Here are a few that come in handy not just lol but oyjer frequently used Phrases. Typically, for simple words, a single letter, homophonic abbreviation is used:
2 - to, or too
c - see
k - O.K./okay
o - oh
q - question
r - are/our
u - you
y - why
Double letter abbreviations:
am - above mentioned
cu - see you
ga - go ahead (which originated with Morse Code on the telegraph and later entered usage on IRC)
gg - good game or gotta go
g2g - got to go
jc - just chillin'
kl - cool
kk - ok cool (often to emphasize k)
nm - nothing much or nevermind
np - no problem
rl - real life
tg - thats gooey
ty - thank you
ur - your/you're
wb - welcome back
yw - you're welcome
Abbreviations using three or more letters:
afaik - as far as I know
afk - away from keyboard
*poof* definitely stopped watching the monitor now (or even turned it off).
atm - at the moment
asl - age/sex/location
brb - be right back
brt - be right there
bbiab - be back in a bit
bbl - be back later
bfn - bye for now
btw - by the way
byob - Bring your own booze/beer/beverage/boxing gloves/bombs
cba - can't be arsed/asked
cbf - can't be fucked
cuz - because
cya - See you (later)
ftw - for those wondering (also "For the win"; this was probably one of many acronyms misunderstood and then "repurposed")
fyi - for your information
g2g - got to go (or "good to go" as distinct from "gtg" for "got to go")
gtg - got to go
hax - hacks/hacking
hxc - hard core
iaal - I am actually laughing
idc - I don't care
idk - I don't know
iirc - If I remember correctly
imba - Imbalanced or over-powered (usually in a gaming context)
ime - in my experience
imho - in my humble/honest opinion
imo - In my opinion
irl - in real life
l8r - later
lmao - laughing my *** off
LDR - Long-distance relationship
lol - laughing out loud [a user says this when something is funny, though it has become somewhat of a cliché
nsfw - Not suitable for work
NITSKW - Not in the scene kid way
omg - oh my goodness/gosh/god
ZOMG - a way to make fun of "scene" kids who overly use the term "OMG". Similar to 'pwn' in that it stems from the proximity of the shift and Z keys.
O RLY? - oh really?
YA RLY - yeah, really.
NO WAI!!! - no way!
YES WAI!!! - yes way!
otp - on the phone
paw - parents are watching
peps - people
pr0n - porn
ROFL - Rolling on floor laughing
ROFFLE - Rolling on floor laughing (sounds like ROFL)
LQTM - Laughing quietly to myself
ROTFLOL - Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
ROFLcopter - a helicopter made out of ROFL's, used to replace "ROFL" in certain cases.
ROTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing
SAL - Smiling A Little
sif - As if
SLAP - Sounds like a party
STBE - Soon-to-be-ex, as in ex-husband or ex-wife
tbh - to be honest
thx thanks
moo? what?
kthx - okay? thanks! (sarcastically)
kthxbye (also sometimes kthxbai) - okay, thanks, goodbye. Used like kthx, but additionally closing (or trying to close) the discussion and/or thread.
TIA - Thanks in advance
tldr (also sometimes tl;dr) - too long; didn't read. Used in discussions when the reader refuses to read the other person's opinion because it is too long.
ttfn - "Ta ta for now" (see you later)
ttt - to the top, used in forums ordered by last post
ttyl - talk to you later [originally developed by the deaf on teletype machines]
ttys - talk to you soon [similar to the above]
tyt - take your time
w/e - whatever
cwus - converse with you soon
fu - **** you
pgm - pro gamers
i'z - i is (ebonics for "i am")
ftl - For the Loss/lose
mlk - malakas -greek word- meaning masturbator or a stupid person
kewl - cool or awesome
own- To pose superiority above the victim or competitor beaten badly.
pwn- Leetspeak version of the word own, used in the sense of "I pwn you".
ke - Ok
WTF- "What the ****" - An expression of incredulity.
owned- used mostly in online games when defeting an oponent.
p4ned- another way to spell owned used mostly in online games when defeating an oponent.
