Ask her if she would like to hang out sometime. Don't treat it too heavy to start with and see if you like spending time together without worrying about dating. Pick something that would be fun anyway like watching a movie you would both like. Invite her over to watch or do something. Treat it very natural and if there is something there then it will be easier to move to the next step because you will both feel more comfortable.
Traditional dates can make things more complicated than they need to be. Everyone gets expectations and self conscious. Try to just move to the next step without making a big deal.
If you sense that attraction is building then try to stay cool because this will make it soo much easier for you. Don't force anything. This will kill attraction. Be confident and assertive but not aggressive. If she give you signals then invite her over to cook a meal with you and watch some television then kiss her.
What signals should you look for. A great way to tell if she is interested is to not make the first move. Just act normal while cooking and watching TV or whatever. If she starts to touch you in an innocent or playful way then she likes you. In fact if she comes over and spends time alone with you then that is a good thing.
2007-02-19 02:48:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
ok, first, you should confront her on a Thursday or Friday night, those happen to be the 2 days where girls are at their happiest, then ask her out to dinner, but the number one thing is that you cant be shy! Just act like your normal self and dont be affraid to ask her out, because as a girl, i know that we really dont like boys who are chicken! Now for a restaraunt, dont pick something really cheap, but dont pick a really expensive restaraunt either, just pick one that is just in your price range. Then just keep talking and flirting with her and keep going places with her, such as a restaruant, carnival, partys, you know just keep doing that until you build a strong enough relationship with her. Well good luck!
2007-02-19 02:43:43
answer #2
answered by annie w. 2
Well I would say the best way is to get a bunch of friends round and her and her friends to your house for a movie or go out to one. You will soon see whether she is keen. Then you can say "Will you make me a very happy guy and be my girlfriend?" Thats the way my fiancee started out and it made things a lot less awkward than usual. Although he sms'ed me the question... good luck!
2007-02-19 02:36:15
answer #3
answered by Guppy 3
When she flirts with you give her a really nice compliment about something you know she would appreciate and observe her body language and her reply and you will know what to do next... good luck... Remeber to flirt right back
2007-02-19 02:35:02
answer #4
answered by Alise 3
ask her out on a date to a movie or to the park lol every girl likes that and it she flirts with you that means she will probably say yes
2007-02-19 02:33:52
answer #5
answered by pigletsrus c 1
hey if shes flirting with you theres a good chance that she wants to go out with you. dont be affraid to ask her out!!
my boyfriend wanted to ask me out for a long time and i kept wishing he would, turns out he was nervouse,lol . so just ask her out the worst she can do is say no and even then life goes on.
2007-02-19 02:37:05
answer #6
answered by someone, somwhere... in love 1
Ask her to go out for a coffee with you... a friendship is a strong base for a relationship to build on. Just make sure she knows you're interested!
2007-02-19 02:34:55
answer #7
answered by AmandaKerik 5
When yall are talking over the phone or in person just asked her if she would like to go out to the movies on day or just go out and chill (her pick) and then just take it from their...
2007-02-19 02:35:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Just ask her to hang out and do coffee or dinner or something else you know you two enjoy doing.
2007-02-19 02:34:36
answer #9
answered by Kris H 4
ask her to the movies than go from there or ask her to dinner one of the 2
2007-02-19 02:33:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous