Visitors tend to be very dissapointed with Los Angeles because when you come to LA, you go to Hollywood and see the Walk of Fame, the chinese theatre, and go star sighting, even if you really aren't into movies these are the things that the common tourist does.
With LA, you have to revolve your trip around some type of interest such as food, architecture, art. That's when you REALLY get to enjoy LA.
2007-02-20 00:16:22
answer #1
answered by david T 3
Every time I have to go there! The traffic is horrid and I really cringe when I drive down from the grapevine into the area and can actually see the air.
Parking is terrible and in certain areas there are so many tourists it can be very dangerous to drive.
LA is a nice place to drive through (assuming it isn't rush hour, or the two hours before or after). Those people must have the patience of Job!
2007-02-17 14:39:37
answer #2
answered by mtnflower43 4
Honestly when I go to L.A. its funny because you can always see who isnt from the area because they can be amazed by the smallest things. To be dissapointed or not depends on your expectations of what you are expecting to see or do. With my job I get to travel to alot of places. Los Angeles has alot of interesting things to do and things to see. You could go to the beaches in places such as Manhattan Beach just to have an outdoor experience or visit museums such as the Museum of Tolerance which is very interesting. There are alot of places to go shopping and true it is just like any other city. But if you are the kind of person that is expecting to run in to all kinds of famous people everywhere you go... well let me tell you its probably not going to happen. anywho. Los angeles is just one more city...
2007-02-17 11:26:38
answer #3
answered by Princess L 2
i used to live there about 20 years ago and loved it. yes, I have recently visited and what disappoints me is the unbelievable traffic. it's still an exciting place and the weather is absolutely perfect, but it's still it's superficial self. The emphasis on expensive cars and looking good is a little unreal. tons of folks in debt there trying to look like they fit in with the truly wealthy (and there are lots of those).
i do like going to supermarkets in malibu and running into the stars sometimes, though. kinda fun.
favorite places-topanga canyon...beautiful and venice beach-a trip
2007-02-17 11:21:18
answer #4
answered by outtahere 3
Los Angeles is just a big city like all big cities, land in LA and then go south along the coastline to other areas.
2007-02-17 11:17:25
answer #5
answered by Sherrie 3
I lived there for almost 5 months for work and loved it. I loved the weather and the great number of things to do. The restaurants were great too.
2007-02-20 02:25:25
answer #6
answered by Kam 2
I live here and am disappointed
2007-02-17 13:14:50
answer #7
answered by copestir 7