The Bible clearly states:
"And thusly the Lord said: "Thou shalt pray to me in thy educational facilities, lest I incur my wrath upon thine children by giving them less than average standardized test marks, allowing them to buy hallucinogenic drugs from the guy across the street, and prevent teachers from adequately keeping order in their classrooms."" Matthew 4:5
2007-02-18 10:19:22
answer #1
answered by dmlk2 4
No, you misunderstood. Taking prayer out has mean putting a Darwinian/humanistic ethic in. Not by definition, but by effect. Humanism means that we are not accountable to anyone, and we all must find our own way to happiness. Humanism has no defensible moral values, because it is basically a form of relativism. Without a defensible moral system, we see immorality (as defined in an absolute moral system like that in Christianity) and the spread of selfishness and hedonism because, who is to say what is right and what is not? If only you get to decide what is right and what is not for you, then members of the community have little in common with each other because I will mostly not agree with you and thus we will conflict.
The advantages of an absolute moral system is that it is not up to the individual, and so conflicts (of this type) are between individuals and the group as a whole, not the chaos of individual against all those whose definitions are different.
You may think this is crap, but look, just for a second, at who was right and who was not! When the secularization of the school system started in the 1930' through the 1950's, religious leaders said that we would see an increase in violence, disrespect of parental and administrative authority, an increase in sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy, and increase in drug abuse. The secularists said that these religious leaders were just plain wrong and scared to try new things. Well, ask your grandparents what it was like when they were in school. Time has proved those who knew correct. The humanists were wrong. To bad we don't learn from our mistakes.
Hitler was a Darwinian humanist. He made his own system of values up, who can say he was wrong using a relativist argument? You will have to resort to saying that causing others to suffer is wrong. But without relying on God's authority, you cannot prove it to someone who finds their happiness in hurting others. Relativism always leads to such results and so it must be rejected.
2007-02-18 10:32:12
answer #2
answered by 1,1,2,3,3,4, 5,5,6,6,6, 8,8,8,10 6
Obviously there are a lot of things you do not understand.
Prayer is not the only thing that was taken out. Up until 1963 God was one of the main topics discussed at schools, after that if you even discussed God you were subject to all sorts of persecution that the schools did nothing to stop. The Bible and the 10 COMMANDMENTS was the measuring stick for all behavior. Before 1963 there was very little drugs, alcohol, violence, no teacher abuse,and guns. I could go on if you like.
There are alternatives to public schools, that offer far better education, and more Biblical teaching available. If the parents do not choose to take advantage of these opportunities then they are choosing to put their children in the public schools system, so it cannot be blamed on God that they are there. If you choose to put yourself in a hostile environment and God does not Go with you, it is not His fault. God will not go into a place where HE is not welcome.
2007-02-18 10:26:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you are not in the way of understanding the answer that you came up with to your own question, you are truly a sad case. Are you asking a question to receive answers from people, or are you trying to answer FOR those people?
The continuing downfall of the public schools is the result of many things. Since prayer has been merely banned in the way that the teachers and faculty cannot lead the students in prayer and require that they participate, I do not think that this is the cause of the school's problems. The students may still pray if they wish, even in groups, so long as it is strictly voluntary by each party, and their right to do this is still guaranteed by law, so noone can stop them from doing so.
I think the main cause is rather the absence of God in the homes that these children come from, coupled with the lazy parenting habits of the majority of people. You see, most parents consider the making of money by both parents in order to retire at an early age more important than actually being a parent. Teaching their children the difference between right and wrong, teaching them about the love of God and the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ for those that follow Him is no longer addressed. Basically there is an absence of love in the home. Parents are no longer parents. They try to purchase their childrens' love and respect by buying them things that they want to try to make up for them not being there for them. The problem with that is that the kids never learn true respect for others, especially authority figures.
So you can see that your rhetoric in the made-up answers to your own question means little, if anything.
The loss of good moral values being instilled by God-fearing parents, and the loss of respect learned by the type of children that do grow up in Christian homes is the cause of the failure of public schools. The kids have no fear of authority, no fear of God, no respect for others, including teachers and school faculty, and think that they can do whatever they want.
Can you understand that?
