What is the Mormon Religion ? This is what it says, in Joseph Smith's own words, as he wrote these books below. Patiently read to understand what Mormonism believes/teaches.
1. The Mormon Church teaches that there are many Gods (Book of Abraham 4:3ff), and that we can become gods and goddesses in the celestial kingdom (Doctrine and Covenants 132:19-20; Gospel Principles, p. 245; Achieving a Celestial Marriage, p. 130). It also teaches that those who achieve godhood will have spirit children who will worship and pray to them, just as we worship and pray to God the Father (Gospel Principles, p. 302).
The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that God is Spirit (John 4:24; 1 Timothy 6:15,16), He is not a man (Numbers 23:19; Hosea 11:9; Romans 1:22, 23), and has always (eternally) existed as God — all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere present (Psalm 90:2; 139:7-10; Isaiah 40:28; Luke 1:37).
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that God the Father was once a man like us who progressed to become a God and has a body of flesh and bone (Doctrine and Covenants 130:22; "God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens!" from Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 345-347; Gospel Principles, p. 9; Articles of Faith, p. 430; Mormon Doctrine, p. 321). Indeed, the Mormon Church teaches that God himself has a father, and a grandfather, ad infinitum (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 373; Mormon Doctrine, p. 577).
The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that Jesus is the unique Son of God; he has always existed as God, and is co-eternal and co-equal with the Father (John 1:1, 14; 10:30; 14:9; Colossians 2:9). While never less than God, at the appointed time He laid aside the glory He shared with the Father (John 17:4, 5; Philippians 2:6-11) and was made flesh for our salvation; His incarnation was accomplished through being conceived supernaturally by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin (Matthew 1:18-23; Luke 1:34-35).
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that Jesus Christ is our elder brother who progressed to godhood, having first been procreated as a spirit child by Heavenly Father and a heavenly mother; He was later conceived physically through intercourse between Heavenly Father and the virgin Mary (Achieving a Celestial Marriage, p. 129; Mormon Doctrine, pp. 546-547; 742). Mormon doctrine affirms that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers (Gospel Principles, pp. 17-18; Mormon Doctrine, p. 192).
The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost are not separate Gods or separate beings, but are distinct Persons within the one Triune Godhead. Throughout the New Testament the Son and the Holy Spirit, as well as the Father are separately identified as and act as God (Son: Mark 2:5-12; John 20:28; Philippians 2:10,11; Holy Spirit: Acts 5:3,4; 2 Corinthians 3:17,18; 13:14); yet at the same time the Bible teaches that these three are only one God (see point 1).
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three separate Gods (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 370; Mormon Doctrine, pp. 576-577), and that the Son and Holy Ghost are the literal offspring of Heavenly Father and a celestial wife (Joseph Fielding McConkie, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, vol. 2, p. 649).
The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that the disobedience of our first parents Adam and Eve was a great evil. Through their fall sin entered the world, bringing all human beings under condemnation and death. Thus we are born with a sinful nature, and will be judged for the sins we commit as individuals. (Ezekiel 18:1-20; Romans 5:12-21).
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that Adam’s sin was "a necessary step in the plan of life and a great blessing to all of us" (Gospel Principles, p. 33; Book of Mormon — 2 Nephi 2:25; Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 1, pp. 114-115).
The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that apart from the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross we are spiritually "dead in trespasses and sins" (Ephesians 2:1,5) and are powerless to save ourselves. By grace alone, apart from self-righteous works, God forgives our sins and makes us worthy to live in His presence (Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5-6). Our part is only to cling to Christ in heartfelt faith. (However, it is certainly true that without the evidence of changed conduct, a person’s testimony of faith in Christ must be questioned; salvation by grace alone through faith, does not mean we can live as we please — Romans 6:1-4).
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that eternal life in the presence of God (which it terms "exaltation in the celestial kingdom") must be earned through obedience to all the commands of the Mormon Church, including exclusive Mormon temple rituals. Works are a requirement for salvation (entrance into the "celestial kingdom") — Gospel Principles, p. 303-304; Pearl of Great Price — Third Article of Faith; Mormon Doctrine, pp. 339, 671; Book of Mormon — 2 Nephi 25:23).
The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that the purpose of the atoning work of Christ on the cross was to provide the complete solution for humankind’s sin problem. However, those who reject God’s grace in this life will have no part in this salvation but are under the judgment of God for eternity (John 3:36; Hebrews 9:27; 1 John 5:11-12).
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that the purpose of the atonement was to bring resurrection and immortality to all people, regardless of whether they receive Christ by faith. Christ’s atonement is only a partial basis for worthiness and eternal life, which also requires obedience to all the commands of the Mormon church, including exclusive Mormon temple rituals (Gospel Principles, pp. 74-75; Mormon Doctrine, p. 669).
The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that the Bible is the unique, final and infallible Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 1:1,2; 2 Peter 1:21) and that it will stand forever (1 Peter 1:23-25). God’s providential preservation of the text of the Bible was marvelously illustrated in the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that the Bible has been corrupted, is missing many "plain and precious parts" and does not contain the fullness of the Gospel (Book of Mormon — 1 Nephi 13:26-29; Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 190-191).
The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that the true Church was divinely established by Jesus and could never and will never disappear from the earth (Matthew 16:18; John 15:16; 17:11). Christians acknowledge that there have been times of corruption and apostasy within the Church, but believe there has always been a remnant that held fast to the biblical essentials.
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that there was a great and total apostasy of the Church as established by Jesus Christ; this state of apostasy "still prevails except among those who have come to a knowledge of the restored gospel" of the Mormon Church (Gospel Principles, pp. 105-106; Mormon Doctrine, p. 44).
