Because the U.S. military did NOT lose that war. Never once in any major engagement were the U.S. forces defeated by the Viet Cong or NVA.
South Vietnam fell to the North well after we had left due to the perfidy of Congress, which had promised the South support and equipment to defend themselves, and then reneged on their promise.
Seems that the same BS is happening today -- with Pelosi and her brand of communist fellow-travellers in the Democratic Party promising the "slow-bleed" program to ensure that Americans are killed overseas.
2007-02-18 13:27:40
answer #1
answered by Dave_Stark 7
The military did not lose Vietnam.
All wars are ones began by politicians. That a ceasefire was signed in Paris had no bearing on whether we could have taken Vietnam. It was a political decision! Iraq is different.
We have already lost Iraq politically and as we don't have the draft, I am not sure we can even win it militarily! We are fighting the very people Bush said he was going to give them a Democracy! A democracy at gun point! Is that really a democracy?
2007-02-18 20:23:24
answer #2
answered by cantcu 7
The blogbaba has repeated stated "No one wins, wars. They are like storms, you only survive them". A lot of people lose their lives though, I wish we could have the sense to stop the insanity.
50,000 to 10,000,000 lives lost in Vietnam, and the claim of a Vietnamese victory? Like people and equipment are some kind of points scored in a game?
I just can't see the logic in a group like Hezbollah claiming some kind of Victory over Israel, after the Israeli's destroyed the infra-structure of Lebanon. There are no winners and a whole lot of losers, but no such thing as Victory.
Did the U.S. win the cold war? Or did Europe just restructure, with the old Soviet Union reorganizing like some kind of company?
I don't even like the context of the use of the word "We" in the question. It impies those effected by war have some kind of choice in the matter.
Meanwhile back at the ranch.......
2007-02-18 20:23:08
answer #3
answered by blogbaba 6
We lost?
Is she right? 'Cause I know that's the *popular* version of what went on there. And a lot of people like to believe that. I wish I could, but I was *there*. I wasn't here on a Yahoo Message Board, hoping I was right, thinking about it.
I was up to my knees in rice paddies, with guns that didn't work! Going in there, looking for Charlie, slugging it out with him; While liberals like you were back here partying, putting headbands on, doing drugs, and listening to the freaking Beatle albums! Oh! Oh! Oh!
All US Combat troops were out of Vietnam around the signing of the Paris Peace Treaty in 1973 (January).
The communist North Vietnamese broke the treaty in Mar-April 1975 and a Democrat US Congress refused to give Pres Ford the funds and authorization he needed to help them. The South Vietnamese lost Vietnam, we gave them 10 good years of hope.
2007-02-19 17:36:44
answer #4
answered by SnowWebster2 5
We lost in Vietnam because our Democrat government in those days quit. Now in Iraq the Democrats want to do the same,, quit. I was in Vietnam and we fought bravely for our country and buddies in Vietnam and I assure you that we didn't lose any battle. The problem is not our troops the problem is that the Democrats don't have back-bone. and that is very sad.
2007-02-18 20:29:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
YOU can admit it maybe because you accept losing as a life style. But I don't and won't agree with you, as we DID WIN the Vietnam war. A COSTLY WAR? YES. Many men and AND women gave their life for our country.
OH and the official date is MAY 1st, 1975 WIN or LOSE
2007-02-18 20:16:48
answer #6
answered by GRUMPY 7
WE. the military, DID NOT lose Viet Nam. The NIMROD POLITICOS in Washington wouldn't let our military commanders fight in Viet Nam (that was no WAR) the way they should. Our IN COUNTRY COMMANDERS had their hands tied. One of our gun ships was returning from patrol and came across a VC patrol who had one of our PBRs on a sand bar. They would not fire on the helo and the helo, because of the then ROE, had to radio to base and ask PERMISSION to fire on the VC!! Base had to find the area chief before giving the go ahead. By the time the answer came thru, the men on the boat were dead and the gun ship had torn up the VC..and the crew was up for court martial for disobeying procedure! That is NOT how a war is to be fought!
The POLITICOS made us pack up and move out.
Viet Nam was NOT lost in 1975. It was OVER! I hope you're not claiming to be an IN COUNTRY Viet Nam vet!!
(USN/in country Viet Nam Vet, 1966-68 ...Phu Quoc, Cat Lo/retired)
2007-02-18 21:05:59
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
We did lose the, media sided with the N. Vietnam to convince the American people we couldn't win.The war was won we just walked away just like they want us to walk away from Iraq.Hopefully there are more patriots now and less liberal wimps.
2007-02-18 22:34:44
answer #8
answered by shawnn 4
You obviously aren't old enough to remember what happened. Pres Johnson had his hands tied and had to scale back the bombing of N. Vietnam. It ended a stalemate and the Communist government later admitted that another 3 or 4 months of unrelenting bombing by the US and they would have been ready to surrender. Those Vets you refer to know more about it than you ever will...............
2007-02-18 20:14:20
answer #9
answered by aiminhigh24u2 6
WE might have lost but we're against communism, which is also a major explanation for us not accepting the fact that we did lost, heck we would have been destroyed if we haven't dropped the a-bombs at Japan during WWII
2007-02-19 00:25:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous