The Chimp, my mate was attacked by a chimp at Drayton Manor, He was feeding the chimp skips through the bars.
2007-02-16 09:24:51
answer #1
answered by scorchetti 1
An adult male Chimpanzee has 5-7 times a human being's strength in addition to higher muscle mass, bone density (very important point), and different physiological designs (also very important).
Bruce Lee has speed, but no specific ability to target a chimpanzees weaknesses, because he never trained to do so.
Conversely, with the superior strength, and bone density, one single strike from a chimp would shatter whatever human bone the animal hit. Beyond his, adult male chimpanzees are incredibly aggressive. Mr. Lee would not stand a chance against a Chimp. Period.
2007-02-16 10:09:12
answer #2
answered by Tim D 2
The chimp. No honed skills, just raw instinct, but chimps are incredibly strong and tough. You can't beat the laws of physics, and humans aren't in the same league with chimps. It's like asking, Bruce Lee and a Tiger, who would win?
2007-02-16 09:32:04
answer #3
answered by Kit Young 1
Perhaps if Bruce Lee had been drinking um-bongo he might have more animal instinct, and as it is not a performance enhancing drug, this would be a fair way to improve his chances against da chimp. A chimp such as myself eats bananas, full of potassium to give me energy. In such a battle, my raw power would be more than enough to match Bruce's strength and skill.
2007-02-16 09:44:28
answer #4
answered by Monkey Chimpster 1
Don't be silly you lot!!! Of course Bruce Lee would kick Mr Angry Chimps ***!! Think about it, chimp comes running along the floor in a right ****, jumps for Bruces neck to sink his teeth in and Bruce Lee would give him a one inch punch to the throat and a few more smacks on the way down and as soon as Mr chimp hit the floor half a second later Bruce would be landing on his neck killing him stone dead!!!
I hope this answers your question
2007-02-16 09:35:18
answer #5
answered by Ryan 2
Hmmm.... That's a really tough question.
Considering Bruce Lee is dead it would be impossible to answer, but if we are to assume he were alive in a fair fight against an angry adult male chimp. The answer is obvious.
The Chimp!!!
2007-02-16 09:24:45
answer #6
answered by blakey_33 2
Bruce Lee.
2007-02-16 09:19:47
answer #7
answered by Joe B 5
2007-02-16 11:31:33
answer #8
answered by The Wall 2
2007-02-16 09:19:40
answer #9
answered by Barrett G 6
It would have to be a anything goes type of fight as there would be no way to control the chimp. He would try to bite. But I believe Bruce Lee would be able to win...
2007-02-16 09:22:22
answer #10
answered by Anonymous