Über- Über is a gaming term for a player or object that is considered superior
Abbreviations using charactors other than letters, see [emoticon] for more:
:) - means happy
:( - means sad
:I - means not feeling any emotion at the time
x_x - dead, exhausted or knocked out; giving up, lost, confused
0_o - shocked, appalled, in a state of disbelief
Paradoxical anti-internet-slang acronyms:
PUKING - People Using Krappy IM Nerdy Gestures
KAE - Kill All Emoticons
[edit] Acronyms & abbreviations
Acronyms are probably the most used variation of internet slang. As opposed to typing out a long character string of multiple words, a simple 3 or 4 letter acronym can be used to express your point. A good example of this is "lol", which is commonly used to replace "laughing out loud" or "laugh out loud", to express laughter, or "rofl" (Rolling on floor laughing) to express a lot of laughter, along with "lmao" (Laughing my *** off). These two terms have created a vast internet sub-culture, with many variations and spin-offs.
Acronyms vary considerably depending on the internet group, particularly in the case of online games where each game develops its own acronyms within its sub-culture. For example within the context of the online MMORPG World of Warcraft, AP generally refers to "Attack Power" while in the MMORPG Maple Story it refers to "Ability Points". This can lead to considerable confusion for the new user who is often incapable of understanding other users' messages.
[edit] Emoticons (smileys)
Main article: Emoticon
Emoticons - also known as smileys - are a form of ASCII art where a short sequence of printable characters is used to resemble a facial expression and convey an emotion.
The basic "western style" smiley is :-), where the colon represents the eyes, the hyphen for the nose (which is, generally, overlooked,) and the parenthesis for the mouth - hence the name. They may be more easily recognised by tilting one's head to the left. A great many variants exist.
The other major style of emoticon, which does not require the viewer to tilt their head, evolved in East Asia. In the basic smiling manga emoticon, ^_^, the carets represent the eyes, and the underscore a mouth.
Here are some other examples:
:) :/) ;) :( :'( ;( :O :D ^_^ ^}^ <("<)
=) =( :P xD *_* ._. <3 >_< xP =] =[ =/ =P =D =O
;] >.< o.O t(t) -_- -_-" (\_/) <3
('_') (")('_')(")
(___) (_)
U U () ()
It is also possible to make 3D cubes using ASCII:
[edit] 133tspeak
Main article: Leet
133tspeak is another form of misspelling words, except with numbers. Rumors suggest that this idea came about when Hackers spoke online with numbers replacing letters as to prevent private conversations being tapped due to triggering a hacking related keyword. Therefore some users wish to reproduce this image by pretending they are 'hackers' to command some form of respect. Some examples include:
A = 4
B = 13
E = 3
L = 1
S = $
T = 7
And some words:
Two/to,too = 2
For = 4
Ate = 8
And some numbers are even used as symbols. The most common one is a heart, which is represented with a "<3" symbol.
Here is an example sentence: " 7|-|3 /241}\| 1|\| 5|o41|\| |=4|_|_5 |\/|41|\||_'/ 0|\| 7|-|3 |>|_41|\| ", which means "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."
Here is a very basic alphabet for Leetspeak. Full information about the Leet cipher and syntax may be viewed here
A = 4, @
B = 8, |3, 13
C = < OR (
D = |)
E = 3
F = |=
G = 6 or 9
H = |-| #
I = ! 1, |
J = _/
K = |<
L = 1 or |_
M = /V\ |V| /\/\
N = /V /\/
O = 0
P = |> |°
Q = <|
R = |2
S = 5 $ §
T = 7
U = |_| µ
V = \/
W = VV \/\/
X = ><
Y = `/ ¥
Z = 2
[edit] Format tagging
Many internet users are also programmers. Due to this fact, a variation of tagging meant to resemble XML or HTML code is used to give emphasis on posts on blogs, forums, or message boards. For example, in HTML, when "" and "" are placed around text, a web browser will display it in boldface. Because emotions and inflection do not apply to text, Internet users will feign XML tags for such emphasis, such as "…" "…" or "…". These "tags" are often meant to be generally humorous or informative. The opening tag may also sometimes be omitted when a block of text's designation as such is not meant to be known at first, such as when a sarcastic comment is made and only after the reader finishes it do they see the closing tag and realize the intent of the message.
2007-02-16 09:54:14
answer #1
answered by samoa_moni_78 2
OK, lol is usually used for laughing out loud. Actually I only seen it about four times used for something else. I've also seen Lots Of Luck if I'm playing on a poker table. But I also seen it used for Lots Of Love too in a chat room. But normally its used for Laughing Out Loud.
2007-02-16 09:40:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous