at 22 years old you ARE ready to date....stick up for yourself. explain why you feel you are ready and if they don't accept it then it's their problem. there's nothing wrong with dating...just don't be having any premarital sex!!!
2007-02-19 06:50:07
answer #1
answered by jamie_0778 4
I don't know any churches that are actually against dating. Plenty of churches are against premarital relations, but the two don't necessarily go hand in hand. Perhaps there was confusion about what exactly you were doing with your girlfriend, and that is where the trouble came from.
You shouldn't have a secret relationship, not at your age. That just seems immature. What you need to do is find a girl, and treat her like a lady. Let it be known to the world that you respect her, and still respect the wishes of the church.
I know people that have been married by 22. In fact, if you asked around your church, you would find others who had been in your situation and gone for it. Mind you, 22 year olds are still stupid and inexperienced compared to older adults, yet they are adults too. They should be making adult decisions and acting in adult manners. If you have proven that you can handle responsibilities, then you will prove that you can handle adult privileges as well.
2007-02-19 06:51:47
answer #2
answered by Bobby S 4
You are 22 sweetheart.It is time for u to live your life.I have a 18 yr old son.He is working and going to college.I would never tell him he couldn't date or who to date.I believe very strongly in god.But there is a time when your parents are suppose to let u make your own decisions. That should of happen 4 yrs ago.Plus u might want to find a church where man doesn't tell u how to live.I think we should all live by what the bible says.But not by what some preacher says. It's two different things there.If u ever want to email me feel free to.I wish u all the luck in the world.
2007-02-19 06:56:03
answer #3
answered by sweet_thing_kay04 6
You're 22, legally your parents can't tell you what to do. Move out of the house.
And for crying out loud why do you let your church have a say on when you could date? Marriage maybe, but date?
pick another church - or religion, I hear atheism is popular now
EDIT: unless you swing the other way you're supposed to THEN I'd understand why your parents and church are against it, but you're 22!!!!
2007-02-19 06:53:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The church is against dating? This doesn't sound like a church I would want to belong to or ever heard of. It sounds like a homemade controlling church. You're old enough to make your own decisions. At this point in your life do not let other people, including your parents, control you. If you are letting them do it now you will never become your own person.
2007-02-19 06:52:08
answer #5
answered by voodoo man 2
Most churches don't care if you date. You should ask you parents what their concern is with you dating. At the age of 22 I think you are old enough to date but ask your parents what they think of the idea and respect what they say. You shouldn't have to date behind their back, but you should be allowed to make your own choices.
2007-02-19 06:50:53
answer #6
answered by girlshadow212 4
I've never heard of a religion that didn't allow grown adults to date!
If you don't buy into your current religions values or beliefs, it's time to move out on your own and start a life. It's perfectly acceptable to date at 22 and find the person you will love.
2007-02-19 06:49:55
answer #7
answered by 1912 Hudson 4
Sounds absolutely ridiculous. You are 22? Get out on your own. If you are still at your parents, it's time to move out. Don't be disrespectful, but you have to be your own person. The church sounds like it is smoothering you. It's not the kind of church I would want to attend.
2007-02-19 06:49:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
What kind of messed up a5s backwards church are you part of. In this country you are free to date if you want to. Guess what? At 22 you are an adult and able to make your own decisions. Ignore the brainwashing techniques and date whoever you want to, whenever you want to.
2007-02-19 06:54:22
answer #9
answered by Chris R 3
Holy crap. I'm 22 and a Christian and I've been dating since I was like 13. You gotta go out and meet someone, don't let those people tell you what to do. You're an adult now. I'm in shock here.
2007-02-19 06:50:22
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
honetsy is often extra desirable. tell them he has a large type of honorable features. Being in the militia isn't something to be embarrassed approximately its noble, and the adult men are very brave. If if makes a solid effect on them it would possibly no longer count if he's in the militia or no longer hes nevertheless a individual basically like various different guy.
2016-10-02 09:56:05
answer #11
answered by ? 3