get a brow pencil in the shade of your brow, and fix them with the pencil until your brow hairs grow back. dont draw your brow on in one long stroke, use small and short strokes so it appears real. and it will look a whole lot better. you also might want to put just a little face powder over them when your done, the pencil will stay on longer.
2007-02-18 06:16:04
answer #1
answered by TheSavant 3
That sucks!!!
Invest in a good brow pencil--cheap and great is Maybelline twin brow pencils. Dont match to ur hair color, it will look too heavy and fake. Instead look at ur skin tone, for ex. if ur pale w/ lght brown to blonde hair use the blonde pencil!!..You can get away w/ darker depending on ur skin, brow color, but lighter is sus. best.
After take an eyebrow brush and brush to make color blend and look natural as possible. Then set with a powder. You should be fine!!
Meanwhile to grow ur brows back out use Talika.. I SWEAR by this product, Talika Eyebrow Lipocils. They'll be back in a month.
Good Luck w/ ur brows!!!
2007-02-18 06:16:11
answer #2
answered by XxON3LOV3xX 3
buy an eyebrow pencil. iv ruined my eyebrows so many times. try and cover them up sbit with your hair. and they should look alot better by friday cos they'll be back 2 normal in 2 weeks!! good luck with the performing and the eyebrows!! xx
2007-02-18 06:16:35
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
unfortunately eyebrows don't grow back that quick. But for a temporary fix you can get an eyebrow pencil, close to your hair color and fill in the spots that need it.
2007-02-18 06:15:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I also make sure to brush my brows to make them arch precisely as I like. Before I brush them, I spray hairspray on my eyebrow brush to set my brows. That could help if you need to arrange your own brows to fill in a gap.
(Be sure to rinse out the the brush afterwards so it doesn't stiffen up.)
2007-02-18 06:26:30
answer #5
answered by horsenbuggy 2
Dont worry.Just relax.You can fix it quick.Here's the tip.Fill in any gaps with an eyebrow pencil or powder.
2007-02-18 06:16:12
answer #6
answered by Sheeth 5
Go to wal-mart and get an eye-brow liner...or go to a department store who has a mkeup counter and they can help you
2007-02-18 06:22:48
answer #7
answered by Happy 3
are they symmetrical? if you have a bald spot i would suggest you use eyeliner and just put light strokes that match the rest of your eyebrows.
2007-02-18 06:15:20
answer #8
answered by peachyfuzz 2
use a brow pencil. maybe get someone who is good in art/makeup to do it to make it look best possible.
2007-02-18 06:53:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Go to your beautician. She/he can help get you back on track or at least get you started in the right direction .. it shouldn't cost much.
2007-02-18 06:22:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous