I have heard that if you don't wash it then it will come out but I don't really know how true that is.
2007-02-17 07:51:32
answer #1
answered by KJ 6
Once you have put the chemical on your hair it's there until it has grown out. At half an inch of month of growth, that's about 6 inches a year. Any thing that removes the curl from your permanent will also damage your hair further. There have been many people whose hair has broken off at the scalp or slightly further out after trying to remove the curl.
A permanent re-forms the DNA in your hair shaft. To attempt to reform the curl again means you have to break it down again and re-form it again. The curl will become softer, but as I mentioned, it will also be very damaged. To apply these chemicals over each other needs a VERY experienced professional, and you must take very good care of your hair until it grows out.
I recommend you learn how to style your hair as it is. There are lots of great styles for permed hair. Having a good hair cut can really make a difference to how it looks, too. Good luck.
2007-02-17 08:08:05
answer #2
answered by Jeanne B 7
first of all you are not suppse to wash your hair for 3 days after you have gotten the perm or it tends to make it fall out faster b/c it doesnt give the chemicals time to set in the hair, second of all if you use a straight iron that will only work till you wash you hair again. and your hair is not going to be fried if you get it straightend but in order for it not to you should wait a couple wks from the time you get you perm to straightening it and the cheapest way to straighten is to go get a perm or straightening kit (same things different name b/c straightening cost more) and have a friend help and apply to hair straight and either sit in a chair or lay of the edge of a bed and have someone make sure you hair stays straight for the length of time it says then go rinse that is what i done.
2007-02-17 08:01:17
answer #3
answered by crystald1683 1
Are you speaking of a relaxer or a perm? Either one is a PERMANENT condition. The best way to remove all traces of a relaxer is to cut it out. or be patient until it grows out. As far as a perm you can do a reverse perm but that can be very damaging to your hair. in either situation you should go see your stylist
2007-02-17 08:03:35
answer #4
answered by SoySrtaBonita 3
wait because i am doing the same thing. maybe washing it every other day will help ur perm grow out of the hair. also use products that stimulates hair growth and trim the ends
2007-02-17 10:45:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Permed hair is fried for good. You just have to cut off your hair or shave it all off and wait for new growth.
To stimulate hair growth, eat good food (and foods that are also healthy sources of iron). Ask your hair dresser to recommend scalp conditioners and oils that stimulate growth. Apply the conditioners and massage your scalp gently with your finger tips every night.
2007-02-17 08:13:31
answer #6
answered by hunu 2
A Straighting Iron
2007-02-17 07:50:41
answer #7
answered by basketballcenter50 2
ummmmmmm........... im going threw this process now and the only thing that will remove a relaxer is scissors srry..... but if ur not willing to do this u can grow out the new growth till it gets to a length in which u feel comfortable cutting the relaxed hair off this is what im doing.... and u r going to experience some breakage but i havent cuz ive kept my hair mosturized but no..........u can wash out a relaxer
good luck
2007-02-17 09:07:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You don't get it out, it's permanent. Go to a salon and they can relax it for you, but your hair will be damaged after all this. You can also blow it straight with a hair dryer and brush. But generally you're stuck with it. After a few days it should calm down tho.
2007-02-17 07:51:39
answer #9
answered by Ade 6
eeehhh tricky!!
Try normal shampoo r suttin if that dont work straighten ur hair or ask your hair stylist??
Hope I helped
2007-02-17 07:51:55
answer #10
answered by minxy1312 1