now i can't go and do anything, so i am feeling sad too. so i would not take the car, and i would of stayed home and been a good girl. but can't happen so now it is hell.
2007-02-19 14:53:49
answer #4
answered by photo_girl_90 2
I ate too many chili dogs at a party. Had I known this was going to happen I most definitely would have stayed home and not participated in the festivities.
2007-02-19 14:52:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I drank, even though I told like 4 people I would not partake in the celebration. I would just rewind, and not go through with it.
Hey, at least I gave my cell phone to a friend, so there was no drunk dialing//texting!!!
2007-02-19 15:23:17
answer #6
answered by uhd0rableo8 4
I stayed up late because I was thinking about my unreturned love and it really upset me. (it always does)
If I could change it I would have had a nice relaxing bath, a nice drink of baileys and hopefully that would have sent me off to sleep early. (and not hurting because of some guy!)
2007-02-19 14:50:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Nothing. I keep "regret" in my life to a minimum since it's a wasted emotion.
2007-02-19 14:53:38
answer #8
answered by . 7
I talked on my phone all day with my bf. I wish i had been with him in person instead. If i could change it i wouldnt have my current issues and would be with him, not in another state.
2007-02-19 14:50:27
answer #9
answered by Becca24 3
I called someone a stupid ******* scumbag because they almost hit my son while driving too fast through a parking lot. I should have kicked the car hard as it passed.
2007-02-19 14:50:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous