Nice try.
Xtians are constantly opening their mouths and spewing their religious garbage. Not only that, there are crosses, crucifixes, Bibles, preachers on TV, ornate churches, 10 commandment debates, abortion bombings b/c its against God, gay-bashing b/c its against the Bible, God Bless this and that, why cant we pray in school?, "God" on money and the pledge therefore it means xtian, and dozens of other xtian propaganda constantly permeating the public landscape like a sickening fog. Its not only the most popular religion in the US, but in the world. So stop the persecution act, douche.
As for your stupid holidays, I could give a rats a-hole about them. And we already have national greed day, its called Christmas.
Nobody cares about Happy Holidays/Merry Xmas, the only time I have ever heard it come up is when an xtian is whining about some people who supposedly having a war on xmas...even tho nobody is having a war on xmas.
Time to get your head out of your a--....I mean out of the sand.
2007-02-16 08:13:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
"it's alright for Buddhists, and Athiests, and Jews, and Muslims, and even Wiccans to bash Christianity" is?
About the Christmas thing: You've got it totally backwards. It's not atheists and liberals that have a problem with "Merry Christmas" -- it's Christians and conservatives that have a problem with "Happy Holidays". The department stores put up signs reading "Happy Holidays" because they wanted to include ALL holidays in December: Christmas, New Year's Eve, Hanukkah, and all the rest. A lot of people on the religious right read into that WAY too far and determined that there's some sort of conspiracy to take Christ out of everything, but that was NEVER the case. Yes, there are some isolated cases of people having problems with Christmas displays, but the VAST majority of atheists have no problem with people doing whatever they want to celebrate Christmas. (A lot of atheists even celebrate Christmas; it doesn't sound like you're aware of that fact.)
2007-02-16 08:18:16
answer #2
answered by . 7
Honey it goes both ways. I get attacked all the time.
Christiams is commericalized. My husband is Christian and doesn't celebrate it at all - meaning that he doesn't do any of the trappings that everyone associates with Christmas. I do not celebrate it at all because I'm not Christian. When I did telephone sales - I told my customers Happy Holiday's - because I'm sensitive that not everyone celebrates Christmas. Because of this my Christian customers yelled at me and told me I was being rude to them!
Christmas falls in a group of other holidays - including ones that have been celebrated longer then Christianity has graced the earth.
Honestly I see more bashing going on from Christians then I do from minority groups. I get bashed more frequently now as a non-Christian then I ever was as a Christian. And the offenders - self described devout Christians. I get told all sorts of things, assumed all sorts of things, and condemned for things that I never have done - all because I'm a non-Christian.
So really - it goes both ways. So while you go on about Christians being abused - think about your post and how it minimalizes the rest of the holidays that fall around Christmas. About how they aren't important - only Christmas is. God forbid they exist alongside yours.
2007-02-16 08:28:46
answer #3
answered by noncrazed 4
All through the ages, christianity has been bashing on everybody that didn't live according to the laws of a make believe god. Maybe it's time christianity was bashed for a while. By the way, christmas is definitely not celebrated by "the world as a whole practically". The world is bigger than your own small perception of what the world is.
2007-02-16 08:18:39
answer #4
answered by chocolatebunny 5
Girlfriend, I've never seen an atheist attack xmas. I have no idea in what alternate universe you saw this happen.
And for the record, missy, happy holidays was not OUR doing. I'm not an expert on the topic, but I do know that that phrase is used to acknowledge the fact that not everyone is christian. As an Atheist, I could give a fat rat's *** if someone says merry xmas. It's more the non-christians than the non-theists who are being considered here.
2007-02-16 08:26:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
"Why not attack Easter? The biggest Christian Holiday.. huh?"
You Xians make me laugh. Are you honestly not aware that your holiday is named after a Pagan Goddess? That would make it...a Pagan holiday. The Spring Equinox, even.
If you're going to bash people, can you at least not be hopelessly ignorant about your own religion's history in the process? Because it's just too ironic, and I have a hard time taking you seriously.
