Damn. My ex is coming back into the scene right when I think I am about to get this girl that I have had an uber crush on for a loooooonng time. See, my ex and I never really had any problems, except that we almost never talked. Now she is going to my high school, and I don't know what to do. I am about ready to just give up. I can't figure this out anymore. My ex is really sweet and supportive, and my crush is sassy, and is actually very intellectual. I don't know what I should do. I really need some help on this one...
17 answers
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➔ Singles & Dating
you need to follow your heart. That is the answer. If you really want to try to be with your crush then go for it. If you still have lingering feelings for your ex then try to be with her. I mean for instance just because your ex is coming back to school doesn't mean you have to get back with her. You need to do what is right for you. I know it seems like you are having a tough decision to make but really it is easy if you think about it. All you need to do is take some time out and think about who you really want. Weigh the pros and cons of these two girls if that helps. But in the end be true to yourself and you will have the right answer. As long as you do as your heart tells you to then you can't go wrong. Good luck!
2007-02-19 04:37:59
answer #1
answered by poetryprincess 3
Question: Why did you and your ex break up in the first place? There had to be a reason. If you got back with your ex, more often than not, the same problems you had in the first time around will be around the second, third, fourth, etc. I would go with the crush. Your ex is an ex for a reason and if you didn't like something about her enough to make you break up with her, it will probably happen again. The crush girl may turn out even better than you think!
2007-02-19 04:35:24
answer #2
answered by Sarah 3
well, ex's are usually ex's for some reason, right? And high school is all about having fun, learning a little bit, and growing up, so try new things. Just b/c the x is attending your high school doesn't mean you have to be with the x...nor does it mean that the x will wanna be with you.... i say keep moving forward - there's something to be said for those sassy intellectuals....
2007-02-19 04:36:54
answer #3
answered by rjsluvbug 3
Just follow your heart. Do what feels right for you. You and your ex broke up for a reason and now you have a chance to be with someone you really like. If you want to try again with your ex then do it but it seems like you really want to go after this other girl.
2007-02-19 04:36:11
answer #4
answered by triste_girl 3
Maybe you should just try asking the girl that u've liked for a long time if she likes you. But try to be very cool about it not shy. Take it from a girl, girls want to know if you like them they dont like guys who are shy. So if you really like her... then you gotta go after her and just let things with ure ex just fall into place. Hope this Helps you. Good luck :)
2007-02-19 04:39:53
answer #5
answered by Sherry E 2
What do YOU want? It sounds like you've worked really hard to get this new girl to be interested and to go out and you're seeming to just give that up to go back with your ex. Obviously something was wrong with your previous relationship for you to break up. Don't ruin something new that could be great for what you had.
2007-02-19 04:34:45
answer #6
answered by Serendipity 3
Going back to an ex relationship ends up with pain more than happiness. I'd go with my new crush, new person, new feelings, new excitements. Good luck!
2007-02-19 04:37:02
answer #7
answered by zdenka77 2
you're young. just tell the ex that you two never got along and you still want to be friends, and don't talk to her about anything that's going on in your life.. just smalltalk and bs like that
then date the other girl. you already had one, have the other. gotta see what's available, you know?
but at your age, i would have just gone with whatever one i had a better chance at getting head from
2007-02-19 04:35:16
answer #8
answered by Max R 2
Sounds like another version of a never-ending story. perhaps you would be better served if you were just friends until you can sort this out. There is no need to rush these things...
2007-02-19 04:36:04
answer #9
answered by Finnegan 7
Leave the ex alone. If this new girl is just as you described you'll thank yourself a few months from now.
2007-02-19 04:39:41
answer #10
answered by rdorrel18 2