I think he's pretty sick, here's what I would think you should do:
If you think you need to monitor it for a bit, but it's not very derious do the following:
Take out most of the perches and toys in your bird's cage, put a towel or a pillow-case at the bottom of his cage, in case of another fall this will prevent any injuries (i recommend putting a towel, folded down there). IF you have any *rope perches* take out all of the perches and toys and just spread that perch across the cage, so that you bird will not have to use up it's remaining strength. Leave plenty of food and water at close distances so he will not have to go very far, to get them and leave as many as 4 branches of millet hanging from the cage, or where ever he can get to them easiest. Play some soft music for your bird, to make him relaxed, cover up the cage with a blanket for warmth and privacy and put him in a seperate, preferably empty (as in no one is in that room) room with the lights, doors and windows off. Then call a vet and make an appointment to bring him in.
If you think it's pretty serious and he can get hurt and this could result in death:
Well, first of all call the vet and make the SOONEST appointment. Then take a pillow cast or towel (I recommend towel) and place it at the bottom of a large, deep bin (here's the one I used when my parakeet was in a worse condition, this bin is VET RECOMMENDED: http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s11/Animal_lovess/Sky084.jpg ) then take the grill thingy you have at the bottom ofyour cage and place it over tha top, make sure your bird has PLENTY of air. Put up to 4 things of millet and place in plenty of fresh food and water (as shown in the picture, in the two containers). If you feel you need to, cover up your bird, for privacy, darkness and more relaxation (As shown in the picture) but make sure you leave a big enough gap for your bird to have plenty of air. Again, you may play *soft* music for your bird, like meditation music or slow, soft classical music, or leave him in silence. Place the bin somewhere warm, like on a bed or a warmer room in your home. Close the windows, blinds, doors(etc.) in that room and leave your bird in privacy until it's veterenairy appointment.
At this point, your bird will need plenty of rest and such.
2007-02-18 11:16:02
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Unfortunately, birds only show weakness when they are extremely sick (instinctive as the fittest looking birds evade predator's choice). It can be several reasons, but more likely poisoning or infection.
Common bird poisons are: Teflon fumes burnt while cooking, scented candles, carbon monoxide, air fresheners, pesticides, exposed metal he could have been chewing, avocado...the list goes on, most of which are airborne as you can see. That's why canaries were popular animals used to detect deadly gases humans wouldn't react to right away.
Respiratory infections, the most common, are characterized by clogged nares(nostrils), labored breathing, and lethargy. A very sick bird may be so weak it fails to even perch like you said.
One other, but not common, possibility is a neurological affliction. Only can be determined by a vet. Regardless, a vet visit would be your BEST option at this point. There, they can test for metal toxicity and treat (expensive) or if its just an infection, issue an antibiotic like baytril (would be your most economical outcome). Best of luck and work fast, even though the symptoms may go away, it may relapse at anytime even worse.
2007-02-18 10:59:51
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Trouble Walking
2016-09-29 08:35:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
im sorry to hear that your bird is sick but there are a few things you have to do
1 make it comfurtabel put the perches at the bottom of the cage so if she does fall it will not be a long fall put a pillow case towel or any other cusiony. keep your bird at a very warm tempiture put food on the ground and water.
2 prevent shock
try not to scare or surprise her put a sheet over her cage and put her in a room that is not full of comotion but you can still watch her.
3 call a vet
you need to get her to a vet asap she is either dieing or is seriously ill get her to the emergancy vet.
4 prepare for the worst. birds are not gonna show there sickness untill its very bad for theyhave to hide illness in the wild or else they will get caught by prey before they can recover.
5 i dont want to distress you at all but i would say my goodbyes just incase my heart goes out to you for i recently lost one of my birds
2007-02-18 12:10:09
answer #4
answered by Here i am 4
Get him to an avian vet ASAP. It could have been a stroke because birds typically do not fall to the bottom of the cage. They have very good grip and balance, so falling and not being able to get back up conveniently is a big red flag that he needs to see a vet.
He may or may not die depending on the severity of whatever happened and if he's treated for anything like pain or the effects on his body the fall/stroke had.
2007-02-18 10:47:15
answer #5
answered by PinkDagger 5
I also have a bird that can not fly, walk right, or stand up right. Luckily he is still alive. He was born that way. You should also keep your birds water and food clean every day because bacteria can be infect your bird in any way if not maintained right. That is why my bird is that way. I hope your bird doesn't die. Most likely he is probably going to live.
2007-02-18 12:03:50
answer #6
answered by SN 2
greatest mistake is having 5 budgies and hoping to tame all of them. one after the different would have been a greater powerful theory. you have gotten little fulfillment attempting to tame 5 budgies that stay mutually in one cage.
2016-10-15 23:19:02
answer #7
answered by ? 4
Something similar happened to my parakeet.
He suddenly couldn't get onto the perches
he layed under his food dish
wanted me to hold him
the next morning he was dead
take your bird to the vet
good luck
2007-02-18 10:40:20
answer #8
answered by tlex 3
He may have an injury in his foot. go to a professional to know for sure so they can get some x rays goin. til then, let your bird rest, and leave it alone so you don't stress it out.
2007-02-18 11:18:32
answer #9
answered by furisded 3
it is possible that he could be dieing. he may have also broken a wing or a leg. you need to get him to a vet promply im sorry and good luck
2007-02-18 12:38:39
answer #10
answered by kitty45342 3