Edit : "What is the point in that? EVERY holiday is "Happy Holidays"" That's exactly the point. There's plenty of other holidays besides Xmas in December. Hannakuh, Ramadan, Yule, Kwanzaa to name a few. Why would you want to exclude everyone else?
2007-02-16 08:17:26
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Whoa there Nellie! It looks like you've worked yourself up into a tangent without doing any kind of research before hand.
Now, shall we look at this rationally? First of all, throughout my 25 years of life, I've gone to church after church after church, and I've met Christian after Christian after Christian, whom all have one thing in common: intolerance. It's a common theme throughout history also. Christians have been the religious bullies of the world. Do a little bit of research on the Witch Trails, the Inquisition and the like and you'll see what I mean.
Secondly, yeah, there are other religions who pick on Christians but considering Christian history, does that really surprise you? I'm not saying it's right by any means, but there is the old saying "You get what you give". This is also called Karma. And one that note, I have never ever known a Buddhist to bash any religion. I'm sorry, but when I read "Buddhist" in your list, I couldn't help but laugh! Obviously you know nothing of Eastern philosophy.
Let me let you in on the history of the "Christian" holidays, okay?
Christmas: Anyone who's done any kind of research knows that Jesus couldn't have been born in December. His birth was sometime between the months of August and September. The reason why Jesus' birthday was set on December 25th is because that was the day Mithra - a Pagan Deity, was born. A Christian, Roman emperor wanted to rid the Pagans of their holiday so he replaced it with Jesus' birthday. Mithra, by the way, was born of a virgin, had 12 disciple's, sacrificed himself to better human-kind, and promised at the end of days he would return. And yes, this was long before Christianity.
Another reason December is celebrated is because it encompansses the shortest days and the longest nights of the year. To us Pagan's it's known as either Winter Solstice or Yule.
Easter: Again, it's a Pagan holiday known as Ostara. It was over-thrown by the Christians, once again, because they wanted to stomp out the worship of Pagan Deities. Ostara was, and still is a festival to welcome the renewal of the earth. Hence Easter eggs, pastel colors, bunnies and baby animals.
So, you know all those "christian" things like the Christmas tree, decorating the Christmas tree, Santa Clause, mistletoe, the Yule log, Easter egg hunts, etc ... Yeah, it's all things you stole from us Pagans. You're welcome! :)
Speaking of America ... you do know that our forefather's were Deists and Freemasons, right? They weren't Christian. This country was founded upon diversity - which Christians quickly forget. Our forefather's came over here to escape the religious-right of Europe.
Tell you what. You want to live in a country dominated and dictated by one religion? Go live over in the Middle East and we'll just see how long you last.
Goddess Bless America!
2007-02-16 09:11:10
answer #7
answered by Joa5 5
Why do the heathen rage?
Sunday, January 1, 2006 1:08 AM PST
At the start of a new year, here's a question worth pondering: Self-styled conservative Republicans dominate the White House and both houses of Congress. With the Sam Alito Supreme Court nomination pending, they've got good chance of turning the U.S. Supreme Court into a veritable right-wing star chamber. So how come they and their media enablers are acting like such crybabies lately?
Witness the so-called "War on Christmas." This imaginary struggle was largely dreamed-up by FoxNews "personalities" Bill O'Reilly and John Gibson. The subtitle of Gibson's book gives the game away: "How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday Is Worse Than You Thought."
The most insidious "liberal" weapon against Christmas consists of substituting godless slogans like "Happy Holidays" for "Merry Christmas."
Never mind that "holiday" derives from "Holy Day," in the same way "Christmas" does "Christ's Mass." It's no longer enough to wish these knuckleheads health and happiness. Failure to actively acknowledge the superiority of Christianity to rival faiths is deemed blasphemy.
We're witnessing the "mainstreaming" of paranoid persecution fantasies that used to be the provenance of fringe outfits like the John Birch Society and the Ku Klux Klan.
As Michelle Goldberg pointed out on, the "War on Christmas" theme made its first appearance in Henry Ford's 1921 anti-Semitic classic "The International Jew."
