There are many reasons for hair falling out. I'm not sure if you mean she's 'shedding' a lot (normal enough during and particularly after pregnancy, and at certain times of the year), or actually developing thinning or balding (alopecia).
She needs to see her doctor firstly, and assuming all tests are normal, get referred to a trichologist - and properly qualified ones are extremely hard to find.
2007-02-18 06:23:42
answer #1
answered by RM 6
Due to illness my hair has become slightly thinner recently, i asked my hairdresser as i was a bit concerned and she said its natural to loose a certain amount of hair daily, sometimes a little more when there is particular stress on the body. She also said as long as the hair loss isnt in clumps and with obveous patches that it should be ok.
If it is more than normal , you should go to the doctor as there may be an underlying condition thats causing it. Hope this helps.
2007-02-18 06:30:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
there can be many reasons, go see a doctor to rule out anything serious, nioxin proucts are great for hair loss, this product is only used in specialist salons(check on their website they may tell u some salons they recommend)
2007-02-18 07:55:51
answer #3
answered by kelly r 1
it could be a health problem, stress can cause hair lose.
also dying hair too often or using products or the wrong type of brush can cause this problem, but i suggest you take her to the docs to rule out a health problem. untill then use baby shampoo and a COMB in her hair, NO BRUSHES.
2007-02-18 06:33:13
answer #4
answered by Lou 4
That depends on why she is loosing hair, but I heard that turmeric is good for hair growth...So maybe she should try eating more food with turmeric, such as curry. I hope her problem goes away soon.
2007-02-21 02:38:15
answer #5
answered by ono 3
My neighbour and her grown daughter have this. My neighbour is getting better. She has been on treatments and meds with her Dr.
Could be virus, stress. Dr.'s aren't sure either. But she must see one.
Good luck.
2007-02-18 06:25:11
answer #6
answered by Pacifica 6
You should she a doctor about it to make sure its not being caused by any unknown problems.
2007-02-18 06:22:55
answer #7
answered by twilight_moon1 2
Is she stessed about anything? Could be alopecia, take her to the doctor.
2007-02-20 22:15:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
How old is she? If young, that's not natural. Take her to a doctor.
2007-02-18 06:20:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
their may be a medical reason /refer to doctor
2007-02-18 06:19:58
answer #10
answered by Anonymous