Positive? In general, they are some of the most condescending and judgemental people to walk this Earth.
Apocalypse is misinterpretation anyway, so that in itself makes anyone who believes in it inherently negative by nautre.
LOL @ prophecies. They are nothing more than an ancient political attack against Rome written in code. They will never happen because, in reality, they have already happened centuries ago. Sorry.
2007-02-18 12:44:30
answer #1
answered by Blue 4
Blame it on the book of Revelation, and its predecessor, Daniel. These two books were written in an extremely dramatic style to reassure believers who were in difficult situations that, no matter how bad things got, God would take care of them and put things right. The problem occurs when the bad times end. The world still isn't perfect, so believers still pretend they're under seige and threaten non-believers with divine "justice".
Christianity started out as an alternative way of dealing with the injustices of life. Love your enemies, turn the other cheek, the greatest must serve the least. It was a revolutionary way of living, and a risky one in a jaded, cynical world. Christians found their humility debiliatating in the marketplace, and built up their spiritual strength in the close community of fellow Christians.
Once Christianity became legal, things changed. Their sense of fellowship under persecution became a memory as Christians found differences among themselves to fight over. And non-Christians, especially Jews, became targets of vicarious revenge.
Throughout Christian history, reformers have attempted to take their faith back to a simpler, purer model. But the temptation to self-protection and power soon distorts the efforts and Christianity again resembles any other flawed human institution.
Christians have always believed that God would eventually vindicate his people. But so far, history has not born this out. It seem that too many Christians don't trust God to settle accounts in a timely manner, and prefer to take matters into their own hands.
2007-02-18 15:24:54
answer #2
answered by skepsis 7
Isn't life like living with a gun to ones head anyways. With or without the Apocalypse. One can die the next second, or day or year...but is that believing there is a gun pointed at my head with just one bullet in it to make the mix more challenging.
Most Christians ae so positive, because they know that this is not the end to all. Yes, the Apocalypse, would and will be horrific and something no one wants you or them to experience, but knowing that all is in reality an illusion, that God will present the final battle in glory of a life beyond our merger thoughts, is something they can rejoice over.
I would not and certainly hope that you would not begrudge anyone be it Christian or whatever the happiness of life as they perceive it no matter what the day or days may bring them in the future.
2007-02-18 12:48:43
answer #3
answered by kickinupfunf 6
And, if they are so positive about the Apocalypse, why won’t any put a wager on it? Many now claim that 2012 is definitely the year of Junior’s return, but not one will put a single dollar on it.
More to the point, those who believe such nonsense are not really motivated by meeting their god (a mean and brutally judgmental, humanity-hating Old Testament God). What really excites them is looking forward to watching the suffering they feel will befall all non-believers. It is not a very Christian attitude, but then they are not very Christian people (sort of like the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz).
2007-02-18 12:55:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No, not at all! ....the Apocalypse has nothing to do with living a positive life or not. I mean honestly no one wants to die....this is the only body and home that we 'used' to. But, this is NOT our home....we are meant to live with God, these bodys were NOT the bodies that God wanted for us.
But, living with a 'gun to your head'? I don't know any Chirstian that feels that way. But see with a Christian, we KNOW that the beleivers (the Chruch) will be taken up before 'anything bad' happens anyway. It's there in the bible, those that beleive are safe in knowing they will be spared...those that don't beleive don't think that there's a second coming and probably don't care right? I mean, you KNOW you're going to die one day too! It could happen any time, next week, tomorrow the next few hours... Do YOU feel like you're living with a gun to YOUR head?
Good luck with that! (God bless)
2007-02-18 12:50:56
answer #5
answered by nici a 2
It takes a sick mind to look forward to the kind of death and suffering that the Apocalypse tales describe. Of course, many Christians think they will be exempt from it all through their faith and get to watch all the unbelievers and infidels suffer horribly. That makes them doubly sick.
Just listen to the rationalizations on this thread. Scary people, these. Worse yet, it's entirely possible that some of them might try to hurry their doomsday along...
2007-02-19 05:47:01
answer #6
answered by Scott M 7
We know that there are positive and negative forces in the world and it would be crazy to ignore the negative things. Unfortunately the bible says the apocalypse will happen but it serves as a warning too. I think it can be a whole lot less severe if we pray and get ready for it. We really have nothing to fear if you are on God's side, which all you have to do is ask Jesus to save you and forgive you. There's nothing to be afraid of because we all have to die once anyway and we all live on after our bodies are dead.
2007-02-18 13:00:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I study in the manuscripts, and I sure don't know why anyone would think it can happen anytime - all the prophecies have to be fulfilled first. Then, Antichrist has to be here on earth pretending to be Christ, then the two witnesses have to be murdered in the arena in jerusalem, and then exactly 3 and 1/2 days after that, Christ returns.
Its just the opposite - I don't feel like a gun is to my head, because I know all the events that will lead up to His return. I can sit back and relax, having already learned the game plan.
2007-02-18 12:48:02
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I'm positive that there is going to be an Apocalypse. Why do you have a problem with that? You sound sa if the Apocalypse were a bad thing. I've read the end of the book. We win!
2007-02-18 12:44:40
answer #9
answered by Caveman 5
If you feel you are living with a gun in your head, means you are scare and you are not doing the right thing.. The best pillow in the night is a clean conscience..........
2007-02-18 12:43:32
answer #10
answered by ILSE 5
What could be more positive than the end to all the pain and suffering on Earth and an eternity in a place with no pain, no suffering and all is peace and love? If that is a gun to your head, bring on more. I am ready for it.
2007-02-18 12:43:12
answer #11
answered by ramall1to 5