hell is a place full of fornicators, what do you think they do around there? They go at it, of course
2007-02-17 13:58:20
answer #1
answered by Cherry Taster 4
The only unforgiveable sin is blasphemy against the holy spirit.--Matthew 12:31; Mark 3:29 So, yes you will be forgiven--if, as you say, it's sincere; AND you don't make a habit of sinning-and-repenting. God cannot be triffled with.
There is no hell. That was a man-made invention, to keep people in line. The Hebrew and Greek words usually translated as "hell" carry the idea of mankind's common grave. (Even the bible versions that use "hell" in some places say "grave" in others, when translating the same word.)
2007-02-17 14:06:49
answer #2
answered by Charles d 3
"Hell" is a concept of the afterlife... no one ever considers that "Hell" could refer to your time on Earth.
You must think very wisely before you "commit fornication." Will it cause complications? Will you lose friends? Make enemies?
Are you doing it for the right reason? Will you hurt someone else? Are you just acting out of lust? Are you being selfish?
Think wisely about your reasons and the implications... will you take yourself to Hell?
Sorry this isn't very eloquent. I'm in a rush, but felt it needed to be said.
2007-02-17 15:07:57
answer #3
answered by alaryn111 2
The Bible states that if you confess your sins, truly repenting, your sins are forgiven.
If you are talking about what Revelation 21:8 says, that is talking about those who have not repented, thereby turning completely away from the sins that they have confessed.
The Bible also states that if you are a child of God,who has accepted JesusChrist as Lord and Savior, then the old has passed away, and you are a new creature.
However, if you continue to do the sins that you have confessed, then you have not really repented, and therefore, you may still stand in judgment for those actions.
I am not GOD (duh) and I will not be judging anyone. I can only explain things according to my understanding.
2007-02-17 14:04:00
answer #4
answered by floydbeme 2
No, fornication was invented by God for us to either procreate or amuse ourselves. Why would a godly-endowed ability send one to hell? I don't understand what religion would communicate that this is some type of sin. And this is the problem with the great majority of organized religion. These fire and brimstone ideas that are implanted in people's heads as fear is the greatest motivator in controlling human behavior en masse. This is the major problem in men communicating the word of God. We twist and turn the words to suit our ends. Too many who are of the Church, use this earthly power of control on the peoples of the Earth, so they promote these ridiculous scenarios to make fear a prime motivating factor to bring us all to worship. That is totally unneccessary! As if none of us has the intelligence and understanding to honor and respect our Creator to live decent God-observing lives! Hell is symbolic. It is not a literal place where all sinners end up! Hell is on Earth now, and it is determined by one's thoughts and actions. God is a forgiving god, and no one is ever sentenced to eternal purgatory. Oh please, what would be the purpose of that? There is ever eternal hope that all souls will come to see the light at some point in their never-ending existences. We ascend at varying rates to this state of enlightenment and eternal life with our Creator. Would the Earth exist at all, if the Lord, our God, were not a Source of eternal hope and boundless love for all He created? Yes, we are put through our life lessons. But how would we learn otherwise? But eternal damnation for some act, never! God sentences no one to failure forever. What would be learned from that? The sun also rises, as does the sinning soul, who through time and experience, will come to learn the error of his ways and will ascend to increasing purity and clarity of his vision, with experience and the wisdom to be gained, which comes to us all, at one point or another. Hell is a negative concept, incompatible with the life force of that granted by our Creator. Man has mistakenly taken a symbolic concept and has communicated it as a literal event. So take it with a grain of salt, and seek further understanding. And neither do you need the Church to speak with God. He's there for you at any time, no middle man or cleric, is required. I speak directly to Him all the time. And the communication is pure and unadulterated by the interferings of man! Nothing wrong with going to church. It's very uplifting but I just reserve granting complete trust to the interpretations as presented by man. They do not want the masses to think this way, because their importance would be diminished, but that's the truth of the matter. Man wants to rule the world and religion is a very powerful tool to do so!
2007-02-17 14:28:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
. . . i'm going to be truthful, I even have difficulty pondering homosexuality to be that super of a sin. I advise, you found love, and it is in somebody of the comparable gender. solid for you for findin' it. i comprehend that suicide is a incredibly hefty sin, as you're incredibly 'giving up', as adversarial to taking the possibility and threat linked with residing. i don't comprehend the specifics, as i individually do no longer see that it concerns. I determine, after dying, we are extra or much less weighed on the solid and undesirable that we did. yet, I do have confidence that, if the reason in the back of why we did the undesirable element is valid--or vice versa--then it lessens the load of that sin. ...i'm no longer the guy to invite approximately this, nonetheless. i'm an Anglo-Saxon Protestant Christian who believes small bits and products of many different religions and cultures accessible. (I even have confidence that reincarnation could be valid, yet i've got no clue. i do no longer precisely remember what occurs as quickly as we shuffle off this mortal coil, y'comprehend?) Oh, and that i comprehend what you're conversing approximately. My aunt--the only I hate by using fact, she's been advise to me ever in view that i become like.. 3 months previous, provide or take.. is likewise a lesbian. i do in contrast to her individually, yet i'm no longer approximately to assert that's she gonna bypass to hell for her flavor. I advise, with all the **** i've got accomplished, i might say i'm extra apt to bypass to hell than she is. lower back, nonetheless, it is not that i'm the guy you may desire to invite approximately this.
2016-09-29 06:23:29
answer #6
answered by ? 4
To answer your question. If you repent no you will not go to hell, but you must repent sincerely and honestly that means that you wish that you never would have done it in the first place and if you had the opportunity to do it again you would not.
You will be judge we all will be judge according to every thing that we have ever done. Once you repent you don't go and do it again you walk up right and sin no more.
2007-02-17 14:07:59
answer #7
answered by reallygoingtotry 1
The Bible unequivocally condemns the committing of fornication by anyone, saint or sinner alike. The apostle Paul deals with this subject on several occasions in the epistles that he penned. The Christians at Thessalonica were commanded by him to abstain from fornication (I Thessalonians 4:3). In his epistle to the churches of Galatia, he classified fornication as one of the works of the flesh that can prevent one from entering into the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21). In the book of Romans he reflects upon the status of many Gentiles of the long ago when he stated,
“Wherefore God gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves…For this cause God gave them up to vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness…” (Romans 1:24, 26-29a).
This passage alone should be enough to convince the world that fornication and homosexuality are anything but pleasing to the eyes of the Almighty God.
2007-02-17 13:57:12
answer #8
answered by iamwhoiam 5
According to scripture...the only sin you cannot be forgiven of is "blasphemy/denial of the Holy Spirit. Repentance is futile if you do not readjust by not committing future acts of fornication. Religion is a lifestyle not a conditional or seasonal church attendance. I am guilty of fornication in multiple accounts. Will I stop, probably not. God leaves us with choices aka free will, it is up to us to follow His path or be led astray. How strong are your loins?
2007-02-17 13:59:22
answer #9
answered by Patrick the Carpathian, CaFO 7
Read I think, 1 Corinthians 6:9. Nothing like The Word to say it.
But, on the FLIP side of it, Luke 13:3 and Revelation 3:19 allow for TURN arounds! And IF you TRULY DO turnaround, you can just ask God to forgive you for it, as in 1John 1:9.
2007-02-17 13:58:05
answer #10
answered by wonderfulcounselorhealer 2
Yep. Everything is a sin and everyone with the possible exception of Mother Theresa is going to hell. Party on.
2007-02-17 13:56:54
answer #11
answered by Sun: supporting gay rights 7