So many people buy into a "fluffy" Gospel that may be 100 miles wide, but only a half inch deep. They aren't told the complete Gospel.
There are numerous people sitting in pews every Sunday who are going to hell, because they haven't been confronted with the Truth of the Bible. They have no concept that they are sinners in need of a Savior.
Instead, they are told how lucky God is to have saints like them. They buy into a social "gospel" that is no Gospel at all. They remain unregenerate, and doomed. They will be the nicest, most tolerant people going to hell.
Those who are truly Christian know that they have joined the spiritual equivalent of the Marines. They know that times are going to be tough for them. They don't believe that because they are now Christians, they won't have problems in their lives. This is because they believe what Jesus said, "I have told you this so that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble, but be courageous-I have overcome the world!" (John 16:33)
The Bible is about a Holy God, who hates sin, but loves His creation. He showed His creation that they cannot live up to His Holy standards in the Old Testament, and showed His creation how to escape damnation in the New Testament through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) He can save all, but only few will come to Him, because they don't believe what He said there. They think He is A way, not THE way. And they look for another. Just as W.C. Fields (an early 20th century comedian) was caught looking through a Bible, when one of his friends asked, "What are you doing?" W.C. Fields replied, "Checking for loopholes."
2007-02-18 11:40:49
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
To consider your question, the first step is to ask - Which Bible is "the" Bible? Do you mean the Holy Qu'ran, the Book of Mormon, the Upanishads, the Torah of the Hebrews, the Bhagavad Gita, Dianetics, or what? Oh, do you mean the Bible of the Christians? Why? Which Christians? And if *that's* the Bible you mean, then which version? The Douay? The King James? The Septaguint? The Jehovah's Witnesses version? I mean, you *do* know, don't you, that they are all different in some particulars?
And surely you know that Jesus said he would build his church on a rock. He did not say he would write a book on a rock. And the first attempt to decide what the Bible is for Christians was not made until 325 A.D. after Jesus had been dead for 300 years.
The idea of worshipping a book, rather than worshipping Christ and honoring his Holy Church, didn't even arise until Christianity was already 1500 years old. Worshipping the book is idolatry. Martin Luther's *sola sciptura* is a really, really bad idea.
2007-02-18 19:40:32
answer #2
answered by fra59e 4
During the Protestant Reformation, certain reformers proposed different canonical lists than what was currently in use. Though not without debate, the list of New Testament books would come to remain the same; however, the Old Testament texts present in the Septuagint, but not included in the Jewish canon, fell out of favour. In time they would come to be removed from most Protestant canons. Hence, in a Catholic context these texts are referred to as deuterocanonical books, whereas in a Protestant context they are referred to as Apocrypha, the label applied to all texts excluded from the Biblical canon. (Confusingly, Catholics and Protestants both describe certain other books, such as the ‘’Acts of Peter’’, as apocryphal).
Thus, the Protestant Old Testament of today has a 39-book canon—the number varies from that of the books in the Tanakh (though not in content) because of a different method of division—while the Roman Catholic Church recognizes 46 books as part of the canonical Old Testament. The term “Hebrew Scriptures” is only synonymous with the Protestant Old Testament, not the Catholic, which contains the Hebrew Scriptures and additional texts. Both Catholics and Protestants have the same 27-book New Testament Canon.
Canonicity, which involves the discernment of which texts are divinely inspired, is distinct from questions of human authorship and the formation of the books of the Bible.
2007-02-18 19:32:59
answer #3
answered by Linda 7
Christianity has been found confused, angry, and aggressive. Partly because the variation in translations and editing never allow a clear reading or meaning of the Bible.
2007-02-18 19:47:44
answer #4
answered by Terry 7
In a nutshell---the Old Testament is a collection of myths(mainly borrowed from earlier religions)& a whole set of barbaric laws that reflect a less civilized society.The New Testament is an account of the teachings of Christ---who asked his followers to know themselves & reject their egos.
2007-02-18 19:33:53
answer #5
answered by huffyb 6
The Gospel Message is simple.
Jesus died for our sins.
Took the punishment which we deserved.
Come to Him in childlike faith
asking him to forgive you your sin.
Turn away from everything you know to be wrong.
Put Jesus Christ in the driving seat of your life - instead of yourself.
2007-02-18 19:47:45
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Christianity has been found weird. And church people have been found nutty. I eat them for breakfast. I put them on my cereal.
Ask them a question, and they will twist it squish it and tell me god can do any outrageous thing the wants.
By the way, you are allowed to own slaves, if they are heathens.
2007-02-18 19:32:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
it is a historical document outlining how a true christian should live
2007-02-18 19:31:40
answer #8
answered by Union Jack 4
interesting quote-not far off the mark, to be honest...
2007-02-18 19:41:08
answer #9
answered by spike missing debra m 7
The Bible is a storybook. Nothing but a fairytale. Pay no mind to it.
2007-02-18 19:28:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous