Try getting a credit card through your current bank. They will generally start you out small ($200-$500) but it helps you build your credit to build a bigger credit line. If your bank doesn't offer one, try your local banks (Chase, Associated, etc) and see if they will give you one (they may want you to open a bank account with them).
2007-02-17 16:16:04
answer #1
answered by Susie 2
Many places offer student credit cards, even if you don't have a credit history. What I'd suggest is opening a gas card or a store card, as those are very easy to get (and may offer you a discount, too!) and just make sure that you use them and pay them off EVERY MONTH. Try to keep them active and you'll soon start to have a credit history. From this, you can try to find a credit card. Citibank offers student cards, but their APR is too much for my taste (I have one at 12.15% from my bank and theirs is 18.24% variable).
I have a student credit card because I wanted to make sure that I could handle the temptation of having a credit card and I didn't want my limit to exceed my savings account... so I know where you're coming from.
2007-02-19 17:11:37
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
visa will take you as long as you are earning some income. your credit limit will be $300 and your cash advance will be $100. your goal to using the card is to make a purchase and pay a little bit more then the mini mun due. do this once a month to show the credit company that you are able to make your payments monthly and on time. this will definitely help increase your credit score to build good credit. NEVER miss a payment. good luck.
2007-02-17 16:23:39
answer #3
answered by who me? 5
GO for Prepaid Credit Card:
Though prepaid credit cards resemble debit credit cards a lot, the two are vastly different. When you use debit cards for any purchase, your shopping will be automatically debited from your bank account. On other hand, the purchases made with prepaid cards are deducted from the balance present on the card.
The prepaid cards offer various benefits like:
Interest-free purchases
People with a bad credit history are eligible to apply for a credit card.
The credit limit varies according to the balance available on the card.
2007-02-17 22:14:47
answer #4
answered by queen i 1
You can apply for a secured credit card. There are many diffent places that offer them. It means you give them a deposit and they give you credit. It is a great way to start building your own credit history.
2007-02-17 16:21:24
answer #5
answered by Paula 1
First Financial Bank will give anyone a credit card that has a heartbeat.
2007-02-17 16:18:18
answer #6
answered by ohioguy4jc 4
a pre-paid credit card is one way to build credit, do not go to one of the "check'go" "cash advance" places, they rob you blind with their fees (i work in one of them) with a pre-paid credit card you cannot overspend, but it still builds credit. the best would be if you get one with a credit union, their fees are most likely lower
2007-02-17 16:16:45
answer #7
answered by angela w 2
i'm 99% sure Orchard Bank or First Premier Bank will give you a credit can even apply online.... my friend has a score of 530 and she has both cards & a 530 score is BAD!
2007-02-17 16:41:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Get married to someone that has credit and get a joint account?
2007-02-17 16:12:59
answer #9
answered by Bleed the Freak 5
Try the below company
2007-02-18 19:07:58
answer #10
answered by Anonymous