i dont understand why these stupid teenagers waste their money..or better yet their parents money.... on a movie ticket when all they do is sit there and talk and play with cell phones thru the entire movie and no one else can enjoy it ! if these kids had been taught how to behave at home then they would know how to act and be respectful when they go out in public!! parents if your kids are disrespectful and dont know how to behave keep em at home!!!!! who agrees???
13 answers
asked by
Amy N
Society & Culture
➔ Etiquette
i agree with you also jack *** but teenagers with no raising from their parents also do it too!
17:47:29 ·
update #1
that is not the worst of it. i have the same problem with ADULTS.
i wait untill the last week that a movie will be showing to even bother going to see it, i hate crowded theatres.
when i went to see Chronicles of Narnia there were 2 other people in the theatre when my wife and i walked in. they were near to the middle.
we went to the second to last row from the back
then another group walked in, a man, his wife, and 3 kids.
they sat right behind us, and then proceeded to talk through half od the movie. And this was the Father doing all the Yacking.
when i asked him how he would feel if i talked through the whole movie he started getting lippy with me. then threatened to wait outside the theatre when i called an usher in on him.
his tone changed when i walked out beside him and told him that he did not have to wait for the movie to end...
but either way it is rediculous.
it is os bad in my area that when i go to a movie i expect to leave pissed off. and if i have a pleasent experience i am especially happy.
2007-02-16 17:55:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Most parents wouldn't believe you were talking about THEIR
kids, and thats a big part of the problem. Also quite a few adults are talking up a storm too, but nothings as bad as when the person with the loudest laugh on earth sits next to you except maybe the person that falls asleep and has the worlds loudest SNORE!!
2007-02-16 17:52:01
answer #2
answered by peachiepie 7
It makes me crazy. And it's one of the reasons I never go to movies at night or on the weekends. Early on a weekday there's a better chance of actually being able to enjoy a film.
2007-02-16 17:46:56
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
i grow to be in an similar difficulty and that i'm very grateful to God that He took me faraway from her. I not in any respect blamed the female for what she did because it grow to be I who grow to be responsible of breaking Islamic guidelines for my excitement and for this reason God confirmed me what occurs once you want this existence more beneficial than you want God. What i'd advise you to do is to forgive her and not in any respect ever examine with her and practice Islam more beneficial advantageous because in trouble-free terms islam can forestall.
2016-12-04 07:02:57
answer #4
answered by ? 4
yeah, it annoys me when they wont shut up but i cant say much because i talk during movies. but not a lot. i was just at Ghost Rider and the theater was so packed but no one was talking.
2007-02-16 17:46:43
answer #5
answered by ♥katie♥ 3
I hate it but the worst is when they shout at the characters on the movie screen as if they can interact live with them... such as, "Oh, no you didn't!!!" and "oh, that's gotta hurt."
2007-02-18 06:10:13
answer #6
answered by Jebbie 7
Yeah! Very irritating & distracting.
2007-02-16 20:47:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
yeah, but sometimes its funny. especially in comedies, but its annoying in action and drama movies.
2007-02-16 17:47:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
ya dont u hate it wont people do it in the movies? me and my girlfriend do that a lot
2007-02-16 17:46:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Not as much as the colored pictures piss me off.
2007-02-16 17:46:53
answer #10
answered by Carrie C 1