god doesn't exist
2007-02-16 09:54:08
answer #1
answered by Alterna 4
I'll try not to be long on this.
The Scientific community is really a Human community, subject to human traits. The traits include subjective conclusions, Agenda Based Science, and narrow minded approaches.
Radiocarbon dating has been the conerstone of the Agenda Based Scientific Community. This 50 year old technology is used to determine the amount of decay of Carbon-14 in objects to determine an approximate age. Carbon - 14 is present in Carbonaceous objects. Living tissue is included in these Carbonaceous things.
So, in theory, if you find a bone, pick it up, test it to see how much Carbon - 14 it has left compared to how much it should have, you can get an idea of how long it has not been alive.
There are some problems with the somewhat blind use of Radiocarbon dating that have not been addressed completely. I will only tell you the 3 of the many I have a problem with.
1. Radiocarbon dating, in order to be accurate must assume the environment of the location of the found item has not changed, or changed very little. This includes little or no changes in cosmic rays, suns activity, climate, heat, cold, affects of water, affects of chemicals in the air, earth passage through magnetic fields, the earth's magnetic field, etc, etc. There are an unmeasureable amount of environmental change possibilities. Can you imagine how many hurricanes alone can happen in, say, 10,000 years?
2. There are Anomolies. There are objects which exist where the Radiocarbon dating has dated the object to be 50,000 years old that have more Carbon-14 than items dated 100,000 years old. Coal is a big problem for Radiocarbon dating for example.
3. The whole scientific community has agreed Radiocarbon dating is only a measurement that can be used to date items less than 100,000 years old as of 2001 (this could have been revised to 75,000 years). Before that, a 60,000 year date was used. And before that, it was 40,000 years. And even before that, in school I was told Willard Libby, the Radiocarbon inventor, was only willing to say it was accurate to 50 years. I know scientists can get better at measuring the Carbon-14 in items, but a 99,950 year difference in stated accuracy? Come on now!
So, just like anything else, how old something is believed to be is really influenced by the guy who tests it.
2007-02-16 10:44:05
answer #2
answered by Mark M 3
First, an aside to set up my answer. Remember when you were a kid ... or maybe you still are a kid, I don't know ...
And your mom says, "Take out the trash." But you're to busy playing a videogame or something, and you say, "In a minute, mom!"
Do you mean a literal minute, or are you speaking figuratively?
Figuratively, of course.
We have the same situation with Genesis. When the hewbrews left Egypt after 400 years, their culture had severely degraded. One of the consequences of the last couple hundred years of living in egypt was that they were not allowed to educated in almost any way. Even their understanding of years, and months were lost outside of the seasonal changes of the Nile River.
So as the hebrews are wandering through the desert, they start to wonder where it is that they came from. Moses writes a history for them.
You can refute this part if you want as hogwash, but that's up to you.
I think if God wanted to tell Moses exactly how everything was created, and how every law of the universe was enacted, He could have. However, the hebrews would not have been able to understand it at all.
Instead, God gave Moses a brief story that they people could understand - and here is the important part - the word used for 'day' in hebrew in this part of Genesis can, obviously, be used and translated into 'day.' But it can also refer to an unaccounted for expanse of time.
Kind of like when you tell your mom "In a minute."
Did you really mean minute? No, you meant a relatively short period of time.
Does the bible mean a literal day?
In my opinion, and many biblical linguest's opinions, no. It does not.
So the universe was created. Was exactly the way that Genesis says? No. Of course not.
Was it meant to be a literal science book?
No, of course not.
It was meant to give a people a brief account of their history and lineage that they could understand.
It's a metaphorical story, not a scientific text book.
2007-02-16 09:46:38
answer #3
answered by Angry Moogle 2
To assume the frog is 25 million years old, several assumptions have to be made. You have to assume the method of dating is accurate, even though there is no way to test it. You have to assume the rate of the changes measured in the carbon dating has been constant. You have to assume you know the conditions of the minerals when the aging process began. etc.
You also have to assume that the people who say it is 25 million years old are correct in their assumption or conclusion! If you believe them, you basically have to take their word for it! You have to have "faith" in them!
So if the frog is less than 6000 years old, why did it look, or appear to be so old?
Notice in the Bible, things that were created by miracle appeared older than they were.
In the first century, for example, it took quite a while to make bread because you had to grow wheat, grind it, gather ingredients, mix them, let them rise, build a fire, etc. Jesus, however, broke a few loves and instantly created enough new bread to feed thousands of people on at least two occasions. The new bread looked like and ate like the bread that took hours or days to make, but it was really not that old.
When God created man, Adam was formed in a mature state. One day after Adam was made, he was only one day old, but he appeared many years old.
There is a difference between real age and apparent age. God did not try to trick us. The Bible tells us that the creation was made in a few days, but the world was in a mature form capable of sustaining life, and the living things themselves were made mature, capable of reproduction. According to the Bible, the world was made in six days, but it looked and functioned like it was much older.
Also, how could God have created anything without it having some apparent age?
Just because something looks old, that does not mean it is. The flaw could be in how we interpret the data!
For example, also in Mexico there were found hundreds of clay statues of dinosaurs. So do you believe those who teach evolution and point to the supposed 25 million year old frog, or do you believe the records left behind by ancient men showing that they have SEEN dinosaurs? Which "evidence" do you choose?
2007-02-16 10:21:07
answer #4
answered by JoeBama 7
religion..."good for many laughs", but GREAT for MANY MANY wars!
ok, :)
It was put there just to confuse us, like all those fossils, and that geology stuff....
Why does it have to be a fake fossil
Couldnt god have created it 25 million years ago, then wiped the slate clean about 6,000 years ago when he created this world..?
But, then he kept aside that poor little frog entomed in amber for 24,994,000 years.... just to bury in his 'new perfect world'
or, there is the ancient earth and evolution perspective.
Note on the Coelocanth - there are plenty of species remaining to be found and described on earth, its just VERY occassionally we find the fossils of them first before the live thing... unless the creature is extinct, which is very likely, given the GREAT AGE of the earth and the Diversity of living creatures.
Hugs to all,
2007-02-16 10:00:44
answer #5
answered by nnjamerson 3
How do they test a fossil to see how old it is? From what I understand the accepted test changes about every 4 or 5 years.
2007-02-16 09:46:50
answer #6
answered by real illuminati(Matt) 3
there is no absolute knowledge
not for scientist
and not for a spiritualist
donchya, you sure God doesn't have sense of humor. Look at some of the people he created., The naked Mole rat? Presidant Bush?
I rest my case
2007-02-16 09:46:21
answer #7
answered by danksprite420 6
I saw that silly article. How can you tell if a tree frog is 22 million years old or 43. Its funny that a man can determine the difference when he can't even guess my age.
2007-02-16 09:55:53
answer #8
answered by Fish <>< 7
Ya that funny old God,always foolin around tossin people
into Hell, for a trillion years
2007-02-16 10:11:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
not all christains believe that the earth is literally 6000 years old, it is usually fundamental christians who believe that.
2007-02-16 09:46:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous