i GueSs thE tRuTh iS.. i pUt tOO mUCh tRusT iN thE DeaLERshIP... anD i tHOuGht... "HeY!thEy'rE a hUgE cOmpaNy, tHEy wOulD nEveR rIp mE oFf." ..... bUt i dUnNo whaT wenT wrOnG oR hOw iT aLL haPpenEd.. bEcauSe ... i duNno hoW thEse aUto pUrchaSinG woRkS... thE saLes maN anD i aGRee on thE pRicE.... of $$ 16,000.00 anD I siGneD thE paPerS (witHouT rEadIng) .... weLL... iN a bRiEf shOrT waY... hOw thE hEcK diD i eNd uP fInaNcInG a 2007 ToYotA yaRiS foR $425.00 a mOntH fOr a tErm oF 62 mOnthS??? WtH aLsO a DownPAyMenT oF $1,500.00... wiTh a APR oF 6.90 %... anD whaTs tHE DiffErEncE beTweEn a fiNanCe raTe anD a iNteReSt raTe? aRe thOsE twO dIgiTs thE exAct nUmbErs? oR iS thaT whAt moSt oTheRs aRe paYinG? .... I wouLD liKE somEonE eLsE's hOneSt oPiNiOn.....
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