Id been with this guy for almost 3 yrs we have been on and off, last November we broke up for the first time.. 3 wks later we got back together broke up again in Dec and 2 days later got back together broke up on friday Feb 9 and a few hrs later got back together
I try to b happy and i love him very much like i want to be with him and talk to him but im always mad so when we talk i always have something stupid to say and when we are together little things make me mad
i just need some attention he doesnt like doing anything. sometimes i fight on porpuse just so he can go with his friends because then i know hes happy with them
I just want to stop fighting yesterday we were supposed to watch the all star game and grab somthing to eat well he got to my house on half time it got me upset cause his excuse was i got distracted i got really sick because i got mad and i even threw up blood i just hate the fact that everything distracts him from me and that he doesnt care to fail me
9 answers
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Well the outcome of the whole argument was him dropping me off at home and leaving with his friends..
i just dont want to push him away but i dont think its right for him to make up excuses all the time hes always late or lets me dow and its annoying how can someone not get mad when he doesnt care to be on time..
he has friends and i dont mind them they are cool but just wish he made time for me he always has plans with them but when we plan stuff he can cancel fast or not b on time i guess hes just used to me and know s that ill get mad but get over it fast [lack of respect]
He told me that the only time that i dont complaint or say anything is when he doesnt talk to me or c me and well thats why he doesnt call or c me that much ...
[oh im 20 and hes 21]
06:46:36 ·
update #1
Been in your situation before. Get out now, things won't change at all, it will just get worse. He is not the right guy for you. Try just having fun with your friends for awhile and when you least expect it, you will meet someone else.
2007-02-19 06:45:40
answer #1
answered by mohotbabe 2
well if the man was really sick you cant hold that aganist him. But sounds like you guys need a break. Not saying split, but time away from each other. Did you ever express to him that you're seeking more attention. If you dont tell him, he wont know. So if you have not expressed what you just told us to him, he doesnt know. Have a sit down, a nice heart to heart chat. Maybe there's some things he's got going on. You sound like you're more concerned wiht your attention needs then if he's okay. Which isn't fair. Not trying to be harsh, but you were more concerned if he was showing you affection than if he was okay. If he's throwing up blood something might be wrong and your mad cuz he was distracted from throwing up. Might want to re-evalute your priorities. I suggest a nice sit down heart to heart and let everything out in the open, no secrets. Talk to him and maybe stay away from a week. Absense makes the heart grow fonder. Good Luck!!!
2007-02-19 14:44:17
answer #2
answered by AE 2
This is a "cycle'' that will be repeated over and over unless one of you changes or you both change. Problem is that we all have deep seated patterns of behavior and respond or react in certain ways and in certain situations repeatedly until we realize our part. Sometimes this is about looking at your childhood and realizing that in some absurd way you are replicating that same pattern with a partner. For example if you had a father that never showed you love and attention or a mother, then you are looking for your partner to "fix" what you lacked. Sometimes you simply attract a partner who will simply create a familiar environment for you. do not like to be ignored, but it is familiar so it is tolerated in some absurd manner.
Sometimes a person can be a great lover, and a lousy friend. The key is the word boyFRIEND or girlFRIEND. The friendship is about tolerance, patience, and acceptance. Loving someone warts and all. Yet, there comes a time when you realize it is not working, and you have tried, over and over, and over. Where does that leave you? Knowing you love someone yet you cannot tolerate them? And them not tolerating you? Are you now sacrificing your physical health for love??? Does love cause pain like this? Does it make one throw up blood? I think this is going to boil down to your own personal growth and what you will or will not allow in your life anymore. If you truly want someone to care for you and show "attention" then you have to believe you are worthy of it. Maybe start caring more about yourself then anyone else first...
2007-02-19 14:54:05
answer #3
answered by Suzanne 4
you are into self mutilation and self humiliation and love to fight becuz you won't walk away bcuz he has a big dick. You 2 are only good for booty calls, leave or continue your stupid "relation" Try all u want to be happy with him, never will happen...sry. You are exactly the reason some men abuse women BECAUSE YOU LET HIM, get a GRIP and maybe some self-esteem will follow. This man is completely brain dead. Why do you want a man who is already dead? Hook up with someone with life, then live it out and bury him after you've had a decent life, give yourself permission to be happy. Imagine waking up happy. And no, you don't have something stupid to say, that's just the crap he is brainwashing you with to try to shut u up. You have a right to have valid feelings and you need to express them, which is good you can.
2007-02-19 14:55:47
answer #4
answered by Hazel 4
It's not a good thing if you have to fight with him to get his attention and it's not a good think to "try to be happy."
It's time to move on. There are better guys out there; start casually dating again. Good luck!
Bless your heart
2007-02-19 14:44:56
answer #5
answered by The Voice of Reason 3
hey try 2 work tings out , pick out d exact ting dat iz makin" u fight all d time and d tings dat are distractin" him frm u and if u find out tings are not workin out try 2 use ur in itiative get another or sit 2geder and iron tings find a perfect sol. bcoz he might not even b ur real bf mayb hes lukin 4 somting frm u dat u dont no try 2 ask im wat he wants if he says he doesnt want u anymore giv him d last kiss and snap out of his sight ur luck will find som1 fiya bye
2007-02-19 14:49:26
answer #6
answered by ~~temmy.... 2
break up with him. relationships are hard- but they shouldn't be that hard!! If the little things are bothering you, it's time to go. It doesn't sound like you have much in common anymore either.
2007-02-19 14:46:27
answer #7
answered by 1912 Hudson 4
It sounds like it will never get any better. I would find someone else and let him go! You would be much happier.
2007-02-19 14:44:49
answer #8
answered by 80srock 2
Dump the "so-called" boyfriend, duh!!! Or do you just like being his "Yo-Yo"? If that's the case, more power to him.
2007-02-19 14:40:33
answer #9
answered by Anonymous