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I'm thinking of taking up Jujitsu as there is a class run near me. Could someone tell me what it involves and how it is different from Judo? Thanks

2007-02-17 05:55:11 · 16 answers · asked by kangaroo 4 in Sports Martial Arts

16 answers

Judo is the son and Jiu-jitsu is the Father.

The main difference being judo was originally formed as a safe way to practise jiu-jitsu as to avoid serious injury.
Judo eventually became a sport in its application to martial arts.
But jiu-jitsu retained it's undiluted application to self defence.

I've stressed many times that the most difficult aspect of learning jiu-jitsu is enduring and continuing the practise of breakfalling if you can overcome that as a beginner you will naturally continue on to a much higher level.
Hope this helps

An ex jiu-jitsu coach and bouncer :)

2007-02-18 12:07:47 · answer #1 · answered by Zenlife07 6 · 0 0

Basically Judo was created from JuJitsu. Both have the same grappling, hold down, and sumission techniques. Judo however teaches 67 different throwing techniques as well.
So in Jujitsu you will only be learning grappling and submissions and in Judo you will learning throws aswell as the ground techniques.
Common misconception is Judo is nothing but throws. Not true at all. If you already have Judo training stick with it as you won't learn anything more in Jujitsu that you can't learn in Judo.

Nothing against JuJitsu as it is a great style however Judo is just more rounded as it incorerates stand up fighting not just ground work.

13 years training in Judo

Additional: judoka, get your own nick name I don't want people thinking your me.

2007-02-17 17:55:27 · answer #2 · answered by Judoka 5 · 1 0

There's not much difference between Judo and Jujitsu except the fact that Jujitsu allows for more striking than Judo does.

Mainly they both work with body positioning (to submit or pin your opponent)

there's also use of joint locks and manipulation along with some throws.

2007-02-19 02:31:41 · answer #3 · answered by quiksilver8676 5 · 1 0

Take a look at the following:

Jujitsu America

American Judo and Jujitsu Federation

American Fedeation of Jujitsu

What is Jujitsu?

2007-02-17 14:54:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Judo is actually derived from jujitsu they are both martial arts focused on throwing and grappling. The difference is that judo is the refined form, meaning the deadly and bone breaking part of jujitsu was removed. That is why it was called judo or "the gentle way"...

2007-02-17 14:27:07 · answer #5 · answered by judoka 1 · 1 0

Judoka obviously knows nothing about Ju-Jitsu. In a good Ju-Jitsu school you will learn all the throws used in Judo plus joint locking, strikes, kicks and throws that are to dangerous for sport Judo. Don't get me wrong, Judo is an excellent sport and you don't want to get into a fight with a good judoka, but Ju-Jitsu is better suited for street self defense.

2007-02-17 22:50:54 · answer #6 · answered by Bill W 3 · 0 0

Recommend jujitsu for a lady girl Judo involves a lot of lying on top of your opponent, enjoy what ever martial arts you do finally take up, good luck

2007-02-17 14:47:08 · answer #7 · answered by northcarrlight 6 · 0 3

judo comes from jujitsu mmm i think the guys name was kano

he made it more simple concentrating on throws

evolution of jujitsu goes like this

jujitsu=judo=brazilian jiu jitsu

2007-02-18 08:19:04 · answer #8 · answered by faveraus 2 · 0 0

judo i think is much more physical, i used to take martial arts, and i wanted to learn some joint manipulation so i got a tape of master tanamura who is a ninja master, and jujitsu master, and it was very useful.. very good martial art, aikido is a derrivitive of jujitsu.. judo gene labelle got his butt handed to him by steven seagal [aikido] and aikido is not in my opinion as shall i say scientific as jujitsu

2007-02-18 08:20:35 · answer #9 · answered by stinger_449 2 · 0 0

Judo is a sport form of jujitsu, jujitsu has more strikes, joint breaks and disstentions.

2007-02-17 15:30:51 · answer #10 · answered by Ray H 7 · 2 1

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