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I know the obvious answer is from the inside out. I have always thought that the state of the union adress should be targeteted. Another good way to divide us would be to target events which promote religious or cultral groups in order to divide us along basic lines (attack the NAACP and the whites get the blame). After that it is time to attack larger targets and force chaos. As far as the attack on Washington D.C, one would need to place a nuclear warhead (the russian mofia has them for sale) set to detonate during the State of the Union Adress. One member of the government would need to be assassinated simultainously (A low ranking secratary is kept away from Washington in case this very thing happens). If the perp is smart the divice will detonate after he has headed to a non-extradition treaty nation. The truth is however if this happens it will make us stronger. America will stand forever unfourtinately we will end up in economic ruin.

2007-02-17 04:25:22 · 16 answers · asked by john c 2 in Politics & Government Military

16 answers

Some of these other answers are pretty good. BTW, dude, are you drooling on your keyboard as you post this stuff? This forum is pretty anonymous, but you might wanna tone down the rhetoric for the world outside, bud. Yes, the decline is upon us, we are not Hadrian's Rome, we are Caligula's. Just wanted to focus on the one factoid. Russian nukes on the open market are a paper tiger. Those nukes are decades old, and even without the fueling and maintenance hassles of the lauch vehicles, they are sensitive and high-maintenance little bastards, the MIRVs. Each is made of exeptionally high-quality, very stable explosive setups, shaped to exacting forms with tremendous precision, and the electronics involved are also robust. That said, constant checks are needed to maintain viability, and corrosion, time and entropy are their enemies, as well as the radioactive core. This spectre of onrushing doom isn't quite the imminent threat people think it is.

2007-02-17 10:24:28 · answer #1 · answered by akhilleus 2 · 0 0

This is not meant as a slur against anyone, it is just my opinion. Apathy on the part of a majority of the American people who want to sit back and enjoy the good life but don't want to be involved in making sure that the Senators and Congressmen/women that they vote into office, are looking out for our country. Right now they are more interested in their popularity and in being elected (re-elected) How much of their time is spent on party politics instead what is truley good for our country? If you look at the things that are wrong in the US and how long these people have been in office, don't you have to wonder why, with all of their election year promises, things still continue to go from bad to worse? We have liberal judges making laws rather than enforcing them, law-makers pandering to special interest groups and going after the money instead of taking care of real issues that affect all Americans. Liberal teachers and Professors pushing their own agenda instead of teaching about true US history and how it affects our world today. People so wrapped up in hate and they don't even know WHY they hate who they think they hate except that that's who their favorite public personalities and the media tell them they are suppose to be against. All it does is seperate the American people even more. Until we take a hold of things, and remind the polititions that this is ALL of our country; they are public servants and we expect our monies worth or they are unemployed, nothing will get any better, but could get lots worse. Also greed, lack of common sence and the I-I-I, Me-Me-Me, instead of WE, As a Nation, mentality that exists today. If America falls, it will be because we pushed it over the edge!!! Probably the best way to gauge where we are today would be to read "The Rise And Fall Of The Roman Empire" and see what happened there. They also thought they were indistructable.

2007-02-17 05:26:16 · answer #2 · answered by DixeVil 5 · 0 0

Economically, this nation has already fallen. It has been the mindset of the world since Pres. Carter. A one world order. The only way for one world order is to bring the USA down to the third world status and that has been an ongoing plan since the 80s. China is now the economically Super Power and India is fast on its heels. This nation has lost most of its manufacturing base. I know the Gov has told you over and over that our economy is in good condition, however just look at the major manufacturing companies in this nation. {{Look at Ford, possibly will be in bankruptcy within the next few years.}}
This nation is now a debtor nation, it is also a user nation, a service nation. Most of the jobs are either in the medical, government, service fields. We sell very little to the world and buy most of our goods from what they call Off Shore companies, meaning our dollars are going out of country.
The shipping containers coming from china are building up in our ports that they are a major problem.
This nation's Super Power label is just that. We are like my pear tree. The pears on the outside are beautiful and extra large, however are rotten inside before getting ripe. The USA as a Super Power is a hollow shell. Don't misconstrue, I am an American, and am proud of our nation, however am awake to the failings of our Government leaders. We still have the ability to combat this existing war correctly, however these leaders do not want that. They want a one world order. We have to fail for that to happen. One thing in the planning is open borders from Alaska to the tip of S. America and one new currency to combat the Euro. Amero. No more US dollars.
One more thought,unfortunately, we are in economic ruin.
If you have been cognizant of he recent news. The housing market is down in forty states. That should be an indicator of the condition of the economy not the cause. The housing industry does not manufacture anything out of country. Should not bring down the economy numbers. Hollow shell, I ask you?
Division inside America. This nation is not just divided, it is fragmented. America was once failed the melting pot of the world. Meaning all could come here and become Americans, melting into one belief "For the good of all men". It is now a boiling pot, ready to boil over at all times. Shame but true. Our schools no longer teach freedom, they teach nothing, which leads to Chaos.
I am an old man, have seen the world at its best and at its worse. I grieve for our young. You are in for some gruesome years I think.
Study to be approved. Learn all you can about this world and what it will mean to loose this only truly free nation of the world.
It is a paramount need in this day we live and the world war that is building now.
The Hisemiester

