I have always dated older men. I do not know why. I am talking 37 + in years and I just turned 28. Whereever I go, bar, club, or on the job, the men who approach me are significantly older than I am. I thought I looked like an older woman but, men tell me that I look twenty. Some say I carry myself well, or like an older woman. I want to know what should I do to pick up younger men when I am out. Younger men may stare at me lustfully but, never approach me. I would like to start dating men in my age range. Any tips.
13 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
****************BEST ANSWER HERE******************
Ok, want the truth?
Here's the deal. It's all in the way you carry yourself - your demeanor.
Older men, don't want problems - immaturity. They just want to spend some time and money with you - with no "baggage".
Younger men, feel that you are "over qualified" - meaning, you're more mature than they are - so alot of times they don't believe you'll be interested as they are still trying to establish their identity. Remember, guys mature later than girls.
There's nothing wrong with the compliments. Appreciate them because you are being seen as a "quality" mate.
Best tip to attract guys in your age range? Smile and flirt more. Guys can always pick up if you're interested - or buy them a drink in the club as a compliment. You'll blow them away.
One love, Babygirl......................
2007-02-19 06:49:52
answer #1
answered by HottNikkels 5
You know, you may be looking and are drawn to a fatherly image in a man and do not even know it. If you are interested in dating younger men of your own age, dress young but not overly sexy. You may be giving off signals of being unapproachable. In a way, older men are more settled and not just looking to bed down someone right away. Younger men, don't have the experience and technique to know how to approach an attractive sexy woman. So, dress young but demure, smile and I am sure young men will start to approach you.Then after dating younger men for a while, you actually may come to the conclusion that you are more comfortable dating older men.
2007-02-19 06:50:57
answer #2
answered by cardgirl2 6
In my opinion, 9 or ten years older really isn't that much older. Older men have more experience and tend to be more mature. However, if you really do want to date your own age...
You say others tell you that you carry yourself well ('like an older woman' - are these their words or yours?) Perhaps the younger men find you intimidating because of your self confidence. Why not show them you are interested as well by approaching them yourself? Only you can control who you date.
2007-02-19 06:54:31
answer #3
answered by L G 1
They're under forty and you're complaining? Hon, it's a compliment! Take 'em for what they're worth, silly girl. You may well find the younger guys are a heck of a lot less fun and a heck of a lot more self-centered and freakish. When I was single in my forties, I had more offers of dates from sexy young things than I could handle, once word got around that I treated all my dates well. I eventually married a much younger woman - we've been together years and years, and she tells me every day how glad she is to have picked an older man (she'd been married to one her own age after dating others her age - "never again", she said)
2007-02-19 06:49:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If you're "picking them up", then put the older ones down before you walk off with them. If the age (number) is so important, just tell the guys straight up, you're not interested in a guy older than a certain age. It's your life and you and only you can control it. Or at least that's the way it's suppose to be. If you're always picking older guys, don't look anywhere else but in the mirror for the answer.
2007-02-19 06:43:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yeah , say no to the geezers so you are available for the younger guys...If what you say is true then just approach a guy your interested in instead of waiting , good looking women are always in charge initially
2007-02-19 06:44:39
answer #6
answered by EGOman 5
Why date younger men??? Older is better, if you must why not approach the younger, inexperienced crowd?
2007-02-19 06:42:49
answer #7
answered by Anne 3
That's the difference older guy know what that want, Younger guys think they know. Say thanks but no thanks. Be nice as he may have a friend your age.Smile at someone that you like if he doesn't respond.
Good luck.
2007-02-19 06:49:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You are looking for a man like dear ole DAD
2007-02-19 06:42:41
answer #9
answered by ma 7
say no to older men
2007-02-19 06:42:34
answer #10
answered by Anonymous