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I spose he didn't since he did the whole'O Lord, why have you forsaken me?' thing but then - how is that fair for God to have used Jesus in that way?
What makes the whole idea of a scapegoat (using an innocent to cleanse the sins of the non-innocent) fair at all?
According to Christain teaching, Jesus then went to heaven, but is it a fair price to pay even so? To make an innocent man suffer for everyone else? He didn't choose to die for people's sins, even if he led himself into that position by his teachings, and tolerated the pain he suffered.

2007-02-16 06:19:34 · 21 answers · asked by serf m 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

Yes. He knew.

It was planned since the foundation, the Lamb of God. (Revelation) With out the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins.

The righteous can die for the unrighteous. The unrighteous who die doesn't pay for anyone elses sins.

Because of one mans sin, death ruled and all people die. Because of one mans righteousness, everlasting life is given to all who are born of His spirit, cleansed by His blood.

Jesus was without sin, and that is why he defeated the grave and raised from the dead, in His humanity. He was a human just like us. What you see on the cross is mankind at its worse, torturing an innocent man to death. That is our sin He bore.

In His humanity He chose to obey the Father God to endure the cross. Because He knew He was without sin and would raise from the dead and defeat the snakes hold over mankinds. He obeyed and suffered the cross, so He is our High Priest forever after the order of Melchezedek. While earthly High Priests gave sacrifices first for their own sins then the peoples, and had to keep doing it. Jesus gave himself once and for all.

Jesus died on the cross of a broken heart. God (Elohim) broke for us.

2007-02-16 06:34:36 · answer #1 · answered by t a m i l 6 · 1 0

Sure Jesus knew why he was sent. Many times he told the disciples that he would be lifted high. He told them that if the temple of his body was torn down, it would be rebuilt in three days. He went through the scriptures with the Disciples and showed them passages that pertained to him.

Before Jesus was captured, he was in the Garden. There Jesus prayed to the Father that this cup be removed from me, yet if there is no other way, thy will be done. Jesus had never been apart from the Father before, but now the sins of the whole world, past, present and future, were to be placed on his back. It is sin that seperates man from God. In this torment Jesus cried out Father why have you forsaken me and then it is done and gave up the ghost. Jesus was the Passover Lamb. Even when he meets John the Baptiste, John says, behold the lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the whole world.

Yea, Jesus knew why he was here, and what would happen to him. He was willing to undergo all of it for our sakes. I don't know of greater love than this.

2007-02-16 06:30:20 · answer #2 · answered by ignoramus_the_great 7 · 2 0

Yes he knew, he was God. God the Father could not be in the midst of sin and when Jesus bore the sin of the world God the Father had to turn away because he cannot be in the midst of sin. Jesus still knew, but his flesh still asked why. He was a 100% man and 100% God. The man side of him was asking it, not the God side. The main reason asked that was so we as humans would realize that he was completely forsaken for the sake of us. That doesn't mean He didn't know that it would happen that way. He could came off that cross in an instance if he wanted to, but he didn't, that means he did choose to pay for the sin of man at the expense for being forsaken.

2007-02-16 06:30:35 · answer #3 · answered by Miss Momma 4 · 2 1

Jesus did choose to be a ransom sacrifice. God created us all with free will, both perfect and imperfect creatures. Jesus knew exactly what God had in mind for him, and he accepted it and chose to go through with it.

In Genesis 3:15, God issued the very first Biblical prophecy that involved the seed of the serpent, the seed of the "woman", the enmity that would exist between the two, and the bruising of the head and heel, respectively, that would take place.

The bruising of the woman's seed in the heel, Jesus Christ, occurred when he was put to death in 33 CE. It is a bruising in the heel because he recovered from it when God resurrected him to heavenly life.

But I digress :) Jesus said that his food was to do the will of the Father that sent him. As God's Son, Jesus spent countless aeons of time with Him in heaven before coming to Earth as a perfect human. During that time, the two developed a very close father/son relationship. So when God needed a perfect, faithful life to atone for the perfect one Adam screwed up, He naturally chose His closest associate, the one He trusts more that any other- His only begotten Son.

Still, Jesus wasn't required to die for us. But since both God and Jesus have such love for mankind, Jesus wanted to come to Earth and give us a chance at the everlasting life that Adam and Eve lost for us all.

In terms of fairness, God is perfect and just, so using one perfect life to cancel out another is the most fair resolution possible.

2007-02-16 06:36:37 · answer #4 · answered by danni_d21 4 · 2 0


Jesus told his desciples many times that he would die, and then be raised again. Jesus is the only way to the father.

Jesus also says that he and the father are one.

Jesus is truly God and truly man, In reality, God sent himself to suffer and die for our sins, because God is so perfect his nature does not allow him to condone sin. But he is a loving God who wants a relationship with us, so he came up with a solution.

he most definetly knew what would happen, He asked God why he had forsaken him, and I am not sure, but I think it was kind of a retorical (pardon my spelling) question. He knew the answer.

2007-02-16 06:31:22 · answer #5 · answered by florescentlight 1 · 2 0

Jesus knew exactly why He came to earth,He even said that one of the disciples would betray Him. In bibilical times people would make animal sacrifices and then God sent his Son as the ultimate sacrifice,that all we have to do is ask to be forgiven and we will be. Jesus cried out because He was not in the presence of God. Read Matthew Mark Luke and John pref. John and maybe you can get a better understanding. He died so that we may live

2007-02-16 06:35:05 · answer #6 · answered by sassygrrll7 4 · 1 0

Not only did He know it, He willingly chose it. When He asked why God had forsaken Him He was speaking as a Human who feels pain. It is hard for Christians to understand some of it so I wouldn't expect a non-believer to even try.
Maybe this perspective would help, if you have children. Imagine someone said to you, "You have a choice. You can either watch your child be beaten every day for a year. Or you yourself can be beaten every day for 5 years. Which would you chose? Willingly most parents would offer themselves in place of their child. That is exactly what Jesus did.

2007-02-16 06:30:03 · answer #7 · answered by gtahvfaith 5 · 2 0

He is not the scapegoat. He is the "lamb slain from the foundation of the world". His cry on the cross about being forsaken is a reference to the entire Psalm (22) which ends in triumph. You really need to spend more time reading the book. Then your questions would make more sense. The broken law must be justified. If He died for me I don't have to die, and the law is satisfied.

2007-02-16 06:28:59 · answer #8 · answered by hasse_john 7 · 3 0


When God created mankind, Jesus was there with Him. They planned the whole thing. God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) knew that man would fall (sin). Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice for our sins.

Jesus said, "Why have You forsaken Me?" because at that very moment, when Jesus took on the world's sin, God had to turn away, as He is not able to look upon sin. God poured his wrath down upon Jesus (like a breaking dam). As a man, it was so much for Jesus to have to bear, but He did it out of pure love for us.

2007-02-16 06:29:11 · answer #9 · answered by Christian93 5 · 3 0

Yes he did. He knew it before Adam was created. The prayer shows that he emptied himself of his godly power when he became a man. He wanted the cup removed, only if it was possible and only if it was God's will. The scripture foretold that he would be the "scapegoat" and that that would satisfy God's need for a blood sacrifice for sin. Jesus was in hell until God raised him from the dead on Sunday morning. Once raised from the dead, he sprinkled his blood on the alter in heaven. That is why later he told the disciples to touch and handle him to see he had flesh and bone. The blood was gone.

2007-02-16 06:30:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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