If some one is developing an addiction , all you can do is recommened this person seek professional help. Addicts don't stop for anyone else, even though they may try, it doesn't last long. They have to stop for themselves, and they have to have the desire, no one can give it to them. Unfortunately, there is no way to control the personality type. Hopefully, if they have an addictive personality, they will just stay away from things which they may become addicts for.
2007-02-18 12:10:15
answer #1
answered by lisa l 2
An addictive personality is great, but that depends on what kind of personality you are talking about. If the personality is mean, rude, stubborn, or anything like that, then there's not much you can do about it. But if the personality is like all perky, happy, and cheery, then join the club! Having a personality that everyone can enjoy is addicting so you can't help but enjoy the person that has the personality. Someday, having an awesome personality may pay off! Hope that helped!
2007-02-18 20:19:47
answer #2
answered by cmm 3
I have it bad, Its one thing to another and if I like it, I wil do it over and over untill I move on to something else. I suba dive, spent thousands on gear, fly rc helicopters spent MANY of thousands bought A GSXR 750 pocket rocket and all the gear, the list goes on and on. Dont even get me started into collecting of rifles. If I like something I will over do it. I have learned to slow down a little but cant help myself! I just cant stop having that thrill. Knowing that I dont drink or do anything else, because I cant stop myself from telling me NO. I know that I have this problem and I try really hard to watch myself but its really hard to say no. Now im planing a group skydive. I just cant stop somthing I like.
2007-02-18 20:37:04
answer #3
answered by michael m 3
You can't help, although you would like to. Addictive personalities can seek therapy if they're serious about wanting to change. Otherwise, they're up against it all their lives.
2007-02-18 20:08:49
answer #4
answered by beez 7
u could try and steer ur friend away from substances, activities that could cause them to be in danger. encourage them to do/ take stuff that is good for them. get ur friend addicted to helping those in need or going to the gym or something that could help ur friend and others.
2007-02-18 20:11:12
answer #5
answered by suzi Q 2
Tell them to speak to a professional.
2007-02-18 20:27:36
answer #6
answered by Adelaide V 3