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ok.. my boyfriend is shy and i need help on try to kiss the shyness out of him. i am the more out going not shy kind of person and likes to have a good time. on the other hand my boyfriend is shy and i had the hardess time getting him to hold my hand so now i ready to kiss him i mean we have been dateing for 3 week shouldn't he be ready to? well i need help with this and what is the best time for a girl to kiss a guy oh yea i am in (( 9th grade)) so yea not to you no

2007-02-17 14:50:16 · 13 answers · asked by [[katy]] 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

13 answers

Just make a little move, peck on the cheek or something. Teenage guys are usually shy with that first girl. Just make him feel comfortable, dude.

2007-02-17 14:53:18 · answer #1 · answered by Dick B 2 · 0 0

you need to let him know how you feel and tell him what the kiss means to you. He is the type of guy who will think if you kiss him you love him so take it easy and tell him I just want to have a good time and it will be fun. Make it fun and overly emotional because You don't love him so tell him that you really like him and that it is ok to kiss people you really like and enjoy yourself. He will respect your honesty and kiss you. Tell him you want to be kissed by him.

2007-02-17 14:56:42 · answer #2 · answered by flydives 2 · 0 0

Shy or not you tell him if you are my boyfriend prove to me that I matter with a kiss. Be patient with romance and know that if it feels good it is but if you are sad about your relationship than let go of that boy.

2007-02-17 14:59:04 · answer #3 · answered by Lesha a Canadian. 3 · 0 0

Next time you are together and holding hands, if you share a smile or a laugh, lean over and give him a peck. There you've started the ball rolling see what happens with that.

2007-02-17 14:54:52 · answer #4 · answered by Mangomum 3 · 0 0

well there shouldnt be a time set...when your both comfy like sitting closely on the couch watching tv [in private!!] or something lean in and kiss him. you might have to make the first move cause hes shy.

he might have also been eager to kiss you, just couldnt come to it. also maybe after that he'll be more comfortable around you and loosen up...nyabe he'll feel more comfortable kissing you and knowing he wont be rejected or something..

2007-02-17 14:55:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are too young to kiss a B/F. BE SERIOUS in your studies he also wish to be your B/F but can wait to establish body relationship. So be serious & try to love him from your soul your goodness will bring him near your heart.

2007-02-17 14:57:00 · answer #6 · answered by P S 4 · 0 0

Just kiss him...the first one is the one if you will know that it is right...until then you are wasting time even in the 9th grade....!!!

2007-02-17 14:54:14 · answer #7 · answered by esmccann2 2 · 0 0

maybe you should just give him time to become more comfortable around you. seriously. maybe he has never been kissed before. maybe just start off really slow. just kiss him on his cheek at first. try to make him comfortable of course not overdoing it making him uncomfortable.

2007-02-17 15:02:56 · answer #8 · answered by <3_*~kiLLeR_kiSsEr~*_<3 2 · 0 0

At the movie theater because its dark, becuase he probably is shy because people are looking at you, or while you two are hugging.

2007-02-17 14:55:05 · answer #9 · answered by celinuchis90 3 · 0 0

ok well make a move and when he starts looking at you and look in his eyes and get closer to his lips when me and my boyfriend was on are first date he was like i am really atracted to your lips and he start getting closer to me we started kissing

2007-02-17 14:57:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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