2007-02-18 10:43:12
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Many public schools suspend kids who refer to God in any way in school. If they do a school project or essay that includes Christian beliefs they can be suspended. Not only did God get kicked out of the schools but morals and values right along with religion.
However they are allowed to have an after school club that is Christian at school.
I think that many kids are more sexually active because of God being taken out of kids lives. I mean they see their mom having 8 boyfriends a year and other kids doing things and they are told it is normal. They can't understand it is something that wasn't meant for kids like it is nowadays. Many kids think they are not normal if they haven't had a boyfriend or girlfriend and everything that goes with it by the time they turn 14.
2007-02-18 10:16:32
answer #5
answered by sapphire_630 5
IN my opinion it is not about prayer in school, that is just a sign of something else, but it has to do with a general immorality, lax discipline which stems from wrong ideas, and some of that has to do with self created confusion and lostness. But it could be ythat the act of forbidding prayer in scool is a diminishment of God and truth or moral absolutes by implication in the kids and societ'ys eyes, thereby despising God and teachng a kid that what God represents in our minds is despicable, something to be forbideen like it was bad.
Kids are not taught to be respectful and self controlled, they run around like demon possesed lunatics until they the day they go to school and are expected to contro lthemsleves allof a sudden. Then the teacher is blamed for the childs lack of attention or ability to concentrate.
The child by then has developed bad habits, bad taste, compulsive behavior, insolence, and is defended and protected (insulated) from any punishement.
Adults have a inordinate obsession with youth, they practically worship them and have perverted both the kids and themsleves.
Kids are constantly exposed to sexual deviants and perversions, encouraged to do what they want, basically abndoned to their own childish ignorance and lusts for which they have no basis to judge the consequences of choosing foolishenss disobedience.
They listen to music all day instead of being made to do chores and read, they watch TV and learn from the bevior and pathos of characters there and it is no mystery what is the cause. But I guess since it is not reported on MTV or CNN, I will not be believed.Or because I am not a physicist or trained psychiatrist my opinion is just that of a normal human being who believes in God and stuff like that, so my opinion is worthless.
2007-02-18 10:11:08
answer #6
answered by Socinian F 3
A little child is innocent and without sin consuming their life. They have favor with the Lord and He said such is the Kingdom of Heaven and always let the little children come unto Me. When a nation has their children praying to the most merciful God and Father their prayers are answered. When you have protection and provision from Almighty God you need nothing and you are a great nation. It is God who makes nations great, but forgetting God takes nations down.
Forty years ago prayer came out and abortion began. A heartless, cruel and wicked nation began and you are seeing the fruits of it today.
2007-02-18 10:15:58
answer #7
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
No, the problem with the schools are much more complex than the removal of superstitious rituals. The problems arise from several sources, one of which is the amount of television watched by American families, particularly when parents decide that television is a baby-sitter. (See Marie Winn's "The Plug-In Drug.")
Another difficulty is the attempt to apply economies of scale where they are inappropriate and ineffective. While large factories and big-box stores work in manufacturing and marketing, the approach does not work in schools, since the teachers no longer can give the students the attention they need in order to learn, but instead must spend most of their time in crowd control.
2007-02-18 10:23:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Officialey the Schools and Judges have openley said You can not
do it,So by Law the result God take a Hike.,If you don"t believe this,Go to School and try it,You will get a Look inside the Jail.
Yes I am aware of First Ammendent.I also know School is afraid of A.L.C.U.
2007-02-18 10:17:13
answer #9
answered by section hand 6
No. Downfall of society is a direct result of hating God. His rules are simple and for the benefit of mankind as a whole. Humans choose to make up rules as they go. How do you like the outcome so far?
How is that sex out of marriage thing working for you? How about hating thy neighbor? Who wants to honor thy mother and thy father? What good is that??? Shouldn't married people have the right to sleep with others as they choose? Who needs that verse about adultery?
Try teaching your children that every thing in the bible is false and they should do everything opposite of what the bible teaches. Then see how far they get in life. What do you think would be the outcome? Better or worse?
You people complain about the very thing that gives us direction in how to live together and prosper. Well, you asked for it. Now you are getting it. Like it? (crime, drug use, broken homes, ect...). Enjoy.
2007-02-18 10:13:01
answer #10
answered by Chi Guy 5