the purpose of shampoo is to disinfect. If you don't like shampoo find some other way to disinfect the germs and dirt or buildup that gets in your hair regardless of how much water you put on it. But if you must only use water, make sure it is hot water. Lemon is also a natural disinfectant.
If you have dry scalp opt for baby shampoo (Johnson and Johnson) which is easy on your scalp and hair.
2007-02-15 04:08:17
answer #1
answered by coochie1 2
Water will not clean the scalp, you need shampoo. Get some for dry hair. Head and shoulders dry scalp is good. If your hair is still dry, try a moisturizing conditioner, but use only a small amount (a quarter size) and rinse well. Aussie is good and cheap. If you can find some pure Jojoba oil at a health food store or Trader Joes, it is very good for the scalp, just put a small amount on your fingertips and massage into the scalp. It's also very cheap (under $4).
2007-02-15 12:18:44
answer #2
answered by grdangel 4
Shampoo is not necessary. Afro hair care is alot diffrent than other types of hair. What may cause grease to some races and hair textures, will be good for nappy/natural afro hair.
for the 2 years I wore my hair in an afro I had to keep it both clean, hydrated, and conditioned. Shampoo is so drying that I had to cut it out to about once a month.
When It was warm I'd wash my hair every other day or at least twice a week with a good conditioner. This method is called NO-POOH because you're not using shampoo for the wash. Then i'd style it with my fingers and let it air dry in the summer sun.
About once a month i'd do a clarifying rince with a mix of applecider vinegar and water to make sure there was no conditioner buildup.
Lots of people with afro textured hair do this. Check out the forums at and also for more information on no-pooh.
I'd use conditioners like Pantene relaxed and natural, or Suave (nappy hair does real good with suave conditioner)
2007-02-15 12:42:44
answer #3
answered by reddy_locks 4
Shampoo is actually for your scalp. Conditioner is for your hair. You should try to get a shampoo/contitioner that is specific for dry hair. Try not to wash it every day, or you can strip your hair of it's natural oils. Only use a little bit: about the size of a your index and middle finger tips is enough for medium/shoulder length hair. Also try not to wash it to the point it gets that squeaky clean feeling - that means your hair has lost some of it's moisture. Try a conditioning mask once a week or once a fortnight, and only condition the ends of your hair.
2007-02-15 12:08:51
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If your hair is very dry its not a good idea to shampoo your hair everyday, a better option would be to use a conditioner instead. All you have to do is skip the shampoo and use a rinse out conditioner. It'll moisturize your hair. I wash my hair 2-3x a week and condition it every night. Use creamy leave in conditioners while your hair is still wet.
2007-02-15 20:35:58
answer #5
answered by Annabella Stephens 6
washing it is a must! if you just washi it with water and no shampoo you will turn out all greasy or yeah looking like you need to take a shower anyway! so what you can can do is wash your hair with regular shampoo and go to sally's beauty supply or your local salon and ask them about a leave deep moisturizing conditioner that stays in for about 10 min. or so with your hair wrapped up in a towel or a cap, and then you rinse it out. every time that I feel my hair or scalp is getting dried out I go to sally's and get that deep conditioning treatment!
2007-02-15 12:24:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Use a shampoo for dry hair and use a good conditioner. You don't need to wash your hair every day. Twice a week is often enought. If you still have a problem, see a dermatologist.
2007-02-15 12:05:00
answer #7
answered by notyou311 7
if you have dry hair you can wash your hair with shampoo every other day or every few days instead of everyday. shampoo takes out the natural oils in your hair. so try skipping a day or two and get a moisturizing shampoo
2007-02-15 12:04:40
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
definatley get a moisterizing shampoo maybe with a conditioner in it. and like the other one said skip a day or two. if your scalp is dry and itchy i always use head and shoulders for that, there are all different kinds in that!
2007-02-15 12:07:16
answer #9
answered by georgina 2
Not if you want it clean if you don't want to Wash your hair every day due to it drying out your hair tyring using just conditioner the second day it makes it feel clean and helps bring back moisture.
2007-02-15 12:58:02
answer #10
answered by Green_eyes 69 3