If you are wanting longer hair, why don't you try extensions. If that's not a route you would like to go, try different things. Put some mousse in it and rough it up a bit. Try curling it out. Just experiment. You can also try search for short hair cuts and see how people fix theirs. Hope this helps. And Yes it will get better. Don't cut it again or you will be back to this stage in a couple of months and you will have to start all over! :)
2007-02-15 06:35:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
They are becoming very very popular again. Not the hankie over your head, but the thin piece of material that you can use to hold your bangs back etc.
Get a few of them. I have a short cut right now and LOVE my headbands :)
Don't cut it again, just let it grow out. If you just MUST, try a hankie style covering, or worse, a wig. But if you never get past this iccky stage, it will never be long again.
Oh, and consider coloring some highlights, or change the color, or get it cut/trimmed again to make it as fashionable as possible.
2007-02-15 06:37:11
answer #2
answered by WriterMom 6
Step away from the scissors. I've had a buzz cuts, Mohawks, you name it. I played with my color and used 19 different hair products to get over the urge to cut. Wear cute barrettes, wear a do rag around the house, stay away from the mirror and do not listen to people that say you have to cut it to make it grow - they are morons.
I can't tell you the number of times I slicked my hair back and put on a headband knowing it wasn't the prettiest or most fashion forward hairstyle, but it was fast and got me away from the mirror. I also grew very fond of a baseball hat from a local club, and never in my life had I worn one except during the hair crisis days.
It gets better, I promise. Go get a pedicure, a deep conditioning treatment, or have it colored if you are missing that salon experience. Not cuts!
2007-02-15 06:58:04
answer #3
answered by wwhrd 7
I hear your plea.... I am doing the same thing myself. A friend told me about a product called 'biotin' found at health food stores. she said it is helping not only with her hair but nails as well. As I was talking about this at work, a co-worker mentioned she was using it also and said it was great. of course, this is just through the grapevine. None of us are nutritionists, but look into the product.
As mentioned by the first reply..purchase lots of clips, headbands etc. I find the still getting routine cuts to keep the back of the neck and ears clean also helps with tolerance. good luck!
2007-02-15 06:38:59
answer #4
answered by astryd7 1
I am having the same problem. My hair used to be really long, then I cut it shorter and shorter, now everyone says I should let it grow out again, but I can't stand it.
2007-02-15 06:35:18
answer #5
answered by smartypants909 7
i do no longer see why you want to no longer pull off short hair once you've been prepared to play a contact with some colour on your face...? i counsel, your epidermis looks tremendous, and that i do no longer imagine of your sensible houses are masculine - i might want to assert play with some golds and khaki or silver and gray (i visit't tell if hotter or cooler colorations might want to artwork ideal for you - yet you'' parent it out with a buddy) and positioned for the time of out your huge, blue eyes, use a contact moistrurizer and in accordance to endanger some stain for the cheeks - enable the porcelain epidermis to pop, and use a innovations-blowing, sheer gloss. evaluate geeeently plucking any stray eyebrow hairs - it has a bent to 'open up' the eyes a lot (inspite of the glaring incontrovertible reality that no longer something important - save them organic and organic-searching) Then, have violent purple/purple/blue/eco-friendly/black short hair - no count in case you want a pixie decrease, spikes, mohawk, bedhead - pass wild and performance relaxing such as your hair! Play such as your tomboyishness and make it artwork for you and your type - i imagine of it extremely has skill. Please save in innovations that you've no longer were given masculine sensible houses, and that what might want to likely be perceived as a tad tomboyish can extremely be spunky and relaxing (and girly!) in case you enable it :) strong fulfillment and performance relaxing! -c Oh - and that i might want to pass away the extremely darkish purple lip colour on my own - and SMILE! such as your lips parted! prepare those uber-white enamel of yours :D
2016-11-03 13:15:53
answer #6
answered by ? 4
I don't know how long your hair is so far, but you might want to consider a loose body perm eventually. It can help. You will still need to keep the ends trimmed but it can make things easier when it come to styling it.
2007-02-15 06:37:44
answer #7
answered by LSR 2
I used lots of tiny butterfly clips, baby barrettes, and tiny hair ties, to pull it back in little sections. It would stay out out of my face and I had a different hairstyle everyday.
2007-02-15 06:36:21
answer #8
answered by j_n_js_mommy 2
It'll get better... try using headbands, barrettes, hats, anything just don't cut it
2007-02-15 06:35:00
answer #9
answered by JM 2
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth
2007-02-15 11:58:06
answer #10
answered by Naturale 2