Bleach it, but go to a professional
2007-02-18 05:52:33
answer #1
answered by ♥Twinkle♥Toes 5
Hi Ki d--If ur hair is long, I do not recmd doing this urself--u will be sorely dissappointed. Most people just don't leave the bleach on long enough. If u r already med. blonde then it's pretty easy to achieve with a highlift tints, otherwise use bleach. You will need an on the scalp bleach product--oil based bleach. Spritz hair with a cond. mixed w/ water--heavier on the endz. Apply 1/4 from scalp thru mid shaft--not to ends (1/4 inch from endz.) When that starts to hit orange, apply to scalp and the ends. when it's white, RINSE all bleach out, apply ION reconstructor for 5 min. <--.99 at Sallys for one time packette. Apply a PLatinum Blonde toner while hair is wet ie; towel dryd. I am assuming alot here like U have Virgin hair around four inches long. Bleach processes faster with heat that is why u don't apply to scalp right away--heat from ur head will make bleach "come up" faster.Thanks for asking the question--I see, mainly guys, all the time with that yellowy orange hair and I just wanna tell them "leave the bleach on longer!!!! P.S. don't fear the toner!lol. kk
2007-02-18 14:14:35
answer #2
answered by KK 2
Turning hair white is a very tricky process that should be done ONLY in a salon. Depending on the color of your hair, it could take quite some time to make it white. Salons will have the additives needed to boost this process. Please be very careful and go to a salon. Good Luck!
2007-02-24 19:43:16
answer #3
answered by MBC 2
i would go to the nearist solan or a porfessional. they will do the best thing for u. if u dont want to go to the solan or where ever then i would recamend bleech. then u will be able to do it at home. but make sure u leave it on as long as ur suppose to i know so many people that took it off to early and it look terrible. good luck
hope i helped
2007-02-25 15:00:46
answer #4
answered by gene h 2