2007-02-16 10:59:47
answer #1
answered by Thomas 6
The "underpants" you speak of is the temple garment which is an outward expression of an inner commitment. It is a tangible reminder of the sacred covenants we have made in the House of the Lord. I like to think of the garment as the Lord’s way of letting us take part of the temple with us when we leave. It is true that we carry from the Lord’s house inspired teachings and sacred covenants written in our minds and hearts. However, the one tangible remembrance we carry with us back into the world is the garment. And though we cannot always be in the temple, a part of it can always be with us to bless our lives.
The link below talks specifically about this garment.
2007-02-16 18:57:28
answer #2
answered by Arthur 1
"Is Mormonism Christian?" is a very important question. The answer is equally important and simple. No. Mormonism is not Christian.
The reason Mormonism is not Christian is because it denies one or more of the essential doctrines of Christianity. Of the essential doctrines (that there is only one God, Jesus is God in flesh, forgiveness of sins is by grace alone, and Jesus rose from the dead physically, the gospel being the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus), Mormonism denies three of them: how many gods there are, the person of Jesus, and His work of salvation.
Mormonism teaches that God the Father has a body of flesh and bones (D. & C. 130:22) and that Jesus is a creation. It teaches that he was begotten in heaven as one of God’s spirit children. This is in strict contrast to the biblical teaching that he is God in flesh (John 1:1, 14), eternal (John 1:1, 2, 15), uncreated, yet born on earth (Col. 1:15), and the creator all (John 1:3; Col. 1;16-17). Jesus cannot be both created and not created at the same time. Though Mormonism teaches that Jesus is god in flesh, it teaches that he is "a" god in flesh, one of three gods that comprise the office of the Trinity (Articles of Faith, by Talmage, pp. 35-40). These three gods are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. This is in direct contradiction of the biblical doctrine that there is only one God (Isaiah 44:6,8; 45:5).
Because Mormonism denies the biblical truth of who God is, who Jesus is, how forgiveness of sins is attained, and what the gospel is, the Mormon is not Christian -- in spite of all his claims that he is.
2007-02-16 18:46:50
answer #3
answered by Jo 4
It was founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith. He claimed to be a prophet and that people could receive direct revelation from God. Mormons believe some things that other Christan church's find blasphemous like the idea that people are the children of god and can become like him and Mormons believe in a living prophet and continuing revelation to both individuals and church leaders.
Serena is wrong. Most of what she said is characterization of the religious concept I spoke about. The church has very strict rules about behavior especially sexual behavior (e.g. no adultery pornography.) Some people who been disciplined (by disfellowship) for things like adultery or committing felonies become ardent protesters of the Mormons and twist the things that the church does teach like eternal marriage into things it does not teach like Jesus was married. They do this to feel vindicated rather than accept responsibility for their behavior.
The church also no longer practices polygamy although at one time they did. This practice was based on biblical prophets engaging in the practice and the continuing revelation I refereed to.
IN response to JO
Christ is both eternal and created in the sense that his spirit is eternal and he lived before he was born a child of our heavenly father in the presence of God and he was created in the sense that he was born physically. We are all spirit children of our heavenly father. Call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven" (Matt. 23:9) I ascend to my father and your father (john 20:17)
IN response to unnamed respondent
Joseph Smith said he was only a prophet when he was acting as a prophet so some of the conclusions he drew were and are still speculation albeit speculation based on more communication from god than anyone else has had in 1900 years and I also have respond that your answer still contains some twisting even though you purport to be quoting.
I then pose several questions.
First are those conclusions you reach regarding what defines Christianity your conclusions or are they the Bible's conclusions?
Why do you suppose god created man? Is it to play harps in heaven or is it because we are his children who he loves and wishes to progress to be like him. If all we are going to do in heaven why does it matter if we keep commandments or made pure through Christ's Atonement.
Is God really all one incomprehensible being or is he really three distinct beings who are one in purpose.
You can always pray about it. If you ask with a sincere heart god will manifest the truthfulness of it to you. I have done it and I hope you will too. Of course you will need to be willing to live by what you learn which is always the condition for gaining personal knowledge.
2007-02-16 18:44:22
answer #4
answered by halfway 4
Mormons believe that God used to be a man on another planet,He has a goddess wife,He has an actual flesh-and-bones body,He and His wife have spirit children,Jesus and Lucifer are brothers,Jesus married and had children,all people have the potential to become gods and in order to reach this exalted state of godhood, a person must first become a good Mormon and be found worthy.They believe in baptism for the dead,celestial marriage,and when you reach a god status,you inherit your own planet to control.
They believe in Jesus and other Christian themes,but they believe a lot of things that directly contradict the Bible,and because of this,they cannot honestly be called Christian.
2007-02-16 18:41:07
answer #5
answered by Serena 5
What you label as the "Mormon religion" is really the religion of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It encompasses what they see as the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To learn more about the religion of Latter-day Saints or "Mormons" check out the link below.
2007-02-16 18:47:56
answer #6
answered by Arthurpod 4
Yes, it is also know as The Church of Latter Day Saints, but I can't really say what it is other than a bunch of people who live out West and practice polygamy.
2007-02-16 18:39:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You mean that religion that says God was once a man and that he elevated himself to God status? That we can all someday have our own planets, and pro create our own planet dwellers?
No God is God, and always was God. The Mormon church is a false church. Sounds like fun though, right?
2007-02-16 18:39:54
answer #8
answered by bbjones9 3
Yes, it is a branch off of Christianity.
2007-02-16 18:38:53
answer #9
answered by Icesage0 2
its a cult with no TRinity belief which is commanded for baptism
Matt 28:19
2007-02-16 18:43:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous