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I am a blonde an I am on honr roll every time.

2007-02-18 05:49:46 · 22 answers · asked by hey ! 2 in Beauty & Style Hair

22 answers

I personally dont think all blondes are dumb it's just a general statement made about blondes that I think is very unfair.My advice is that u shouldn't let it bug u and keep doing well in school maybe if all other blondes were like u that statement would change.

2007-02-18 05:55:18 · answer #1 · answered by k k 2 · 0 0

Blondes aren't any more or less intelligent than anyone else. They had a special on FOX a couple years ago where a whole bunch of people took an IQ test. They were divided up by groups. The blondes did just fine. This is just another nasty stereotype and bias that you must overcome. Besides, if it was based on hair color, wouldn't a smart brunette bleaching her hair become stupid? Of course not. Although, a truly smart person wouldn't use hair dye, but that's a whole other question. Congrats on the honor roll.

2007-02-18 05:58:41 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Thanks for the laughs and giggles!

"I think some are smart...?" That became a question how?

"an I am on honr roll" Fabulous display of grammar and spelling!

Your English teacher is dropping dead right about now I think! I would suggest that you don't get so indignant about a stereotype if you cannot dispute it with your actions!

2007-02-18 05:58:12 · answer #3 · answered by moosviews4u 3 · 0 0

**** BLONDE'S ARE DUMB is a stereo type.
I am a natural blonde. Guess what. I have the highest GPA you can have in middle school. I get straight A's and everything. What is true though is that blondes like to have more fun. Maybe that is why they are supposedably dumb. WHen we have fun, sometimes we don't use common since but, ha, U GOTTA LIVE!!!!!!

2007-02-18 07:38:43 · answer #4 · answered by hotsparks911 2 · 0 0

that is a silly stereo type.

However in some cases, blondes are way stupider than any others. But, i can only say that because I used to be one.

Only blondes have the right to make fun of blondes.

2007-02-18 06:10:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well if some people that r blonde maybe mentally re-tared no offense but some people make up jokes about blonde's but blondes r just like us i have a bunch of blonde Friends and there not dumb. u may be really smart and your a blonde. my friend is a blonde and always gets a 100% on her tests ALWAYS!!!!!!!! so most blondes are not dumb.

2007-02-18 05:59:33 · answer #6 · answered by zoey1011996 2 · 0 1

I don't know why, My freind is Blonde, and goodness she is so smart! So I just think The Red Heads and Bruneets are jelous of the blondes because they are pretty!

2007-02-18 05:57:25 · answer #7 · answered by Dokken Girl 5 · 0 0

No blondes are dumb. It's just a from of stereotype, just like people who wear glasses are nerds.

2007-02-18 05:53:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

its just a stereotypical view from years ago when a lot of women were blonde and weren't allowed to be educated (i'm talking many years ago), hence them, being called 'dumb', also a lot of people whose job does not need education, etc are blonde

2007-02-18 05:54:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

LOL! Heres mine: 2 blonde women folk were sitting on a bench in a farm in Minnesota...(close to ohio) female a million: what's closed...Ohio or the moon? female 2:properly,duh,i can see the moon!

2016-12-04 08:20:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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