In a modest triumph of political re-packaging, crimes once held to be exclusively "Jewish" -- impiousness, disloyalty, cosmopolitanism, physical cowardice, sexual license, communism, etc. -- are now called "liberal." Maybe it's even progress of a kind, because liberalism's a voluntary state of mind, while the anti-Semitic undertones never go away.
In a nutshell, it's the politics of fear. It's not enough to be tolerant; anything but wholehearted agreement constitutes an attack on faith.
What I cannot understand, however, is how the Bush White House appears to have succeeded in turning so many once-proud Americans into little whiny crybabies seemingly willing to abandon their constitutional freedoms in the name of the "War on Terror."
From the rise of Barry Goldwater onward, all we've heard from the American right is how we need to "get government off our backs." How the scariest words in the language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you." How we should strive to be rugged individualists like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.
Then came Sept. 11, and what happened? My man Digby ( may have put it best: "Suddenly the he-men of Wal-Mart and the NRA leaped into Big Brother's arms and shrieked 'save me, save me! Do what ever you have to do, they're trying to kill us all!' They now look to Daddy Government ... to check under the bed for them every night, reassure them that the boogeyman won't hurt them and then read them a nice bedtime story about spreading freedom and democracy. It turns out that underneath all this swaggering bravado, the Republicans aren't the Daddy party -- they're the baby party."
Constitution? We don't need no stinkin' constitution. Our Dear Leader, George W. Bush is the only guarantee we need to protect our freedoms. Just this morning, I had an e-mail from a Bush supporter who assured me that if I have nothing to hide, I have nothing to fear.
Thanks, comrade, now I feel much better.
(Lyons is a syndicated columnist.)
2007-02-16 09:59:50
answer #8
answered by AmyB 6
what wiccan attacks christmas ... i mean seriously christmas for the most part is our holiday .. just with a different name. i might enlighten a Christian on what they are really celebrating .. and watch how they disbelieve it. but i wouldn't attack the traditions of it.... decorating the house with holly, mistletoe and a big evergreen, candles and winter scenes, thats all pagan based traditions .. the religions Wicca is based off of.
Why do wiccans bash Christanity? well i do not. but i can see how making the older religions go completly underground and countless modern day attacks at us calling us evil or getting evil looks because we so much as wear a pentacle can leave a bitter taste for alot of wiccans.
but as for why everyone attacks christanity, its because you have painted the biggest target on yourselves.
2007-02-16 08:53:53
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I do not attack your religion. I attack your attitude that your religion is the one and only TRUE religion. I criticize the fact that your religion has simply stolen stories and holidays of many other religions, and now claims them as their own. I question what kind of god would claim to love me but then threaten me with an eternity of torture if i did not love him back and conform to his petty rules. I ask why is it that the religion is so convienient, you can murder somebody today, repent tomorrow and there is no eternal consequences to your murder. and you can continue to kill, and to break any law that you wish to , then repent and it is all ok. I question the motivations of any group of people that would kill everyone that does not follow their paticular belief system.
I wonder why it is that your church seems to need so much money. And the fact that many of your higher ranked officials are rich when your prophet said to live a humble life. you want to talk about greed, most of your churches levy a 10 percent tax on their congregation, they call it a tithe. that is higher than any state income tax.
2007-02-16 08:40:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
because its a fluke!
Christmas originated from Mithras not from christ. They took the birth of Mithras and said jesus was born on dec 25th which he wasnt born then!
Easter comes from Eostre a pagan holiday in worship of the goddess Ostara a fertility goddess. The christian church stole it and made it the resurrection of christ.
What makes you think that christians are always right?
Why are you so worried about christians being persecuted? When the roman empire(then pagan) got converted to christianity they killed all the pagans off not saying the pagans are innocent. Im just saying it happens to all.
now that people are waking up and noticing that Christianity isnt the only WAY, The only TRUTH and the ONLY LIFE the christians become so fragile that their ego gets so easily attacked.
2007-02-16 08:17:36
answer #11
answered by Triskelion 4