2007-02-17 04:57:43 · answer #3 · answered by hisemiester 3 · 2 0

You have the makings of a good foriegn intrigue novel, however, I see some serious political and social issues that have already divided this country. Even gender issues will have severe impact on the cohesiveness of this country, we are already seeing the hatred spewing forth over the likes of Nancy Pelosi. Outside of Hillary Clinton, this is the most un-charismatic individual in US politics and is already a lightning rod between Conservatives and liberals.

Immigration is another lightning rod that won't go away and amnesty is not the answer. I can see work visa's for those who are here illegally but not permanent residency. I can see immediate deportation of individuals who abuse our financial programs, bankruptcy, imprisonment, etc. I can see permanent residency for those who serve in our armed services.

We are the deciders of our own destiny. It will be short lived if we give the enemy a chance to take advantage of our vulnerabilities. Politics is one way this could happen. A liberal administration is a sure fire way of closing the door on security for this country. We are already seeing it in the faces of public individuals such as John Murtha, Rahm Emanuel, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Charlie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and a few more. Give in to this element and you might as well turn in your jock strap, because you won't have anything left for which to fill it!

Keep doing business with the Chinese, and we won't need to go to war, they will just buy the whole friggen country. They will own it, and once they do, we will have nothing left in which to barter.

Keep buying oil from that dog breath down in Venezuela. Now there's a classic example of the American people pouring money into a dictatorship that is determined to see our demise, and the gaddamn government doing nothing to correct the situation.

We need leadership in this country. Not the kind that is in control because of the popular vote, either. We need someone who is capable of leading us to the promise land of security, prosperity, and cohesiveness. I really hope that it's not too late for this to happen!

2007-02-17 05:10:19 · answer #4 · answered by briang731/ bvincent 6 · 0 0

I see you've thought alot about this. Almost on the edge of CIA red-flag...

I don't think that America will "fall" in the same sense that the Romans fell. I think it will be a slow process, and that the majority of the public will be completely oblivious to its demise. Our country is currently evolving into something that it was not intended to be, and most people either do not mind or do not know. Eventually we will be living in a society not too different from that of "1984" - but the majority of the people will see no difference.

That is the fall of America - the loss of freedom, and the apathy of the people about that loss.

2007-02-17 04:36:16 · answer #5 · answered by smellyfoot ™ 7 · 2 0

It will be brought down from the inside is correct...HOWEVER.... It is the liberal left wing that will cause the demise...doing what is "politically" correct rather than what is needed is the demise of all great civilizations. Attempting to make the few whom strive to get ahead to pay for those whom want to just muddle through life without working or contributing to society...middle class vs UPPER AND LOWER classes will result in the overthrow of this society..or rather a change thereof...

2007-02-17 04:34:14 · answer #6 · answered by Real Estate Para Legal 4 · 1 0

The American people will cause America to fall. We are not a united country. We have way too many crazy people in this country who want to be friend and be friends with mad men who want nothing to do but to wipe us off the planet. We need to be a united front. But we are all divided. We have grouped ourselves into these units when we all need to come together and be a united front for our country.

2007-02-17 07:26:37 · answer #7 · answered by crash 4 · 0 0

The libs will sell us out.
Turn over our military to the UN and let the country be broken up into several small countries.

2007-02-17 05:23:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

At the moment, I see an economic collapse coming.

2007-02-17 04:30:49 · answer #9 · answered by mamasquirrel 5 · 0 0

economic collapse due to scandal and eventually civil war between Republicans and Democrats

2007-02-17 05:06:09 · answer #10 · answered by Evil Man 2 · 0 0

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