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I'm sure you've seen this question in some shape or form before, but please indulge me. What is the ideal dating etiquette for a guy? Specifically, around three things -- (1) asking out, (2) on the first date and (3) after the first date. I'm interested to hear what you girls think about each of those stages. I understand that guys usually do the asking, and pay for the first date as well. What happens after that? Isn't the girl supposed to initiate a second date? At what point does a guy stop initiating (doesn't that look too eager?) Also, if a girl asks a guy on a date, I think it's ideal to split the check on the first date -- or the guy can say something like "I'll get this, you can get the next one". Who initiates a second date in this case? Also, after how many dates do people stop worrying about the "game" of who asks, who pays, who calls, etc and just chill and enjoy each other's company? BTW, I'm in my late 20s, not in high school, but continue to get confused over this stuff!

2007-02-19 06:34:22 · 2 answers · asked by riddler 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I'm a guy, btw ...

2007-02-19 06:50:08 · update #1

2 answers

It really doesn't matter to me who asks who out... I asked out my boyfriend and we are having so much fun... it doesn't really matter truly... if you like him go for it if he likes you then he will go for it... it also depends on the guy... I know with me if I hadn't asked out my boyfriend then he and would still be friends... the first date and second are important... but I payed for our first date and every date after that... it doesn't really matter... again it depends on the guy because he may be the kind that wants to be the one who asks and pays... or just pays... it is all in the type of guy... hope this helps some...

2007-02-19 06:46:12 · answer #1 · answered by Need to know 2 · 0 0

it is alright to sense accountable, yet adult adult males are meant to pay the 1st couple dates. After the 1st couple you are able to cut up in case you want. yet whilst he insists on paying, enable HIM. It makes the guy sense good, and whats up you do no longer might desire to pay haha. in case you sense such as you will possibly be able to desire to pay nevertheless, tell him he will pay for the rounds of bowling and which you will pay for his nutrition.

2016-12-18 06:35:11 · answer #2 · answered by symons 3 · 0 0

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