I dont think the shermans get the joke. lol. Very good.
2007-02-16 02:15:07
answer #1
answered by iain xx 4
How long do you know this girl?? If you just met her, she's probably still in that lovy dovy mood and usually people who are in love and who just met are always all over each other. So maybe that's why she needs attention. It is understandable.
But if you have known this girl for a while now, I think there should be some understanding and compromising from both sides. You being in an athletic club and running for the county is all good for you. She should be able to understand that and support you on the things that you like. But you should do the same for her also. Take interest in her. Spend time with her and build up your relationship to the next level. It's all about give and take...compromising....Remember you have chosen to have a friend (your girlfriend). You are not alone anymore and you should cherish that relationship. Compare her to a flower...beautiful, makes you smile...but you have to take care of it, otherwise it will dry out and eventually die. The same goes for you too. ..It's all about give and take....
2007-02-16 10:10:49
answer #2
answered by Natalie 2
You have something that not a lot of people have these days and that is drive and ambition. You want to do well in life and if she had any true feelings, she would never have complained. My fiance is in the RAF and is very ambitious and I would never get in the way of that. He has to work away during the week and he feels guilty as it is so I do not need to lay on another layer. RAF came first, as I am sure your running did so she should have respected that. You will meet someone one day who will respect what you do and then you will realise that you do not need people like her in your life. Good luck with all the running! x
2007-02-16 11:07:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
open your ears buddy, seems its you thats selfish, not the running and coming first in a race that she is on about, read between the lines next time, and stop being a bit big headed thinking she was on about you and your running for your county lol
good luck anyways buddy
2007-02-16 10:23:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
she may not have wanted you to lose-but wanted more time from you-you couldnt give out of need for training or sleep-this will probably always be a problem unless you get someone with the same interests who will understand the sacrifices you have to make.Always remember that it isnt healthy to pour all of yourself into a project,there has to be something left you can offer to someone else.No matter how great you run-it doesnt give you a free pass for the rest of your doings.
2007-02-16 10:04:17
answer #5
answered by cassiepiehoney 6
you both need to compromise,,
you have to ralise that running isnt the be all and end all!! there are other things in life too,, so you should devote a little time each week soley to her!
and she needs to realise how important running is to you!! and that its something that you take seriously and as long as you are spending sometime with just her,m she should support and encourage you whilst your running!!
just my thorts!!
2007-02-16 10:01:40
answer #6
answered by mikey101 3
She sounds like a complete b*tch. Maybe she dumped you because you always used to come first? Ive heard girls are not keen on that.
2007-02-16 17:25:58
answer #7
answered by Gimps Mind 2
I think what she meant was not that you shouldn't race and come in first but that by putting yourself first you are being selfish and not listening to her or others.
2007-02-16 10:01:31
answer #8
answered by Scott W 1
Seems to me your girlfriend is feeling a little neglected. Spend some extra time with her.
2007-02-16 10:01:15
answer #9
answered by thepurestone 2
i think she meant you should keep in mind that other people ae important as well, not only yourself. Stop being selfish, think of the people you love and how your action affects them.
2007-02-16 10:15:54
answer #10
answered by chardonnayormerlot 2