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I have really thick, long, wavy, frizzy hair. I've tried using straightening irons, but that has little to no effect on it. Does anyone know of a method or product that will straighten it, without damage?

2007-02-15 13:04:40 · 12 answers · asked by Dacey 1 in Beauty & Style Hair

12 answers

apply anti frizz serum then do the straightening with strightening iron u will get best results

2007-02-15 14:34:41 · answer #1 · answered by rajan naidu 7 · 1 0

I have the same problem. (: I've heard the Chi Straightener works wonders, but it is expensive.
You can pop in to your local stylist and ask a question, or just come in for a hair cut and ask for tips. One look that I think looks great is if you blow dry your hair and then using a two inch curling iron (or a smaller one for tighter curls) make ringlets. Then rub your fingers through your hair and you get loose waves. It takes about half an hour to do and looks great, keeping your hair looking curly, but not frizzy and yuck.

Here are some great shampoos to use if you want to keep your curly hair frizz-free and shining. have really curly hair and really like sunsilk brand, especially the green line. I use all 3 of the green line products, and once a week I use the pink mouse (it comes in a little tub). It is completely non-greasy and doesn't make your hair feel greasy, but it keeps your curls non frizzy. If your hair is more wavy then curly, I'd use the blue line, but the same thing with the pink tub. These products are available at almost all drug stores. CVS, most major Markets, etc. Easy to buy, and about 5 dollars per bottle. If you need to get rid of frizz, I'd recommend it.

Also, don't cut your hair shorter, let it grow longer. The extra weight of your hair will weight it down. I've gone down that route and it just makes it poofy. However, most importantly, make sure you embrace your curly hair. There aren't enough of us out there!

2007-02-15 21:26:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try using the straightening iron with hairspray. Grab a piece of hair, spray hairspray onto it, then quickly iron it while the hairspray is still wet. It will make a fizzling noise when the iron hits the hairspray... but the hairspray should dry right after the iron hits it, which will hold your hair nice and straight.

Also, try hair relaxers. You can find them in that section of the drugstore hair dye section that's got products made for black people, who often have thick curly hair... I've never tried them but theoretically it should work.

2007-02-15 21:12:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not really sure on how to get your hair as straight as you want it. But there's a product out by VO5 called Spray Mist that is to help condition your hair if you use straightening irons or hairdryers. My hair is pretty straight, but I still use an iron on it. My ends were starting to get dry, damaged and brittle. What you do is spray that stuff on damp hair before you blow dry it, and then afterwards spray it on your ends before you straighten it. It's helped my hair a lot.

2007-02-15 21:12:28 · answer #4 · answered by Megan 4 · 0 0

You could try some heat protective spray before you use a straightener or something like that, I can't think of any names like that right now, but your hairdresser should have some. Also, you might try asking your hairdresser, she/he could have some awesome ideas, because they see many people every day and probably know somebody with the same problem you have.

2007-02-15 21:12:31 · answer #5 · answered by speckcheer 1 · 0 0

i am afraid there is no way to do that with out hair spray. i have a chi flat iron and it really works in one stroke it can complete a piece of curly hair when completely heated. and it does not have that damaged look to it like the conair or store brand irons so try it. the price is pretty unreasonable for it being 200.00 dollars but it is so worth it and it will last a pretty long time with out it loosing its quality.

2007-02-15 21:13:26 · answer #6 · answered by elizabeth s 2 · 0 0

Try using that cerramic straightner that came out on tv a couple of years ago. I can't remember what it was called but you can search yahoo for ceramic straightners and you should find it. It is the one that releases steam at the same time to prevent damage and it also has little combs inside it to prevent further damage.

2007-02-15 21:13:27 · answer #7 · answered by Jorge's Wife 4 · 0 0

yeah- i straighten my hair all the time, however, the key is to do sections. Like, right to left or bottom to top. Also take small pieces of hair at a time and comb in through

2007-02-15 21:12:24 · answer #8 · answered by marysheckler 1 · 0 0

ok..my friend has that same exact problem nd when she trys to straighten it..it looks ok bu its still frizzy. when i do mine..it looks as if i came out of the salon. it really depends on ur hair genes. but i would TRY : washing ur hair, coming it out until theres no knots, put a little oil and mouse in ur hair, wait 1 hour till ur hair is dry nd then straighten it nd telll me how it came out!!

2007-02-15 21:12:04 · answer #9 · answered by ღbrownsugarღ 3 · 0 0

My sister has the same problem and that's what we're trying to figure out; if there's any way it can straighten.

2007-02-15 21:08:17 · answer #10 · answered by claiirreee 2 · 0 0

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