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So my friend and I, who have been good good friends these past few years have recently discovered that we're falling for each other. It turns out these past years he's always had a thing for me. He would tell me i was pretty but never really beleived him. Now that we're "hooking up" - things are going good. The first day we "hooked up" is was just sweet little kisses of pecks and some "full ons" and an arm around the shoulder. The second time was sweet little kisses, pecks, (some on the neck) and his hand around my waist on my thigh. The third time (it's been like a week before the second time) - it was still sweet little kisses, pecks, "full ons", but he was holding me closer and feeling up my a**. Here's the thing though: i don't feel violated at all - actually, it's feels "normal" - guys, was he being perv (which i doubt) and do you think he's going too fast? (keep in mind...after all these years, he's finally got the girl)

2007-02-19 06:42:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

NOTE: these so called "makeout sessions" were't wild/x-rated, they were sweet kisses here and there and mostly cuddling :) very sweet

2007-02-19 06:42:54 · update #1

5 answers

Not too fast at all. Unless you are both quite young. Most guys want to get as far as they can as quick as they can without screwing it up. He is probably just putting out a "feeler" to see how far he could push his luck. I guarantee you he has been thinking about going the distance with you for a very long time.

2007-02-19 06:47:18 · answer #1 · answered by scarbados 3 · 0 0

If u don't mind it then how can he be a pervert. U r just doing what u think feels right. U r comfortable, he is comfortable. Don't let societies ideas of how long u should wait or how far u should go guide u. Just have fun together.

2007-02-19 06:48:25 · answer #2 · answered by Vince R 5 · 0 0

I'm not sure what a Full On is but he certainly does NOT sound like a Perv. Quite the opposite in my book. If it feels normal...that's good. If you like it that's good too...If anything he sounds like the Anti-Perv.

2007-02-19 06:49:56 · answer #3 · answered by Hoosier 3 · 0 0

Do You care about him if you do go for it.

2007-02-19 06:48:00 · answer #4 · answered by Backhoe 7 · 0 0

This guy is a turtle.

2007-02-19 06:46:16 · answer #5 · answered by vavavoom14 2 · 0 0

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