a prostitute is specifically paid for sex...and an escort is a fancy name for a prostitute which makes is legal
2007-02-17 18:58:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Escorts are prostitutes, but prostitutes are not always escorts. An "escort" is generally a "call girl" you generally make an appointment beforehand. A prostitute is anyone who offers sexual services for money; an escort is a prostitute, and so is the "street walkers" that you see in the Red Light District. The legality of it depends on your jurisdiction, check your local laws.
2007-02-17 19:02:49
answer #2
answered by BCPilotguy 2
The difference between a escort and a prostitute, probably the price of their clothes. A escort is a prostitute, just under a different name. legal, unless you get caught, then , a lawyer will cost a lot more than that 3 minute burst of energy. Do what you want, I have to say this regarding prostitutes, it is better than going out and molesting or raping children.
2007-02-17 19:44:34
answer #3
answered by m c 5
An escort service is an organization that runs prostitution under the radar by being careful about who has sex with their ex-dancers for money.
Prostitutes are the same, only they don't pretend to be legitimate.
2007-02-17 23:04:10
answer #4
answered by Lt. Dan reborn 5
An escort only accompanies someone to appear in pubic activities while a prostitute accompanies someone in private to have carnal knowledge. An escort service is usually legal while prostitution is illegal in most countries.
2007-02-17 19:02:13
answer #5
answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7
An escort can accept payment from a man and say it was just for being his date. If she says it's for sex then shes admitting to prostitution. It's a way of being able to advertise prostitution and claim it's for companionship, therefore avoiding the legal ramifications.
2016-05-24 01:01:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
hahhaa. i had a problem like this. dont worry man, calling is legal. and escort is for dancing/stripping non sexual. a prostitute is sex.
but hey bro,
you can call an escort and still get some. ive done it before. half of the escorts say they're "escorts" but will really have sex for like 50 bux or something.
2007-02-17 19:17:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Escorts just accompany you to a destination that you pay them to for. Prostitutes provide sexual activities that you pay them for. Escorts are legal.
2007-02-20 13:52:50
answer #8
answered by BeachBum 7
In true meaning of the word a escort is merley a date or someone that goes to an event with you. This is real and often done in some levels of society.
The term has also been used for outcall prositutes.
If you hire someone for merely going out to some event, it is legal, if if hire someone for sex it is not
2007-02-18 03:52:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Look, you already know the difference. It's legal to call both. It's much more pleasurable to enjoy the services of the latter, although the law may not condone the enjoyment in certain states.
2007-02-17 19:10:22
answer #10
answered by duaner87421 3