You sir, are a blasphemer. And you shall pay dearly when you are entangle in the stickiness of HIS noodly embrace. Fall to your knees and let carb-rich awe descend upon you as you behold the divine bolognese of the Flying Spaghetti Monster!
2007-02-16 11:34:25
answer #1
answered by Sam C 3
From the Article written in 1958
"Who Is God"
Noah survived the flood because he worshiped the true God Jehovah. He handed down the worship of the living God to his sons, but soon after the flood true worship degenerated into the false worship of many gods. The worship of Jehovah was neglected by those who began to worship the powers and objects of nature. As Paul the apostle declared: Men “exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen.”—Rom. 1:23, 25.
In Ur of the Chaldeans, the land where Abram was born, people worshiped star-gods, because their leaders were great astrologers. Their gods, Assur and Kissar, were the works of their own hands. The Chaldeans also made the gods Anu, Bel and Baal and Hea. Jehovah proved himself supreme over all the gods of the Chaldeans when he frustrated their attempt to build the tower of Babel by confusing the languages of men.—Gen. 11:5-9.
When the descendants of Abraham journeyed down into Egypt, there they came across a whole selection of different gods. According to Wilkinson, Egypt had many gods, the greatest of whom were Neph, Amun, Pthah, Khem, Sati, Maut and Bubastis. Ra and Seb were the first of the second class of Egyptian deities. The Egyptians believed that Neph made the sun and moon revolve. Pthah was worshiped as the creator. Khem was the god of agriculture. Ra was worshiped as a sun-god and his son Seb represented time. The ancient Egyptians also worshiped a trinity made up of Osiris, Isis and Horus, namely, father, mother and son. This trinity is precisely the same as that worshiped in Christendom. It has been handed down from ancient Egypt and Babylon.
Jehovah vindicated his supremacy over all the gods of Egypt when he disgraced them with ten plagues and destroyed the Egyptian forces in the Red Sea. Following the Red Sea victory the Israelites sang to Jehovah’s praise: “This is my God, and I shall laud him; my father’s God, and I shall raise him on high. Jehovah is a manly person of war. Jehovah is his name. . . . Who among the gods is like you, O Jehovah?” There is none.—Ex. 15:2, 3, 11.
2007-02-16 19:06:35
answer #2
answered by Livin In Myrtle Beach SC 3
Actually, God controls not only the entire physical universe, but all the other non-material realms of existence as well.
Amun Rah doesn't even exist, so I doubt he's sad about anything.
2007-02-16 19:03:59
answer #3
answered by darth_maul_8065 5
There are plenty of people who worship both Amun and Ra today: the Kemeticists.
So your question is effectively meaningless. Sorry.
2007-02-16 19:17:11
answer #4
answered by prairiecrow 7
They all still worship him because they call his name as Amen at the end of all there prayers.
Without him there is no credibility to their religion.
2007-02-16 19:03:28
answer #5
answered by Nuwaubian Moor 3
...did you wake up this morning and breath...? "praise The Lord"
If you want to worship Rah... you can do so... and there are still those who Egypt.
2007-02-16 19:04:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
who is AMUN RAH?
the egyption god?
2007-02-16 19:02:38
answer #7
answered by Samantha 6