A chrsitian either fight in war or not, definitely going to hell. Until you believe in one and only god, you are destined for hell.
2007-02-20 16:33:55
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
In Christianity, killing is a sin. However, the government, having been established by God (Romans 13:1) has certain powers above and beyond what individuals have. These include the ability to use violence to maintain order (ie- police) and protect itself.
Christians can be soldiers. In fact, many soldiers are Christians. Under the doctrine of Just War, they can engage in acts of violence in there capacity as soldiers. Note that when the Roman soldiers asked John the Baptist what they must do, he did not tell them to stop being soldiers. He said "Do not take money from anyone by force, or accuse anyone falsely, and be content with your wages." (Luke 3:14). Thus, if a soldier abides by Just War requirements, then the acts he commits are permitted.
2007-02-16 12:19:31
answer #2
answered by Tim 6
Good Question,
If its a JUST war like WW II for example, especially for Europeans, I'd say Christians will be forgiven at the end. They should expect to pay some kind of price, though. Killing is killing. I don't see myself in a war unless my home country is at attack. That is called self defense (different from the Iraq situation, of course). To be honest, if I could I'd ban all weapons (even guns) all over the world. If men still want to fight afterwards, let them use sticks, knives an so. This way only the war mongers would die not innocent people.
2007-02-17 06:01:12
answer #3
answered by marcelsilvae 3
Sin is not what gets you to hell. Refusing to trust Jesus for forgiveness is. One sin (example a bad thought when someone cuts you off in traffic) is enough to separate one from God but Christ's death paid for ALL sin. Now whether or not fighting in a war is wrong is a whole 'nother topic. If you believe something is a sin and do it, then for you it is a sin. I personally think killing is wrong and would not join any organization with that purpose. However many Christians believe there is a time when it is acceptable. If they were mistaken but love and trust God they will certainly be forgiven. I'm not saying it is okay or that there won't be emotional scars, just that no sin can separate us from the love of God.
2007-02-23 20:08:19
answer #4
answered by Arrow 2
It depends on the war. Seriously, it depends on whether war was a just war or not. The Bible does allow for self defense, but not for wars of aggression. Now, where you can really get bogged down at, is a pre-emptive strike against your enemies a defensive move or a aggressive move. Discuss amongst yourselves.
Also, there was an old belief, that soldiers, who had known the carnage or war and who were horrified by it, were automatically given entrance to Heaven. Those who weren't aghast at what they had seen in battle were made guards in hell.
2007-02-23 03:37:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Of course they won't go to hell.Being in the military,and fighting against the enemy,is not the same as murdering someone.Even Ecclesiastes 3 says:
7 A time to tear,
And a time to sew;
A time to keep silence,
And a time to speak;
8 A time to love,
And a time to hate;
A time of war,
And a time of peace
Nicole,it's got nothing to do with picking and choosing.But God clearly says that there is not a problem in defending yourself or in war.He says that murder is unacceptable.There is a big difference.
Dave P,I can't believe you said that.You are quite entitled to your own opinion,but judging someone's salvation because they are don't agree with your position,and are fighting for your country,is quite a slap in the face to all Christians in the military.
2007-02-16 12:16:29
answer #6
answered by Serena 5
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.
The government has the right to request or demand military service by the citizens of the country.
Also, we are directed to obey the authorities placed over us, which would be the leaders of the government.
Obey the law.,.
If military service is a requirement of the law, then it is to be complied with.
And, there's precedent throughout the Old Testament for people to serve their leaders by forming up an army and using that army to defeat opposing forces.
Note also, that the 10 commandments are one of the most commonly mistranslated sections of the Bible.
The Hebrew words say "Thou shalt not commit MURDER"
It is not "Thou shalt not Kill."
Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being.
Shortly after the 10 commandments is the institution of punishments for crimes against man and/or God.... the punishments included stoning, one of the most brutal forms of capital punishment ever devised. That means KILLING.
So... there is lawful killing which is not sinful.
And that means that it is quite possible to serve in the military and kill the enemies of your country and be perfectly correct according to the Bible.
The Bible does not oppose capital punishment... it demands it.
2007-02-24 00:51:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
God never tells us it is okay to go out and kill our neighbor. Although it is obviously a tragic wrong to murder on a personal level, sometimes government will exercise the authority of Capital Punishment or declaring war. For example, the Children of Israel declared war on the nations that were bent on their destruction. As a civil act, it may have been a necessary option.
As Christians we are compelled to respect/obey our government, unless it is clearly provoking war for evil intent. Obviously, this can easily lead to "gray areas" that must be decide by the individual....
2007-02-16 12:17:11
answer #8
answered by Seven 5
god sees everything and the things we have to go through every day. he knows if we're forced to do something or if we're doing it out of our own desire. so if the person is a true christian, he'll know that killing IS killing, like you said, no matter what. therefore repent, ask for forgiveness. i think this is a very subjective question because people who claim to be christian do not necessarily act in a christian way, so i think it really depends on the person. but good question! PEACE!
2007-02-16 12:11:43
answer #9
answered by 360 2
This is the theme of the Bhagavad Gita. God (manifesting as Krishna) appears as the chariot driver for a prince who must do battle with an army led by members of his extended family. The prince argues that it would be better to lie down and die than kill a relative, but Krishna says no, you must do your duty to protect others. The Gita is a small book, and really meant for those who are studying higher Hinduism, the core mysticism behind the search for God. I doubt that the Southern Baptist Church would encourage you to read it. So if you do read it, don't tell them. There are many translations of the Gita, the best I have found is one by Yogi Ramachakra. My only warning about the military is this: they don't have your best interests at heart.
2016-03-28 23:15:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
"Those who take up the sword, die by the sword" Jesus said to Peter when he tried to defend him. First of all, by that statement, Jesus basically said he is on no one's side during a war, and secondly, if he refused someone to defend him why should Christians defend their Governments and go to the military? Is our country more valuable than Jesus's life? We are not to pick up a sword at all. And don't get me started on Patriotism. A famous quote by Mark Twain..."Patriotism is just the notion that your country is the best, simply because you were born in it." It is all vanity and ego. Christians should be humble.
2007-02-24 10:55:11
answer #11
answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7