this blonde spots this brunette walikng by herself
the brunette keeps repeating to herself "51,51,51.."
the blonde walks up to her and asks "why do u keep saying 51?"
the brunette ignores her and keeps repeating 51
so then the brunette stops in the middle of a raildroad track
the blonde sees that a train is coming
she yells to the brunette to get out of the way but she still stands there
then the train is almost about to hit her but the blond pushes the brunette out of the way
then the brunette say "52,52,52..."
Sick right?
14 answers
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Entertainment & Music
➔ Jokes & Riddles
wat the brunette was talking about is that she killed 52 blondes.....i dont like it very much
09:28:00 ·
update #1