the other day and was amazed that one of the clients were smoking, there were no windows open and it's a very small salon, it actually started to get foggy in there, i didnt say anything but now wish i had, can anyone tell me if this is allowed?
22 answers
asked by
Beauty & Style
➔ Hair
live in west midlands, will not be going there again!
06:05:25 ·
update #1
You know for some people a little common courtesy would go a long way! I am a smoker who is planning a quit date, my hubby has also decided to join me in this endeavor to finally quit!!!!! BUT back to the subject at hand, I try to be so very careful to not light up around non smokers in a public environment,it's simple common courtesy to me! That person had more problems than smoking offensively, I would say he or she is the kind of person who only thinks of themselves in all situations,not caring at all how he is making others feel at that moment! I think you had every right to be upset, and you would have been correct in bringing attention to the matter! After all, you had your 8yr. old son with you,who could have blamed you? Not all smokers are jerks,and most of us who are not jerks are realizing the need to quit!
2007-02-17 05:50:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I remember it in the old days, but I've only seen one salon allow smoking recently. It was an older, smaller, old ladyish salon, and it was an older lady smoking. I don't think it's encouraged, but she's probably been a customer for 50 years so they just let it go. Different cities and states have different laws about smoking in public. Call the manager and ask if that's normal practice there, and if it is, don't go there any more.
2007-02-17 13:34:35
answer #2
answered by Paula from Maple Street 4
it depends on where you live... im in indiana and almost the whole state is NO SMOKING anywhere you go... but it is dangerous to smoke in a salon because of the chemicals and stuff its all flammable... plus its down right inconsiderate! im not sure if you can do anything about it now but you should have said something then... i would call the salon and ask them to not allow smoking in the salon for your son's sake or else they wont get your business anymore... good luck!
2007-02-17 13:40:37
answer #3
answered by hot stuff 2
Yes it is allowed but i think that it will make there customers think twice about going there again, i don't recommend take anyone there again, it is not a very good environment for this to be happening. Get a better salon =)
2007-02-17 14:38:51
answer #4
answered by ♫мёģąŋ♫ 2
It depends where you live. You are the Mom, and responsible for protecting your child. While I don't believe that that small exposure to smoke will permanently damage your child. If you do, it is your place to ask the person or the proprietor to ask the client to extinguish the cig or you will leave.
2007-02-17 13:35:06
answer #5
answered by Nora P 2
Depends on what your city/county or community's code is.
Otherwise, just as in apartment rentals, a person who owns a salon or store can decide what they want in their own store. The only recourse you have is with your feet...walk out and don't go back.
2007-02-17 13:35:09
answer #6
answered by sophieb 7
It all depends on the hairdressers policy. but as already stated in other posts July in England it will be illegal to smoke in any enclosed public place.
2007-02-17 14:35:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
no there is not suppose 2 be smoking in the hair shop people can get sick somebody could have allergies an Asama an die
an they made that a law now so call an tell someone
but it depens on where u are from
2007-02-17 13:34:26
answer #8
answered by Brittany 1
It's allowed until July in England although if you have a problem you should ask it to stop especially when children are around.
2007-02-17 13:37:11
answer #9
answered by mintycakeyfroggy 6
Yes, unless local laws ban indoor smoking. Perhaps it would be better to take him to a place that specializes in children's cuts. I doubt that the kids will be smoking!
2007-02-17 13:39:58
answer #10
answered by Sasha 4