What the ***** is your question?
2007-02-19 02:37:24
answer #1
answered by mingcrew 3
Well...the key is to be a good listener.
Starting a conversation is the hardest part, but once you've done it, it flows! Talk to her just like you would to a guy, don't worry about whether she likes you or not.
Start topics, input funny stories etc, don't try to make her laugh with silly jokes - until you know her better, keep it simple! Ask her questions about herself, and to do with the topic at hand, ask for her opinion - if she sees you're interested in her as a person, and not just trying to score she'll more likely to be interested in you!
If you are friends with one of her friends, you can ask them what she's into so you'll have stuff to talk about!
Oh and golden rule - keep eye contact! Nothing gives the "I'm not interested" sign more than that and she'll be off like a shot.
Good luck, I hope that helped!
2007-02-19 10:42:13
answer #2
answered by peaches 4
Well always remember that if you can make them laugh then they will like you. Maybe not in a romantic way, but thats ok too. lets say a teacher is wearing a funny hat or something then make a joke about that, but remember dont tell jokes out of the blue that are irrelevant, just relax, look chill and be casual and not awkward, and if that doesnt work, fall on your face thats sure to get a laugh out of them hehehe lol juuust kidding, see this is me being funny, (don't be like me lol)
Good Luck !!
2007-02-19 10:41:00
answer #3
answered by Izzy 1
lol believe it or not but some girls like shy boys. It's not that difficult to start a conversation, but always remember to be yourself because that is who you are meant to be and who will receive the true emotions from the girl who will like you for being you. Ãm not too good with the pick up lines, but I know I like guys who are themselves.
If you want a fling and need a pick up line try something like Joey's "how u doing?"loool
2007-02-19 10:38:59
answer #4
answered by M&U 4
first learn how to write lol. no really just confront your fear of being shy walk up and say hi and introduce yourself the results could be amazing you dont want to be shy all your life and be the one guy at the prom with no date sitting in the nerd section right?
2007-02-19 10:38:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
every conversation starts with hello.
just remember that. after experience it will just feel normal like tying your shoe. trust me man i've been there.
it's best to start with a female friend you know and start conversations with her. then any female it will be natural!
2007-02-19 10:37:03
answer #6
answered by John Becker 5
You just keep laughing lol lol,they will get attracted to you.lol
2007-02-19 10:40:22
answer #7
answered by ANU U 5